* @ngdoc provider
* @name NgMap
* @description
* common utility service for ng-map
(function() {
'use strict';
var $window, $document, $q;
var NavigatorGeolocation, Attr2MapOptions, GeoCoder, camelCaseFilter;
var mapControllers = {};
* @memberof NgMap
* @function initMap
* @param id optional, id of the map. default 0
var initMap = function(id) {
var ctrl = mapControllers[id || 0];
if (!(ctrl.map instanceof google.maps.Map)) {
return ctrl.map;
} else {
console.error('map is already instialized');
* @memberof NgMap
* @function getMap
* @param {Hash} options optional, e.g., {id: 'foo, timeout: 5000}
* @returns promise
var getMap = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var deferred = $q.defer();
var id = options.id || 0;
var timeout = options.timeout || 2000;
function waitForMap(timeElapsed){
} else if (timeElapsed > timeout) {
deferred.reject('could not find map');
} else {
$window.setTimeout( function(){
}, 100);
return deferred.promise;
* @memberof NgMap
* @function addMap
* @param mapController {__MapContoller} a map controller
* @returns promise
var addMap = function(mapCtrl) {
var len = Object.keys(mapControllers).length;
mapControllers[mapCtrl.map.id || len] = mapCtrl;
* @memberof NgMap
* @function deleteMap
* @param mapController {__MapContoller} a map controller
var deleteMap = function(mapCtrl) {
var len = Object.keys(mapControllers).length - 1;
delete mapControllers[mapCtrl.map.id || len];
* @memberof NgMap
* @function getStyle
* @param {HTMLElemnet} el html element
* @param {String} styleProp style property name e.g. 'display'
* @returns value of property
var getStyle = function(el, styleProp) {
var y;
if (el.currentStyle) {
y = el.currentStyle[styleProp];
} else if ($window.getComputedStyle) {
y = $document.defaultView.
getComputedStyle(el, null).
return y;
* @memberof NgMap
* @function getNgMapDiv
* @param {HTMLElemnet} el html element
* @returns map DIV elemnt
* @desc
* create a new `div` inside map tag, so that it does not touch map element
* and disable drag event for the elmement
var getNgMapDiv = function(ngMapEl) {
var el = $document.createElement("div");
var defaultStyle = ngMapEl.getAttribute('default-style');
el.style.width = "100%";
el.style.height = "100%";
//if style is not given to the map element, set display and height
if (defaultStyle == "true") {
ngMapEl.style.display = 'block';
ngMapEl.style.height = '300px';
} else {
if (getStyle(ngMapEl, 'display') != "block") {
ngMapEl.style.display = 'block';
if (getStyle(ngMapEl, 'height').match(/^(0|auto)/)) {
ngMapEl.style.height = '300px';
// disable drag event
el.addEventListener('dragstart', function (event) {
return false;
return el;
* @memberof NgMap
* @function getGeoLocation
* @param {String} address
* @param {Hash} options geo options
* @returns promise
var getGeoLocation = function(string, options) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
if (!string || string.match(/^current/i)) { // current location
function(position) {
var lat = position.coords.latitude;
var lng = position.coords.longitude;
var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng);
function(error) {
} else {
GeoCoder.geocode({address: string}).then(
function(results) {
function(error) {
return deferred.promise;
* @memberof NgMap
* @function observeAndSet
* @param {String} attrName attribute name
* @param {Object} object A Google maps object to be changed
* @returns attribue observe function
var observeAndSet = function(attrName, object) {
return function(val) {
if (val) {
var setMethod = camelCaseFilter('set-'+attrName);
var optionValue = Attr2MapOptions.toOptionValue(val, {key: attrName});
if (object[setMethod]) { //if set method does exist
/* if an location is being observed */
if (attrName.match(/center|position/) &&
typeof optionValue == 'string') {
getGeoLocation(optionValue).then(function(latlng) {
} else {
angular.module('ngMap').provider('NgMap', function() {
var defaultOptions = {};
var useTinfoilShielding = false;
* @memberof NgMap
* @function setDefaultOptions
* @param {Hash} options
* @example
* app.config(function(NgMapProvider) {
* NgMapProvider.setDefaultOptions({
* marker: {
* optimized: false
* }
* });
* });
this.setDefaultOptions = function(options) {
defaultOptions = options;
var NgMap = function(
_$window_, _$document_, _$q_,
_NavigatorGeolocation_, _Attr2MapOptions_,
_GeoCoder_, _camelCaseFilter_
) {
$window = _$window_;
$document = _$document_[0];
$q = _$q_;
NavigatorGeolocation = _NavigatorGeolocation_;
Attr2MapOptions = _Attr2MapOptions_;
GeoCoder = _GeoCoder_;
camelCaseFilter = _camelCaseFilter_;
return {
defaultOptions: defaultOptions,
addMap: addMap,
deleteMap: deleteMap,
getMap: getMap,
initMap: initMap,
getStyle: getStyle,
getNgMapDiv: getNgMapDiv,
getGeoLocation: getGeoLocation,
observeAndSet: observeAndSet
NgMap.$inject = [
'$window', '$document', '$q',
'NavigatorGeolocation', 'Attr2MapOptions',
'GeoCoder', 'camelCaseFilter'
this.$get = NgMap;