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Component Diagram

コンポーネント図:コンポーネント図は、システム・コンポーネントの構成と関係を視覚化するために UML(統一モデリング言 語)で使用される構造図の一種です。これらの図は、複雑なシステムを管理可能なコンポーネントに分解し、それらの相互依存性を示し、効 率的なシステム設計とアーキテクチャを保証するのに役立ちます。

PlantUML の利点
  • 単純さ:PlantUML では、シンプルで直感的なテキストベースの記述を使用してコン ポーネント図を作成することができ、複雑な描画ツールの必要性を排除し ます。
  • 統合:PlantUML は、様々なツールやプラットフォームとシームレスに統合され、 開発者やアーキテクトにとって多目的な選択肢となります。
  • CollaborationPlantUML フォーラムは、ユーザが自分のダイアグラムについて議論し、 共有し、支援を求めるためのプラットフォームを提供し、コラボレーショ ン・コミュニティを育成します。

Component Diagram: A component diagram is a type of structural diagram used in UML (Unified Modeling Language) to visualize the organization and relationships of system components. These diagrams help in breaking down complex systems into manageable components, showcasing their interdependencies, and ensuring efficient system design and architecture.

Advantages of PlantUML:
  • Simplicity: With PlantUML, you can create component diagrams using simple and intuitive text-based descriptions, eliminating the need for complex drawing tools.
  • Integration: PlantUML seamlessly integrates with various tools and platforms, making it a versatile choice for developers and architects.
  • Collaboration: The PlantUML forum offers a platform for users to discuss, share, and seek assistance on their diagrams, fostering a collaborative community.




また、 component キーワードでもコンポーネントを定義できます。この場合、コンポーネント名に空白や特殊文字を含まなければ括弧を省略することができます。

コンポーネントには as キーワードにより別名をつけることができます。 この別名は、後でリレーションを定義するときに使えます。


[First component]
[Another component] as Comp2
component Comp3
component [Last\ncomponent] as Comp4




component [$C1]
component [$C2] $C2
component [$C2] as dollarC2
remove $C1
remove $C2
remove dollarC2

Components must be bracketed.

You can also use the component keyword to define a component. In this case the brackets can be omitted, but only if the component name does not include white-space or special characters.

You can define an alias, using the as keyword. This alias will be used later, when defining relations.


[First component]
[Another component] as Comp2
component Comp3
component [Last\ncomponent] as Comp4


Naming exceptions

Note that component names starting with $ cannot be hidden or removed later, because hide and remove command will consider the name a $tag instead of a component name. To later remove such component they must have an alias or must be tagged.

component [$C1]
component [$C2] $C2
component [$C2] as dollarC2
remove $C1
remove $C2
remove dollarC2



インタフェースは丸括弧 () でシンボルを囲うことで定義できます。 (何故なら見た目が丸いからです。)

もちろん interface キーワードを使って定義することもできます。 as キーワードでエイリアスを定義できます。 このエイリアスは後で、関係を定義する時に使えます。



() "First Interface"
() "Another interface" as Interf2
interface Interf3
interface "Last\ninterface" as Interf4

footer //Adding "component" to force diagram to be a **component diagram**//

Interface can be defined using the () symbol (because this looks like a circle).

You can also use the interface keyword to define an interface. And you can define an alias, using the as keyword. This alias will be used latter, when defining relations.

We will see latter that interface definition is optional.


() "First Interface"
() "Another interface" as Interf2
interface Interf3
interface "Last\ninterface" as Interf4

footer //Adding "component" to force diagram to be a **component diagram**//


Basic example

要素間の関係は、破線 (..)、直線 (--), 矢印 (-->) の組合せで構成されます。


DataAccess - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use


Links between elements are made using combinations of dotted line (..), straight line (--), and arrows (-->) symbols.


DataAccess - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use



Using notes

オブジェクトに関連のあるノートを作成するにはnote left ofnote right ofnote top ofnote bottom of キーワードを使います。

[Component] as C

note top of C: A top note

note bottom of C
  A bottom note can also
  be on several lines
end note

note left of C
  A left note can also
  be on several lines
end note

note right of C: A right note

または note キーワードを使ってノートを作成し、.. 記号(または任意の矢印記号(---、...))を使ってオブジェクトに紐づけることができます。

[Component] as C

note as N
  A floating note can also
  be on several lines
end note

C .. N



interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use

note left of HTTP : Web Service only

note right of [First Component]
  A note can also
  be on several lines
end note


You can use the note left of , note right of , note top of , note bottom of keywords to define notes related to a single object.

[Component] as C

note top of C: A top note

note bottom of C
  A bottom note can also
  be on several lines
end note

note left of C
  A left note can also
  be on several lines
end note

note right of C: A right note

A note can be also defined alone with the note keywords, then linked to other objects using the .. symbol or whatever arrow symbol (-, --, ...).

