aborted motions

every bad intention

hi the link to download taurogarchy is broken :( can i get an updated link ?
sent by loevhotel

!! thanks for letting me know, u can find it here

wish i could write poetry and not think about it anyway i’m trying to write this cohesive thing at the moment so!!! speaking it into being

"back then, i wasn’t a good person" - this poem resonated with me in so many ways, thank you so much for posting it! It's also made me feel like wanting to write poetry again which is something I haven't done in a year. Its such a gorgeous poem ❤❤❤
sent by Anonymous

❤️❤️❤️ i think that poem and the feelings that come along with it were a necessary thing at the time and i’ve been able to move past living in that and i am thankful for that. i haven’t written poetry in a year either but reading this makes me want to again!!! and i hope you’ve had luck in your endeavours 😌

desert road 2018

desert road 2018

abt your poem "back then, i wasn't a good person": did you reference the book the stranger in it bc if so then uhh i think im in love w you lmao hardy anyone else i know has read that book
sent by Anonymous

i absolutely did because man. that book is a trip. meursault is a trip. for something so short that i had to read for a class, it really had an effect on me.


published by L’Éphémère Review

you were talking in your sleep last night.
something about breezeblocks, like the
song. i would have let you hang them off
my hands, if only you asked. but no—you
thought yourself victorious and disturbed
the peace. violated, i became violent and
disturbed the streets. the people rioted
and the sky stayed red for days.

you sunk into this far too easily. already
hungry. always waiting. now, i offer so
much more than my wrists to you. you
turn over in your sleep. next, i come
for god.

was one of your poems published in part 1 of Beyond the Shallows? (éphémère review anthology?)
sent by Anonymous

yes! it’s called “i dream of doing violence unto those who have hurt me”

allegory of nothing

remember the way your hand curled around
mine. prehistoric claw or talon, i don’t want
to know the difference so i deny your nature.
i want to keep you quiet and your mouth shut. 
your face twists as you turn away. you look
like the word anguish.


we inherit everything so nothing is your fault
but you take the fall anyway. no defense, no
preservation. raising your hands (or claws or
talons) has always been an act of violence. 
something like the space between a clean
slaughterhouse and the killing floor.


i’ve been thinking about you in all the wrong
ways again. my lampshade hangs crooked
and spills the light out all bad. the birds migrate
at an odd time of year. heard your voice in my
dreams last week. i don’t want to find meaning
in this. i deny my nature.

Hello! I tried to download the ebook Taurogarchy, but the link isn't working. :/ Is there any other way I can get the ebook?
sent by Anonymous

i have no clue why it did that :( but i’ve updated the link on the post nd hopefully this will also work
