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var oldAjax = jQuery.ajax;
jQuery.ajax = function( ) {
var jQXHR = oldAjax.apply( this, arguments );
// Be sure we got a jQXHR (e.g., not sync)
Eif ( jQXHR.promise ) {
migrateWarnProp( jQXHR, "success", jQXHR.done,
"jQXHR.success is deprecated and removed" );
migrateWarnProp( jQXHR, "error", jQXHR.fail,
"jQXHR.error is deprecated and removed" );
migrateWarnProp( jQXHR, "complete", jQXHR.always,
"jQXHR.complete is deprecated and removed" );
return jQXHR;