kissing through a knights helm and sucking the strap are ontologically quite similar, in that you CAN really feel it, as long as you are Pure Of Heart
(via ffollies)
Louis Appleby - Dark City, 2018
Louis Appleby (British, 1991)
The enormity of my desire excites me it’s so awesomeee Yaaayyyy yesssss
(via nubesparaeldesayuno)
József Rippl-Rónai (Hungarian, 1861-1927), Woman in Bed, 1891. Oil on canvas, 62.5 x 74.5 cm. Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
(via weepingwidar)
Plate from George Frederick Kunz & Charles Hugh Stevenson’s The Book of the Pearl, 1908.
This crystal ball, found in a 4thC #Roman-era woman’s grave in Denmark, is engraved w/ an anchor & a palindromic Christian inscription in Greek - perhaps a protection to support healing. Thru it we dimly to touch the world of the person who owned it….more than 1500 yrs ago.
Roman crystal ball with the Greek palindrome – the word sounding the same, read from left to right and from right to left. The object is in the collection of National Museum of Denmark.
Dated to the 3rd century CE. The artefact was found in Arslev (on the island of Funen, Denmark) in 1820. The crystal ball was inside the grave of a woman from around 4th century CE, with jewellery and other fine goods.
The inscription ABLANATHANALBA (in Greek ΑΒΛAΘANAΛBA) means “You are our father”. The ablana/analba spell was known in the Mediterranean basin, as evidenced by the found charms in various parts of the region. The record identifies with the Persian deity Abrasax and is associated with the famous phrase “abracadabra”.
(via coolancientstuff)