Component Diagram
Komponentendiagramm: Ein Komponentendiagramm ist eine Art von Strukturdiagramm, das in der UML (Unified Modeling Language) verwendet wird, um die Organisation und die Beziehungen von Systemkomponenten zu visualisieren. Diese Diagramme helfen dabei, komplexe Systeme in überschaubare Komponenten zu zerlegen, deren Abhängigkeiten darzustellen und eine effiziente Systemgestaltung und -architektur zu gewährleisten.
Vorteile von PlantUML:
- Einfachheit: Mit PlantUML können Sie Komponentendiagramme mit einfachen und intuitiven textbasierten Beschreibungen erstellen, wodurch komplexe Zeichenwerkzeuge überflüssig werden.
- Integration: PlantUML lässt sich nahtlos in verschiedene Werkzeuge und Plattformen integrieren, was es zu einer vielseitigen Wahl für Entwickler und Architekten macht.
- Kollaboration: Das PlantUML-Forum bietet eine Plattform für Benutzer, um ihre Diagramme zu diskutieren, auszutauschen und um Unterstützung zu bitten, wodurch eine kollaborative Gemeinschaft gefördert wird.
Component Diagram: A component diagram is a type of structural diagram used in UML (Unified Modeling Language) to visualize the organization and relationships of system components. These diagrams help in breaking down complex systems into manageable components, showcasing their interdependencies, and ensuring efficient system design and architecture.
Advantages of PlantUML:
- Simplicity: With PlantUML, you can create component diagrams using simple and intuitive text-based descriptions, eliminating the need for complex drawing tools.
- Integration: PlantUML seamlessly integrates with various tools and platforms, making it a versatile choice for developers and architects.
- Collaboration: The PlantUML forum offers a platform for users to discuss, share, and seek assistance on their diagrams, fostering a collaborative community.
Komponenten werden mittels eckiger Klammern definiert.
Alternativ kann das Schlüsselwort component verwendet werden, um eine Komponente zu definieren.
Mittels Schlüsselwort as lassen sich Aliase definieren.
Aliase können verwendet werden, wenn Beziehungen definiert werden.
[First component]
[Another component] as Comp2
component Comp3
component [Last\ncomponent] as Comp4
WARNING This translation need to be updated. WARNING
Components must be bracketed.
You can also use the component keyword to define a component. In this case the brackets can be omitted, but only if the component name does not include white-space or special characters.
You can define an alias, using the as keyword.
This alias will be used later, when defining relations.
[First component]
[Another component] as Comp2
component Comp3
component [Last\ncomponent] as Comp4
Naming exceptions
Note that component names starting with $ cannot be hidden or removed later, because hide and remove command will consider the name a $tag instead of a component name. To later remove such component they must have an alias or must be tagged.
component [$C1]
component [$C2] $C2
component [$C2] as dollarC2
remove $C1
remove $C2
remove dollarC2
Schnittstellen werden mit zwei Runden Klammern () definiert.
Alternativ kann das Schlüsselwort interface verwendet werden, um Schnittstellen zu definieren.
Mittels Schlüsselwort as lassen sich Aliase definieren.
Aliase können verwendet werden, wenn Beziehungen definiert werden.
Die Deklaration von Schnittstellen ist optional.
() "First Interface"
() "Another interface" as Interf2
interface Interf3
interface "Last\ninterface" as Interf4
Interface can be defined using the () symbol (because this looks like a circle).
You can also use the interface keyword to define an interface.
And you can define an alias, using the as keyword.
This alias will be used latter, when defining relations.
We will see latter that interface definition is optional.
() "First Interface"
() "Another interface" as Interf2
interface Interf3
interface "Last\ninterface" as Interf4
footer //Adding "component" to force diagram to be a **component diagram**//
Grundlegendes Beispiel
Basic example
Verbindungen zwischen Elementen werden durch Kombinationen von gepunkteten Linien
( .. ), geraden Linien ( -- ) und Pfeilen ( --> )
DataAccess - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
Links between elements are made using combinations of dotted line
( .. ), straight line ( -- ), and arrows ( --> )
DataAccess - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
Using notes
note left of , note right of ,
note top of , note bottom of
Diese Schlüsselwörter können eingesetzt werden, um Notizen für ein einzelnes Objekt zu erstellen.
Eine Notiz kann mit note definiert werden.
Danach kann sie mittels .. mit anderen Objekten verbunden werden.
interface "Data Access" as DA
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
note left of HTTP : Web Service only
note right of [First Component]
A note can also
be on several lines
end note
WARNING This translation need to be updated. WARNING
You can use the
note left of , note right of ,
note top of , note bottom of
keywords to define notes related to a single object.
[Component] as C
note top of C: A top note
note bottom of C
A bottom note can also
be on several lines
end note
note left of C
A left note can also
be on several lines
end note
note right of C: A right note
A note can be also defined alone with the note
keywords, then linked to other objects using the .. symbol or whatever arrow symbol ( - , -- , ...).
