Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 110: Mon Apr 21

Under the Volcano (Huston, 1984): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.35pm

This late John Huston film is part of the 'You Must Remember This presents: The Old Man is Still Alive' season at BFI Southbank. Many great directors of Hollywood’s Golden Age, from the 1930 to ’50s, radically changed course in the later years of their career – a theme that runs through the new season of the podcast You Must Remember This and this BFI season. The men behind undeniable classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, My Fair Lady, Sunset Boulevard, Gigi and Psycho, attempted – or were forced – to engage with massive changes in technology; shifts in attitudes towards race and gender, and a new generation of studio executives and audiences who could be sceptical that an ‘old man’ had anything to offer in a world obsessed with burning down the past and starting fresh. Some railed against the new ‘degenerate’ cinema made by, in Billy Wilder’s phrase, ‘the kids with beards’ and tried to preserve the status quo; others attempted to make films that confronted the generation gap and a transformed society.

This 35mm presentation is also screened on April 29th. 
Full details of the season can be found here.

Time Out review:
Everyone will be doing Huston's film a favour if they try hard not to compare it with the now classic Malcolm Lowry novel. In fact it captures the doomed spirit of the original, while - rightly - in no way apeing its dense, poetic style. Huston opts for straightforward narrative, telling the story of Geoffrey Firmin, an alcoholic English ex-diplomat who embraces his own destruction in Mexico shortly before the outbreak of World War II. As the limp-wristed observers of this manic process, Anthony Andrews and Jacqueline Bisset are at best merely decorative, at worst an embarrassment, and the film's success rests largely on an (often literally) staggering performance from Albert Finney as the dipso diplo. Slurring sentences, sweating like a pig, wobbling on his pins, he conveys a character who is still, somehow, holding on to his sense of love and dignity. Not for the purists, maybe, but the last half-hour, as Firmin plunges ever deeper into his self-created hell, leaves one shell-shocked.
Richard Rayner

Here (and above) is the trailer.

Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 109: Sun Apr 20

Avanti! (Wilder, 1972): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 2.40pm

This great, late Billy Wilder film is part of the 'You Must Remember This presents: The Old Man is Still Alive' season at BFI Southbank. Many great directors of Hollywood’s Golden Age, from the 1930 to ’50s, radically changed course in the later years of their career – a theme that runs through the new season of the podcast You Must Remember This and this BFI season. The men behind undeniable classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, My Fair Lady, Sunset Boulevard, Gigi and Psycho, attempted – or were forced – to engage with massive changes in technology; shifts in attitudes towards race and gender, and a new generation of studio executives and audiences who could be sceptical that an ‘old man’ had anything to offer in a world obsessed with burning down the past and starting fresh. Some railed against the new ‘degenerate’ cinema made by, in Billy Wilder’s phrase, ‘the kids with beards’ and tried to preserve the status quo; others attempted to make films that confronted the generation gap and a transformed society.

The 35mm presentation also screens on April 23rd. Full details of the season can be found here.

Chicago Reader review:
This 1972 release is the most underrated of all Billy Wilder comedies and arguably the one that comes closest to the sweet mastery and lilting grace of his mentor, Ernst Lubitsch. Jack Lemmon arrives at a small resort in Italy to claim the body of his late father, who’s perished in a car accident; there he meets Juliet Mills, whose mother has died in the same accident and, as it turns out, had been having an affair with the father. The development of Mills and Lemmon’s own romance over various bureaucratic complications is gradual and leisurely paced; at 144 minutes, this is an experience to roll around on your tongue. Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond adapted a relatively obscure play by Samuel A. Taylor, and the lovely music is by Carlo Rustichelli; with Clive Revill and Edward Andrews.
Jonathan Rosenbaum

Here (and above) is the trailer.

Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 108: Sat Apr 19

Rich and Famous (Cukor, 1981): BFI Southbank, NFT3, 5.45pm

This rarely screened George Cukor film is part of the 'You Must Remember This presents: The Old Man is Still Alive' season at BFI Southbank. Many great directors of Hollywood’s Golden Age, from the 1930 to ’50s, radically changed course in the later years of their career – a theme that runs through the new season of the podcast You Must Remember This and this BFI season. The men behind undeniable classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, My Fair Lady, Sunset Boulevard, Gigi and Psycho, attempted – or were forced – to engage with massive changes in technology; shifts in attitudes towards race and gender, and a new generation of studio executives and audiences who could be sceptical that an ‘old man’ had anything to offer in a world obsessed with burning down the past and starting fresh. Some railed against the new ‘degenerate’ cinema made by, in Billy Wilder’s phrase, ‘the kids with beards’ and tried to preserve the status quo; others attempted to make films that confronted the generation gap and a transformed society.

Tonight’s film (on 35mm) will be introduced by season curator Karina Longworth.

Full details of the season can be found here.

