Underlying the natural rate hypothesis is “accelerationism”: the idea that low unemployment will lead not just to high inflation, but to accelerating inflation, and conversely that high unemployment will not just reduce inflation but lead to ever-falling inflation.
Accelerationism used to look like a pretty good description of inflation experience. Consider the big slump of the early 1980s. Unemployment soared for a while, then came back down to about where it started. Inflation, however, didn’t go back to where it started: it came down by about 5 percentage points:
But that was a long time ago. Consider what happened after the financial crisis of 2008. As in the 1980s, unemployment soared for a while, then eventually came back down. But inflation barely moved at all; in particular, it ended the cycle just about where it started:
このエントリは5/6エントリのフォローアップであるが、そちらのエントリでクルーグマンは、自分の考えはブランシャール(cf. ここ)と同じだ、と述べている。その上で、この事象が意味する政策的含意を以下の2枚のグラフで示している。
On that view, the failure to supply enough demand after 2008 imposed an enormous cost, which we can never regain. And looking forward, the risks of being too loose versus too tight are hugely asymmetric: letting the economy slump again will again impose big costs that are never made up, while running it hot won’t store up any meaningful trouble for the future.
Is this reality being reflected in policy? My sense is that a lot of economists in central banks have come around to a neo-paleo view of inflation. But actual policy still looks as if it’s being run with an accelerationist Phillips curve in the background, at best; indeed, there’s an obvious unwillingness even to temporarily let the economy run hot.
This matters. We should not let policy be driven by ideas that haven’t worked for decades.
この現実は政策に反映されているだろうか? 私の感覚では、中銀の経済学者の多くはインフレの新古代見解に同調するようになった。しかし、実際の政策は、良く言って未だ加速説のフィリップス曲線に基づいて運営されているように見える。実際のところは、経済を一時的に過熱させることについてさえ明確な抵抗がある。