[Component] as C
note as N
A floating note can also
be on several lines
end note
C .. N
Another note example:
interface "Data Access" as DA
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
note left of HTTP : Web Service only
note right of [First Component]
A note can also
be on several lines
end note
Gruppierende Komponenten
Grouping Components
Mit package lassen sich Komponenten und Schnittstellen gruppieren.
package "Some Group" {
HTTP - [First Component]
[Another Component]
node "Other Groups" {
FTP - [Second Component]
[First Component] --> FTP
cloud {
[Example 1]
database "MySql" {
folder "This is my folder" {
[Folder 3]
frame "Foo" {
[Frame 4]
[Another Component] --> [Example 1]
[Example 1] --> [Folder 3]
[Folder 3] --> [Frame 4]
You can use several keywords to group components and interfaces together:
package "Some Group" {
HTTP - [First Component]
[Another Component]
node "Other Groups" {
FTP - [Second Component]
[First Component] --> FTP
cloud {
[Example 1]
database "MySql" {
folder "This is my folder" {
[Folder 3]
frame "Foo" {
[Frame 4]
[Another Component] --> [Example 1]
[Example 1] --> [Folder 3]
[Folder 3] --> [Frame 4]
Ändern der Pfeilrichtung
Changing arrows direction
Verbindungen werden mit zwei Minus-Zeichen -- definiert und sind vertikal orientiert.
Um eine horizontale Orientierung zu erhalten, kann die Verbindung mit nur einem Minus-Zeichen (oder Punkt) definiert werden:
[Component] --> Interface1
[Component] -> Interface2
Die Pfeilsymbole können umgedreht werden, um die Pfeilrichtung zu ändern:
Interface1 <-- [Component]
Interface2 <- [Component]
Die Pfeilrichtung lässt sich auch mit den Schlüsselwörtern left ,
right , up und down ändern. Diese Schlüsselwörter werden innerhalb des Pfeil-Symbols eingesetzt:
[Component] -left-> left
[Component] -right-> right
[Component] -up-> up
[Component] -down-> down
Die Pfeillänge kann verkürzt werden, wenn bei der Deklaration der Pfeilrichtung nur der Anfangsbuchstabe (oder ersten zwei Anfangsbuchstaben) verwendet werden:
Beispielsweise -d- oder -do- statt -down- .
Diese Funktionalität ist jedoch mit Bedacht einzusetzen, da GraphViz
normalerweise gute Resultate ohne manuelle Eingriffe erzielt.
_See also 'Change diagram orientation' on [Deployment diagram](deployment-diagram) page._
By default, links between classes have two dashes -- and are vertically oriented.
It is possible to use horizontal link by putting a single dash (or dot) like this:
[Component] --> Interface1
[Component] -> Interface2
You can also change directions by reversing the link:
Interface1 <-- [Component]
Interface2 <- [Component]
It is also possible to change arrow direction by adding left , right , up
or down keywords inside the arrow:
[Component] -left-> left
[Component] -right-> right
[Component] -up-> up
[Component] -down-> down
You can shorten the arrow by using only the first character of the direction (for example, -d- instead of
-down- )
or the two first characters ( -do- ).
Please note that you should not abuse this functionality : Graphviz gives usually good results without tweaking.
And with the left to right direction parameter:
left to right direction
[Component] -left-> left
[Component] -right-> right
[Component] -up-> up
[Component] -down-> down
See also 'Change diagram orientation' on Deployment diagram page.
Use UML2 notation
By default (from v1.2020.13-14), UML2 notation is used.
interface "Data Access" as DA
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
UML1-Notation verwenden
Use UML1 notation
Der skinparam componentStyle uml1 Befehl wird werwendet, um in die UML1 Notation umzuschalten.
skinparam componentStyle uml1
interface "Data Access" as DA
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
The skinparam componentStyle uml1 command is used to switch to UML1 notation.
skinparam componentStyle uml1
interface "Data Access" as DA
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
Use rectangle notation (remove UML notation)
The skinparam componentStyle rectangle command is used to switch to rectangle notation (without any UML notation).
skinparam componentStyle rectangle
interface "Data Access" as DA
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> HTTP : use
Mehrzeilige Beschreibung
Long description
Es ist möglich mehrzeilige Beschreibungen zu erstellen mithilfe von eckigen Klammern
component comp1 [
This component
has a long comment
on several lines
It is possible to put description on several lines using square brackets.
component comp1 [
This component
has a long comment
on several lines
Individuelle Farben
Individual colors
Eine Farbe kann nach der Komponenten Definition angeben werden.
component [Web Server] #Yellow
You can specify a color after component definition.
component [Web Server] #Yellow
Verwendung von Sprites in Stereotypen
Using Sprite in Stereotype
Sie können Sprites innerhalb von stereotypen Komponenten verwenden.
sprite $businessProcess [16x16/16] {
rectangle " End to End\nbusiness process" <<$businessProcess>> {
rectangle "inner process 1" <<$businessProcess>> as src
rectangle "inner process 2" <<$businessProcess>> as tgt
src -> tgt
You can use sprites within stereotype components.
sprite $businessProcess [16x16/16] {
rectangle " End to End\nbusiness process" <<$businessProcess>> {
rectangle "inner process 1" <<$businessProcess>> as src
rectangle "inner process 2" <<$businessProcess>> as tgt
src -> tgt
Der Skinparam Befehl
Mit dem skinparam Befehl kann die Farbe und die Schriftart der Zeichnung verändert werden.