[Component] as C

note as N
  A floating note can also
  be on several lines
end note

C .. N

Another note example:


interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use

note left of HTTP : Web Service only

note right of [First Component]
  A note can also
  be on several lines
end note



Grouping Components

  • package
  • node
  • folder
  • frame
  • cloud
  • database


package "Some Group" {
  HTTP - [First Component]
  [Another Component]

node "Other Groups" {
  FTP - [Second Component]
  [First Component] --> FTP

cloud {
  [Example 1]

database "MySql" {
  folder "This is my folder" {
    [Folder 3]
  frame "Foo" {
    [Frame 4]

[Another Component] --> [Example 1]
[Example 1] --> [Folder 3]
[Folder 3] --> [Frame 4]


You can use several keywords to group components and interfaces together:
  • package
  • node
  • folder
  • frame
  • cloud
  • database


package "Some Group" {
  HTTP - [First Component]
  [Another Component]

node "Other Groups" {
  FTP - [Second Component]
  [First Component] --> FTP

cloud {
  [Example 1]

database "MySql" {
  folder "This is my folder" {
    [Folder 3]
  frame "Foo" {
    [Frame 4]

[Another Component] --> [Example 1]
[Example 1] --> [Folder 3]
[Folder 3] --> [Frame 4]



Changing arrows direction

デフォルトではクラス間のリンクは 2 つのダッシュ -- を持っており垂直方向に配向されています。 次のように単一のダッシュ(またはドット)を置くことによって水平方向のリンクを使用することが可能です:

[Component] --> Interface1
[Component] -> Interface2


Interface1 <-- [Component]
Interface2 <- [Component]

また、 left を加えることで矢印の向きを変更することもできます。 right, up, down などのキーワードを矢印の間に記述します。:

[Component] -left-> left
[Component] -right-> right
[Component] -up-> up
[Component] -down-> down

方向の最初の文字のみを使用して矢印を短くすることができます(例えば、-down- の代わりに-d-)、または最初の 2 文字(-do-)。

この機能を悪用してはならないことに注意してください:Graphviz は微調整の必要がない良い結果を通常は与えてくれます。

left to right directionパラメータを指定した場合は、次のようになります。:

left to right direction
[Component] -left-> left
[Component] -right-> right
[Component] -up-> up
[Component] -down-> down

See also 'Change diagram orientation' on Deployment diagram page.

By default, links between classes have two dashes -- and are vertically oriented. It is possible to use horizontal link by putting a single dash (or dot) like this:

[Component] --> Interface1
[Component] -> Interface2

You can also change directions by reversing the link:

Interface1 <-- [Component]
Interface2 <- [Component]

It is also possible to change arrow direction by adding left, right, up or down keywords inside the arrow:

[Component] -left-> left
[Component] -right-> right
[Component] -up-> up
[Component] -down-> down

You can shorten the arrow by using only the first character of the direction (for example, -d- instead of -down-) or the two first characters (-do-).

Please note that you should not abuse this functionality : Graphviz gives usually good results without tweaking.

And with the left to right direction parameter:

left to right direction
[Component] -left-> left
[Component] -right-> right
[Component] -up-> up
[Component] -down-> down

See also 'Change diagram orientation' on Deployment diagram page.

UML2 表記の使用

Use UML2 notation



interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use


By default (from v1.2020.13-14), UML2 notation is used.


interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use


UML1 表記の使用

Use UML1 notation

コマンド skinparam componentStyle uml1 は、UML1 表記に切り替えるために使用されます。

skinparam componentStyle uml1

interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use


The skinparam componentStyle uml1 command is used to switch to UML1 notation.

skinparam componentStyle uml1

interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use



Use rectangle notation (remove UML notation)

skinparam componentStyle rectangleコマンドを使用すると、UML表記ではなく四角形による表記を行うことができます。

skinparam componentStyle rectangle

interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use


The skinparam componentStyle rectangle command is used to switch to rectangle notation (without any UML notation).

skinparam componentStyle rectangle

interface "Data Access" as DA

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use



Long description


component comp1 [
This component
has a long comment
on several lines

It is possible to put description on several lines using square brackets.

component comp1 [
This component
has a long comment
on several lines


Individual colors


component  [Web Server] #Yellow

You can specify a color after component definition.

component  [Web Server] #Yellow


Using Sprite in Stereotype


sprite $businessProcess [16x16/16] {

rectangle " End to End\nbusiness process" <<$businessProcess>> {
 rectangle "inner process 1" <<$businessProcess>> as src
 rectangle "inner process 2" <<$businessProcess>> as tgt
 src -> tgt

You can use sprites within stereotype components.

sprite $businessProcess [16x16/16] {

rectangle " End to End\nbusiness process" <<$businessProcess>> {
 rectangle "inner process 1" <<$businessProcess>> as src
 rectangle "inner process 2" <<$businessProcess>> as tgt
 src -> tgt



ダイアグラムの色やフォントを変更するには skinparam コマンドを使用します。




skinparam interface {
  backgroundColor RosyBrown
  borderColor orange

skinparam component {
  FontSize 13
  BackgroundColor<<Apache>> Pink
  BorderColor<<Apache>> #FF6655
  FontName Courier
  BorderColor black
  BackgroundColor gold
  ArrowFontName Impact
  ArrowColor #FF6655
  ArrowFontColor #777777

() "Data Access" as DA
Component "Web Server" as WS << Apache >>

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> () HTTP : use



skinparam component {
    backgroundColor<<static_lib>> DarkKhaki
    backgroundColor<<shared_lib>> Green

skinparam node {
borderColor Green
backgroundColor Yellow
backgroundColor<<shared_node>> Magenta
skinparam databaseBackgroundColor Aqua

[AA] <<static_lib>>
[BB] <<shared_lib>>
[CC] <<static_lib>>

node node1
node node2 <<shared node>>
database Production


 This translation need to be updated. 

