Clip: The Video Game Years
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S1 E1 - The Video Game Years - 1980
October 30, 201250minTopics in this episode include PacMan, Monaco GP, Atari Breaks Out, Centipede, Battlezone, Sierra Online, Berzerk, Broderbund, Missile Command, Rogue, Tempest, Nintendo Game & Watch, Warlords, Zork & Infocom, Rally X, Rise of the Arcades.This video is currently unavailableS1 E2 - The Video Game Years - 1981
March 11, 20131 h 1 minTopics in this episode include Frogger, Lady Bug, Entex, Galaga, IBM PC, Intellivision Games, Defender, Atari vs KC Munchkin, Donkey Kong, Qix, Kaboom, Venture, Atari Intellivision War, Ultima & Wizardry, Turbo, Tabletop Games, Yars' Revenge, Ms PacManThis video is currently unavailableS1 E3 - The Video Game Years - 1982
October 11, 20131 h 1 minTopics in this episode include Atari 5200, Burgertime, Q*Bert, Pole Position, Commodore 64, Joust, PacMan & E.T. on Atari 2600, Jungle King, Tron, MS Flight Simulator, Popeye, Colecovision, Donkey Kong Jr, Choplifter, Sinistar, Gaming Magazines, Mr Do, Adventurevision & Arcadia, Robotron 2084, Pitfall & Activision.This video is currently unavailableS1 E4 - The Video Game Years - 1983
March 29, 20141 h 2 minTopics in this episode include Elevator Action, Starcade, Tapper, Jumpman, Congo Bongo, Famicom/SG1000/MSX, Dragon's Lair, Keystone Capers, Crystal Castles, Electronic Arts, Donkey Kong 3, Mappy, Spy Hunter, Star Wars: The Arcade Game, Kangaroo, Mario Bros, Track & Field, Ultima III, WarGames, Discs of Tron, Game Piracy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Journey, Joy Sticks, Krull.This video is currently unavailableS1 E5 - The Video Game Years - 1984
June 10, 201459minTopics in this episode include Marble Madness, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Tag Team Wrestling, Warner Bros Sells Atari, Star Force, Karateka, Pac-Land, Paperboy, Cloak & Dagger, Circus Charlie, Babbage's, Kung-Fu Master, Summer Games, H.E.R.O., Space Ace, Lode Runner, Nintendo Vs System, Elite, Karate Champ, Punch-Out!, The Last Starfighter, Return of The Jedi, King's Quest, Cobra Command.This video is currently unavailableS1 E6 - The Video Game Years - 1985
August 19, 20141hTopics in this episode include Commando, Ultima IV, Ring King, Nintendo Entertainment System, Hang-On, Amiga, Carmen Sandiego, Super Mario Bros., Space Harrier, Clu Clu Land, Twin Bee, Silent Service, Ghosts & Goblins, Gauntlet, The Bard's Tale, Section Z, Excitebike, The Oregon Trail, Gradius, F-15 Strike Eagle, City Connection, Temple of Doom, Gun.Smoke, Hogan's Alley, Yie Ar Kung-Fu.This video is currently unavailableS1 E7 - The Video Game Years - 1986
October 23, 201456minTopics in this episode include Sega Master System, Arkanoid, Gumshoe, Jackal (Top Gunner), Out Run, Starflight, PlayChoice 10, Alex Kidd, Atari 7800, Gunship, Chiller, Rampage, Fantasy Zone, Mighty Bomb Jack, Rolling Thunder, Legendary Wings, Urban Champion, 720 Degrees, Double Dribble, Life Force, Side Pocket, Super Sprint, Balloon Fight, Space Quest, Defender of the Crown.This video is currently unavailableS1 E8 - The Video Game Years - 1987
March 24, 201559minTopics include Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, Metroid, Mega Man, Double Dragon, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, After Burner, Rad Racer, PacMania, Leisure Suit Larry, Wizards & Warriors, Shinobi, Top Gun, Maniac Mansion, Goonies II, 1943, Atari XE, Rygar, Earl Weaver Baseball, Alien Syndrome, Kid Icarus, Operation Wolf, LJN Games, Police Quest, Roadblasters, Pro Wrestling.This video is currently unavailableS1 E9 - The Video Game Years - 1988
August 5, 20151 h 3 minTopics include Contra, Metal Gear, Anticipation, Adventure Island, Castlevania II Simon's Quest, Ghostbusters, NARC, Pool of Radiance, Zelda II The Adventure of Link, Blaster Master, RC Pro Am, Phantasy Star, Bionic Commando, John Madden Football, Bubble Bobble, Cabal, T&C Surf Design, Nintendo Power, Golgo 13, Double Dragon II, Blades of Steel, Super Mario Bros 2, RBI Baseball, Skate or Die!This video is currently unavailableS1 E10 - The Video Game Years - 1989
October 26, 20151 h 19 minAll this and much more! Game Boy, Tetris, Friday the 13th, Sega Genesis, A Boy and his Blob, Quest For Glory, Duck Tales, Shadowgate, Captain N, Super Mario Super Show, Populous, Hard Drivin, Turbo Grafx, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Baseball Stars, Dragon Warrior, Atari Lynx, Power Glove, Golden Axe, Wrestlemania, Prince of Persia, Tecmo Bowl, Super Mario Land, Bomberman, Sim City, Ninja GaidenThis video is currently unavailable
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