Sie können den Befehl auf die folgenden Arten verwenden:
Es können unterschiedliche Farben und Schriftarten für "stereotypisierte" Komponenten und Schnittstellen verwendet werden.
skinparam interface {
backgroundColor RosyBrown
borderColor orange
skinparam component {
FontSize 13
BackgroundColor<<Apache>> Pink
BorderColor<<Apache>> #FF6655
FontName Courier
BorderColor black
BackgroundColor gold
ArrowFontName Impact
ArrowColor #FF6655
ArrowFontColor #777777
() "Data Access" as DA
Component "Web Server" as WS << Apache >>
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> () HTTP : use
skinparam component {
backgroundColor<<static lib>> DarkKhaki
backgroundColor<<shared lib>> Green
skinparam node {
borderColor Green
backgroundColor Yellow
backgroundColor<<shared_node>> Magenta
skinparam databaseBackgroundColor Aqua
[AA] <<static lib>>
[BB] <<shared lib>>
[CC] <<static lib>>
node node1
node node2 <<shared_node>>
database Production
You can use the skinparam
command to change colors and fonts for the drawing.
You can use this command :
You can define specific color and fonts for stereotyped components and interfaces.
skinparam interface {
backgroundColor RosyBrown
borderColor orange
skinparam component {
FontSize 13
BackgroundColor<<Apache>> Pink
BorderColor<<Apache>> #FF6655
FontName Courier
BorderColor black
BackgroundColor gold
ArrowFontName Impact
ArrowColor #FF6655
ArrowFontColor #777777
() "Data Access" as DA
Component "Web Server" as WS << Apache >>
DA - [First Component]
[First Component] ..> () HTTP : use
skinparam component {
backgroundColor<<static lib>> DarkKhaki
backgroundColor<<shared lib>> Green
skinparam node {
borderColor Green
backgroundColor Yellow
backgroundColor<<shared_node>> Magenta
skinparam databaseBackgroundColor Aqua
[AA] <<static lib>>
[BB] <<shared lib>>
[CC] <<static lib>>
node node1
node node2 <<shared_node>>
database Production
Specific SkinParameter
- By default (or with
skinparam componentStyle uml2 ), you have an icon for component
skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam componentStyle uml2
component A {
component "A.1" {
component A.44 {
component "A.2"
component A.5 [
component A.6 [
- If you want to suppress it, and to have only the rectangle, you can use
skinparam componentStyle rectangle
skinparam BackgroundColor transparent
skinparam componentStyle rectangle
component A {
component "A.1" {
component A.44 {
component "A.2"
component A.5 [
component A.6 [
[Ref. 10798]
Hide or Remove unlinked component
By default, all components are displayed:
component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2
But you can:
hide @unlinked components:
component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2
hide @unlinked
- or
remove @unlinked components:
component C1
component C2
component C3
C1 -- C2
remove @unlinked
[Ref. QA-11052]
Hide, Remove or Restore tagged component or wildcard
You can put $tags (using $ ) on components, then remove, hide or restore components either individually or by tags.
By default, all components are displayed:
component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2
But you can:
component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2
hide $tag13
- or
remove $tag13 components:
component C1 $tag13
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2
remove $tag13
- or
remove $tag13 and restore $tag1 components:
component C1 $tag13 $tag1
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2
remove $tag13
restore $tag1
- or
remove * and restore $tag1 components:
component C1 $tag13 $tag1
component C2
component C3 $tag13
C1 -- C2
remove *
restore $tag1
[Ref. QA-7337 and QA-11052]
Display JSON Data on Component diagram
Simple example
component Component
() Interface
json JSON {
"color": ["Red", "Green"]
[Ref. QA-15481]
For another example, see on JSON page.
Port [port, portIn, portOut]
You can add port with port , portin and portout keywords.
component C {
port p1
port p2
port p3
component c1
c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> c1
p2 --> c1
component C {
portin p1
portin p2
portin p3
component c1
c --> p1
c --> p2
c --> p3
p1 --> c1
p2 --> c1
component C {
portout p1
portout p2
portout p3
component c1
p1 --> o
p2 --> o
p3 --> o
c1 --> p1
Mixing PortIn & PortOut
component C {
portin p1
portin p2
portin p3
portout po1
portout po2
portout po3
component c1
i --> p1
i --> p2
i --> p3
p1 --> c1
p2 --> c1
po1 --> o
po2 --> o
po3 --> o
c1 --> po1