You can use the skinparam command to change colors and fonts for the drawing.

You can use this command :

You can define specific color and fonts for stereotyped components and interfaces.


skinparam interface {
  backgroundColor RosyBrown
  borderColor orange

skinparam component {
  FontSize 13
  BackgroundColor<<Apache>> Pink
  BorderColor<<Apache>> #FF6655
  FontName Courier
  BorderColor black
  BackgroundColor gold
  ArrowFontName Impact
  ArrowColor #FF6655
  ArrowFontColor #777777

() "Data Access" as DA
Component "Web Server" as WS << Apache >>

DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> () HTTP : use



skinparam component {
  backgroundColor<<static lib>> DarkKhaki
  backgroundColor<<shared lib>> Green

skinparam node {
  borderColor Green
  backgroundColor Yellow
  backgroundColor<<shared_node>> Magenta
skinparam databaseBackgroundColor Aqua

[AA] <<static lib>>
[BB] <<shared lib>>
[CC] <<static lib>>

node node1
node node2 <<shared_node>>
database Production



Specific SkinParameter


  • デフォルトで(もしくはskinparam componentStyle uml2を指定することで)、コンポーネントにはアイコンが表示されます。

skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam componentStyle uml2
component A {
   component "A.1" {
   component A.44 {
   component "A.2"
   component A.5 [
   component A.6 [

  • これを非表示にして四角形だけを表示するには、skinparam componentStyle rectangleを指定します。

skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam componentStyle rectangle
component A {
   component "A.1" {
   component A.44 {
   component "A.2"
   component A.5 [
   component A.6 [

[Ref. 10798]


  • By default (or with skinparam componentStyle uml2), you have an icon for component

skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam componentStyle uml2
component A {
   component "A.1" {
   component A.44 {
   component "A.2"
   component A.5 [
   component A.6 [

  • If you want to suppress it, and to have only the rectangle, you can use skinparam componentStyle rectangle

skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam componentStyle rectangle
component A {
   component "A.1" {
   component A.44 {
   component "A.2"
   component A.5 [
   component A.6 [

[Ref. 10798]


Hide or Remove unlinked component


component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2

  • しかし、hide @unlinkedで、孤立したコンポーネントを非表示にできます:

component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2

hide @unlinked

  • もしくは、remove @unlinkedで、孤立したコンポーネントを削除できます:

component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2

remove @unlinked

[Ref. QA-11052]

By default, all components are displayed:

component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2

But you can:
  • hide @unlinked components:

component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2

hide @unlinked

  • or remove @unlinked components:

component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2

remove @unlinked

[Ref. QA-11052]


Hide, Remove or Restore tagged component or wildcard



component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

  • $tag13のコンポーネントを非表示にする:

component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

hide $tag13

  • $tag13のコンポーネントを削除する:

component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

remove $tag13

  • $tag13のコンポーネントを削除するが$tag1は表示する:

component C1 $tag13 $tag1
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

remove $tag13
restore $tag1

  • *(すべてのコンポーネント)を削除するが$tag1は表示する:

component C1 $tag13 $tag1
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

remove *
restore $tag1

[Ref. QA-7337 and QA-11052]

You can put $tags (using $) on components, then remove, hide or restore components either individually or by tags.

By default, all components are displayed:

component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

But you can:
  • hide $tag13 components:

component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

hide $tag13

  • or remove $tag13 components:

component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

remove $tag13

  • or remove $tag13 and restore $tag1 components:

component C1 $tag13 $tag1
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

remove $tag13
restore $tag1

  • or remove * and restore $tag1 components:

component C1 $tag13 $tag1
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2

remove *
restore $tag1

[Ref. QA-7337 and QA-11052]

Display JSON Data on Component diagram

Simple example


component Component
()        Interface

json JSON {
   "color": ["Red", "Green"]

[Ref. QA-15481]

For another example, see on JSON page.

Port [port, portIn, portOut]

You can add port with port, portinand portout keywords.


component C {
  port p1
  port p2
  port p3
  component c1

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> c1
p2 --> c1


component C {
  portin p1
  portin p2
  portin p3
  component c1

c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> c1
p2 --> c1


component C {
  portout p1
  portout p2
  portout p3
  component c1
p1 --> o
p2 --> o
p3 --> o
c1 --> p1

Mixing PortIn & PortOut

component C {
  portin p1
  portin p2
  portin p3
  portout po1
  portout po2
  portout po3
  component c1

i --> p1
i --> p2
i --> p3
p1 --> c1
p2 --> c1
po1 --> o
po2 --> o
po3 --> o
c1 --> po1

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This website is still in beta testing.