Pulp Flicktion
By Pulp Flicktion

Szn 2 Ep. 1 - Smile Review *VIDEO*
Welcome back to a brand new season Pulp Flicktion! With this season, we are bringing you guys new content including simple, short movie reviews amongst other things. Tune in to hear our thoughts on the new horror flick 'Smile.' Hope y'all enjoy! *Volume warning for those wearing headphones.*

Ep. #026 - Star Wars Saga Review w/ JK and Jaron
In this episode, we welcome on Jonathan Kaufmann and Jaron Centers, renowned Star Wars experts, to help us deliver a full ranking of the greatest story ever told on film. We hope you all enjoy this episode and as always, let us know what you think about our rankings! Preciate the support and May the 4th be with you!

Ep. #025 - Top 25 Favorite Movies
In this episode, we give you our most anticipated episode to date and tell you all our favorite 25 movies of all time. Listen in for a great discussion over films that have a lasting impact on both us and cinema. We appreciate your guys support along the way!

Ep. #024 - Overrated Movies
In this episode, we tell you guys the most overrated movies we have seen and just have to discuss. Sorry if we talked about some of your favorite watches but let us know what you guys think on our Letterboxd. Preciate the support y'all!

Ep. #023 - 'Prisoners'
In this episode, we discuss one of our personal favorite films, "Prisoners" by Denis Villeneuve released in 2013 starring Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Paul Dano. We go deep into the ins and outs of this film and discuss some of our favorite parts and the subliminal messages behind it. Hope you all enjoy our discussion and as always, preciate the support y'all!

Ep. #022 - Top 10 Movie Endings of All Time
In this episode, we discuss our favorite endings in all of cinema history. These movies are ones that had us still in our seats as the credits rolled. Tune in to hear our list and let us know what you think on our TikTok or Letterboxd accounts. Preciate the support y'all!

Ep. #021 - Upcoming Movies in 2022 & Oscars Recap
In this episode, we discuss our thoughts on the notorious "slap heard 'round the world" and our other thoughts on the Academy Awards. Then we take you through the upcoming movies to be released this year and give our thoughts on them. We have a great comical discussion about some movies we're excited to see and some not so much. Let us know what you think and appreciate the support y'all!

Ep. #020 - Ultimate Oscars Draft w/ Patrick Wantz
In this episode, we bring along our friend and aspiring filmmaker, Patrick Wantz, to do the ultimate Oscars draft. We aggregate a list of some of the best winners of each Academy Award and in a snake draft fashion we add to the repertoire to see who can create the best "team." Listen in and hear some great movie discussion over the most revered films, filmmakers, composers, and actors of the last 100 years! Hope y'all enjoy, to see each list, follow us on our Letterboxd and/or our TikTok! Be sure to give us a follow, subscribe, review, and rate.

Ep. #019 - The Batman Review
In this episode, we discuss the new movie that has destroyed box offices and has been hyped up for two years now, "The Batman" directed by Matt Reeves starring Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, and Jeffery Wright. We give our general thoughts then go into a full-on *SPOILER* review. Let us know your thoughts on our social medias! Preciate the support y'all!

Ep. #018 - Best Performances of All-Time
In this episode, we give you all our top 10 performances of all time *THAT WE HAVE SEEN*. Whether you agree or disagree, let us know what you guys think of our lists. As always, let us know what you think and follow us on our social medias!

Ep. #017 - Genre Dream Teams
In this episode, we give the director, actors, and plot for a given genre that we believe would destroy the box office. Listen in as we discuss some of the best in the game and give our own imaginative spin on advancing the horror, comedy, sci-fi, and action genre. Hope y'all enjoy and let us know what you think on our social medias given at the end of each episode.

Ep. #016 - Guess That Rating w/ Robby Krohman
In this episode, we bring along our good friend and roommate, Robby Krohman, to host a game for us. We are given three movies within a genre and have to rank them according their critic rating. Tune in to find out who comes out on top and hear some guys being dudes. Appreciate the support y'all and also, thank you Robby for coming and hosting this fun little game for us.

Ep. #015 - Valentine's Day Special
In this episode, we show our hopeless romanticism through our top 10 favorite romance movies ever. Tune in to hear some great discussion and hear us roast each other's choices. Appreciate the support and happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Ep. #014 - Top 10 Saddest Movies
In this episode, we discuss some of the movies that put us down in the dumps. Listen in as we try have a light hearted discussion about some tear-jerking movies. Appreciate the support y'all!

Ep. #013 - Top 10 Comedy Films
In this episode, we discuss our top 10 favorite comedies of all time, taking it back to our childhoods and even sharing some stories to go along with some of these films. Tune in as you get to hear more of what we have to say about comedy as a whole, and get a closer look at our personal favorites. Appreciate you all listening and let us know what you think!

Ep. #012 - Top 5 Favorite Directors
In this episode, we discuss our top 5 favorite directors in the game right now and give some honorable mentions as well. Listen in as we defend and take a deep dive into these masterminds behind the camera. Let us know what you think and as always we appreciate the support!

Ep. #011 - La La Land
In this episode, Grant and Evan talk about a beloved musical directed by Damien Chazelle, starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. They go through the movie chronologically and discuss different themes and add some commentary on the movie as a whole. Let us know what you all think and as always, appreciate the support y'all!

Ep. #010 - Christmas Special
In this episode, Grant and Evan discuss all things Christmas movies including must-see's, family traditions, and their takes on "alternative Christmas movies." They also give their favorite Christmas movie of all-time diving into a discussion and debate over some highly-regarded films. Let us know what you all think and appreciate the support y'all! Merry Freaking Christmas!

Ep. #009 - Mt. Rushmore of Our Favorite Movie Characters
In this episode, Grant and Evan give each of their four favorite movie characters of all-time, letting you in on the sentiment they share with each character. Some you'll agree and some you'll disagree. Let us know what you all think and as always, appreciate the support everyone!

Ep. #008 - Our Top 10 Thrillers of All-Time
In this episode Grant and Evan give their top 10 favorite thrillers of all-time and get pretty controversial while doing such. Tune in for some hilarius banter and a good time! Appreciate the support y'all!

Ep. #007 - Fight Club
In this episode, Evan and Grant break the first two rules of "Fight Club" as they take a deep dive into the 1999 cult-classic directed by David Fincher starring Edward Norton and Brad Pitt. Listen in as we discuss, review, and give some hot takes regarding this dark, yet deep film. As always, let us know what you guys think and follow us on our Letterboxd and TikTok. Appreciate the support y'all!

Ep. #006 - Our Favorite Sports Movies

Ep. #005 - Our Most Underrated/Overrated Actors

Ep. #004 - Favorite Horror Movies & Spooky Stories
For this episode, we present you all our Halloween special where we talk about our favorite horror movies and even tell you all our own spooky stories from our lifetime. We discuss a lot of movies and as always give you all some recommendations. Enjoy this spooky episode and let us know what you all think!

Ep. #003 - Our Thoughts on “Squid Game”

Ep. #002 - Our Unpopular Movie Opinions
In this episode, we tell you a little bit about the movies that we watched this past week and then we dive right into a controversial discussion about our unpopular opinions regarding movies and film as a whole. Hope you all enjoy and if you have any comments or critiques, feel free to email us: pulpflicktionpod@gmail.com. Thank y'all for listening in!