the lannisters get a purple wedding in exchange for the red wedding (sansa’s word on joffrey is what condemns him finally to death at the hand of the tyrells). jaime pushes bran out of a window so he gets the hand he pushed bran with chopped off. ned stark unjustly executes gared and lady with ice, and his head is ignominiously chopped off by ice. sansa marks jon as her bastard brother, only to end up having to play a bastard herself. cersei uses sansa as a hostage by keeping her close and betrothing her to her son, and myrcella is shipped off to dorne to be used as a hostage betrothed to trystane. theon
- The Washington Times : Oscar-winning Palestinian director attacked by Jewish settlers and arrested, activists say
- : Oscar-Winning Palestinian Director Attacked By Jewish Settlers And Arrested, Activists Say
- : Palestinian co-director of Oscar-winning film "No Other Land" is attacked by Jewish settlers and arrested, activists say (single sentence article)
- Yahoo : Palestinian co-director of Oscar-winning film "No Other Land" is attacked by Jewish settlers and arrested, activists say
As of right now the two bottom articles are only about a single sentence long. The Washington Times add some more context, while the huffpost article also features the tweet you see above.
something about louis being deep in the trenches of his catholic guilt but both lestat and claudia seeing him in a holy light the first time they meet him
[ID: Gifs (left side) of Helena saying "I am a person. You are not." and Helly's reaction. Then gifs (right side) of Mark Scout saying "Honestly, I love that you had that experience. So now, you can what you and Heleny had, but multiplied." and Mark S.'s reaction. End ID]
HELENA EAGAN and MARK SCOUT + dehumanizing their innies
“see you at the equator” and then seeing each other at the invisible line that divides innie mark and outie mark
gemma being told mark has remarried. gemma refusing to believe it. gemma watching mark literally run off with another woman. gemma having no idea that’s his innie. gemma not even knowing he’s severed.