i’m back bitches
THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR || ep. 9 The Beast in the Jungle
You are a marvel, my dear. I may have just played the best chess player of my life.
THE QUEEN’S GAMBIT (2020) | Episode 7 - End Game
“in sixty years, that’ll be us, right?”
“yeah, it will.”
Finn and Rey being affectionate to scare racists who love minimizing Finn’s importance to her.
Rey looks so at peace when she hugs him. He really is her home 😭💞
the overwhelming grief of losing an entire year to sickness, violence and pandemic fatigue is settling in so id like to remind everyone that: you are not a failure, yes there is still a happy future for you, and wearing a mask is very sexy
make me choose: anon asked
swarkles season 5or swarkles season 8?