Chicago Reader review:
Feelings of great depth and poignancy surface unpredictably in this film by George Cukor, though they have little to do with the ostensible subject: the director seems to be responding to the material in private, wholly personal ways completely divorced from the concerns of his collaborators. The screenplay, an old rewrite of Old Acquaintance by Gerald Ayers (Foxes
), is one of the worst Cukor has had to work with in his long career, redolent of strained staircase wit and false sophistication. The lead performances, by Jacqueline Bisset and Candice Bergen as two college friends who become competing novelists in later life, have the Cukor audacity without the Cukor grace, and his visual expressiveness is in evidence only sporadically. Yet the film stays in the mind for its dark asides on aging, loneliness, and the troubling survival of sexual needs.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 107: Fri Apr 18

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Minnelli, 1962): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 2pm

This rarely screened 
Vincente Minnelli film is part of the 'You Must Remember This presents: The Old Man is Still Alive' season at BFI Southbank. Many great directors of Hollywood’s Golden Age, from the 1930 to ’50s, radically changed course in the later years of their career – a theme that runs through the new season of the podcast You Must Remember This and this BFI season. The men behind undeniable classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, My Fair Lady, Sunset Boulevard, Gigi and Psycho, attempted – or were forced – to engage with massive changes in technology; shifts in attitudes towards race and gender, and a new generation of studio executives and audiences who could be sceptical that an ‘old man’ had anything to offer in a world obsessed with burning down the past and starting fresh. Some railed against the new ‘degenerate’ cinema made by, in Billy Wilder’s phrase, ‘the kids with beards’ and tried to preserve the status quo; others attempted to make films that confronted the generation gap and a transformed society.

Tonight’s film (on 35mm) will be introduced by season curator Karina Longworth.

Full details of the season can be found here.

Chicago Reader review:
Considering how stupid the whole idea was—to remake a Rudolph Valentino silent with Glenn Ford—this 1962 feature picture is surprisingly passable, particularly when you turn off the sound track and concentrate on the sumptuous visuals provided by Vincente Minnelli. It’s no classic, but there’s more integrity here than anyone would have a right to expect. With Ingrid Thulin, Charles Boyer, Lee J. Cobb, and the two horsemen of 40s melodrama, Paul Henreid and Paul Lukas.
Dave Kehr

Here (and above) is the trailer.

Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 106: Thu Apr 17

Such Good Friends (Preminger, 1971): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 5.45pm

This rarely screened Otto Preminger film is part of the 'You Must Remember This presents: The Old Man is Still Alive' season at BFI Southbank. Many great directors of Hollywood’s Golden Age, from the 1930 to ’50s, radically changed course in the later years of their career – a theme that runs through the new season of the podcast You Must Remember This and this BFI season. The men behind undeniable classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, My Fair Lady, Sunset Boulevard, Gigi and Psycho, attempted – or were forced – to engage with massive changes in technology; shifts in attitudes towards race and gender, and a new generation of studio executives and audiences who could be sceptical that an ‘old man’ had anything to offer in a world obsessed with burning down the past and starting fresh. Some railed against the new ‘degenerate’ cinema made by, in Billy Wilder’s phrase, ‘the kids with beards’ and tried to preserve the status quo; others attempted to make films that confronted the generation gap and a transformed society.

Tonight’s film will be introduced by season curator Karina Longworth.

Full details of the season can be found here.

New Yorker review: One of the more effervescent—yet nonetheless scathing—films in a season on ‘The New York Woman’, “Such Good Friends”, from 1971, by the triumvirate of the novelist Lois Gould, the screenwriter Elaine May, and the director Otto Preminger, presents a sheltered young stay-at-home Park Avenue mother (Dyan Cannon), who learns that her husband (Laurence Luckinbill), a prominent art director and author, has been unfaithful. The ironic action, blending flashbacks and fantasies, dispels her comforting illusions on the path to self-reliance. Richard Brody

Here (and above) is the trailer.

Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 105: Wed Apr 16

Frenzy (Hitchcock, 1972): BFI Southbank, NFT1, 8.35pm

This great, late Alfred Hitchcock film, introduced by season curator Karina Longworth, is part of the 'You Must Remember This presents: The Old Man is Still Alive' season at BFI Southbank. Many great directors of Hollywood’s Golden Age, from the 1930 to ’50s, radically changed course in the later years of their career – a theme that runs through the new season of the podcast You Must Remember This and this BFI season. The men behind undeniable classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, My Fair Lady, Sunset Boulevard, Gigi and Psycho, attempted – or were forced – to engage with massive changes in technology; shifts in attitudes towards race and gender, and a new generation of studio executives and audiences who could be sceptical that an ‘old man’ had anything to offer in a world obsessed with burning down the past and starting fresh. Some railed against the new ‘degenerate’ cinema made by, in Billy Wilder’s phrase, ‘the kids with beards’ and tried to preserve the status quo; others attempted to make films that confronted the generation gap and a transformed society.

Tonight’s film will be introduced by season curator Karina Longworth.

Full details of the season can be found here.

Chicago Reader review: This turned out to be Alfred Hitchcock’s penultimate film (1972), though there’s no sign of the serenity and settledness that generally mark the end of a career. Frenzy, instead, continues to question and probe, and there is a streak of sheer anger in it that seems shockingly alive. The plotting combines two of Hitchcock’s favorite themes: the poisoned couple (MarnieThe Man Who Knew Too Much) and the lone man on the run (North by NorthwestSaboteur); its subjects are misogyny and domestic madness. Dave Kehr 

Here (and above) is the trailer.

Capital Celluloid 2025 — Day 104: Tue Apr 15

The Wife's Confession (Masumura, 1961): BFI Southbank, NFT2, 6.10pm

The BFI mark Yasuzô Masumura’s centenary year with a UK premiere 4K restoration screening of his celebrated drama about a wife accused of her husband’s murder. 

BFI introduction:
Shot in exquisite black and white CinemaScope, this poignant courtroom drama, with noir elements, tells of a young widow on trial following a mountaineering accident involving her husband. With its flashback structure, the film is also an existential melodrama that raises ethical issues. Influenced by Antonioni and Visconti, Masumura subverts the rules and presents a complex portrait of a woman who is governed by destructive desire, while also trying to break free from submission.

Here is the trailer.