

'A Champion ploughman', from Australia, c. 1900
Roman: gal-da
Noun [1] [2]
  1. 쟁기나 트랙터 따위의 농기구나 농기계로 땅을 파서 뒤집다. 주로 밭작물의 씨앗을 심어 가꾸다.
    to till, plough; sow a crop, cultivate



Roman: gallae
Noun [5] [6]
  1. 하나에서 둘 이상으로 갈라져 나간 낱낱의 부분이나 계통.
    what is split, divided, or separated.
  • The galley (ship) looks like a long extension of the Chinese pictogram , which is modelled after a pair of opposing wings of a bird. cf. Japanese ガレー (gare). See: w:jp: ガレー船
Galley (ship)
  • The galley (kitchen), as seen in large airplanes or ships, also looks like a long extension of the Chinese pictogram more often than not. cf. Japanese ギャレー (gyare). See: w:jp: ギャレー
Galley (kitchen). The left is of a cruise ship‎, and the right of the Royal Navy during World War II‎.
Galley proof [10]
  • The long gallery is used for displaying art collections, and so on.
Gallery (Louvre Museum)


Depiction of Khitans by Hugui (胡瓌, 9th/10th century), hunting with eagles
Zigeunerweisen (1878) [11] [12]
composed by Pablo de Sarasate
Yul Brynner in 1972, born as Yuliy Borisovich Briner [13]
Roman: georan
Alias: 글안 (geul-an), 글단 (geuldan), 계단 (gyeodan)
Hanja: 契丹 (글란, geullan) [14]
Noun [15] [16]
  1. 5세기 중엽부터 내몽골의 시라무렌강(Shira Müren江) 유역에 나타나 살던 유목 민족. 몽골계와 퉁구스계의 혼혈종으로, 10세기 초 야율아보기가 여러 부족을 통일하여 요나라를 건국한 후 발해를 멸망시키고 고려에도 세 차례나 쳐들어왔으나, 12세기 초 금나라의 성장으로 말미암아 세력이 약화되어 다시 부족 상태로 분열하였다.
    Khitan (cf. Cathay) cf. Gitanos
  • 거란장 (거란場, -jang) [17]
See also
  • (ttaem, "tinkering, soldering")
Flag of the Romani people


Map of the Persian Gulf.
Roman: gopeu-da
Older: 골프다 (golpeu-da), etc.
  1. 배 속이 비어 음식을 먹고 싶다. [19]
    to be hungry [20]
  • 배고프다 (bae-) [21]
  • 배곯다 (golh-da) [22]
  • 굶다 (gulm-da) [23]
  • 굶주리다 (gulmjuri-da) [24]
  Golf course features:

1 = tee box
2 = water hazard
3 = rough
4 = out of bounds
5 = fairway bunker
6 = water hazard
7 = fairway
8 = putting green
9 = pin
10 = hole


Kuimen, the entrance to Qutang Gorge, the first of the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River in China
Roman: golgae
Noun [26]
  1. [북한어] 좁은 골짜기로 흐르는 개울.
    (North Korean) The brook flowing through the gorge or ravine.
Albanian: gryka, grykë 
Estonian: kuru 
Finnish: kuru 
Galician: golga 
Italian: gola 
Javanese: curah
Korean: 골짜기 (goljjagi)
Persian: گلوگاه‎ (galugâh)
Portuguese: garganta 
Spanish: garganta 
See also
  • (gol, "hollow, gully, valley")
  • 골목 (golmog, "alley")
  • 골짜기 (goljjagi, "gorge, ravine, gully")


Some types of cloud yield thunderstorms.
A roll or rumble of thunder [28]
A snare drum cadence [29]
Roman: gureum
Noun [30] [31]
  1. 공기 중의 수분이 엉기어서 미세한 물방울이나 얼음 결정의 덩어리가 되어 공중에 떠 있는 것.
Adapted from
thunder #Translations
  • Indonesian: guruh
  • Malay: guruh [32]
  • Kazakh: күркіреу (kürkirew)
  • Kyrgyz: күркүрөө (kürküröö) [33]
  • Belarusian: гром (hrom)
  • Bulgarian: гръм (grǎm)
  • Czech: hrom
  • Polish: grom
  • Russian: гром (grom)
  • Serbo-Croatian: гром (grom)
  • Slovak: hrom
  • Slovene: grom
Toward the etymology of 구름 (gureum, "cloud")
  • roll [34]
    • A heavy, reverberatory sound. [35]
      • There was a roll of thunder and the rain began to pour down. [36]
  • rollen #German [37]
    1. to roll
    2. to thunder [38]
  • grollen #German [39]
    1. to rumble, grumble, growl
    2. to roll, thunder
  • grumeln #German (frequentative) [40]
    1. to grumble (make a low sound, as of a discontent person, an empty stomach, a distant thunderstorm)
See also
  • 구르다 (gureuda, "to roll" cf. German grollen)
  • 우르렁 (ureureong, "grumbling" as of thunder)
  • 으르렁 (eureureong, "growling" as of lions )
  • 그르렁 (geureureong "gurgling" as of cats )



The Lorelei rock (1900) [41]
The Lorelei (song) [42]
Siren from Myrina, first century BC (before Christ)
Kristus i Getsemane (1873), an angel comforting Jesus before his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane,[43] by Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834–1890).
Roman: norae
Older: 로래 (rorae)
Noun [44] [45]
  1. 가사에 곡조를 붙여 목소리로 부를 수 있게 만든 음악. 또는 그 음악을 목소리로 부름.
    song, singing.
  • 노래방 (-bang, "karaoke" literally "singing room" popular in South Korea)
  • 노랫말 (-mal, "lyrics")
  • Lorelei #English
    Borrowed from German Lorelei (“siren of Rhine”), not used as a given name in Germany. [46] [47]
  • Lorelei § Etymology
    The name comes from the old German words lureln, Rhine dialect for 'murmuring', and the Celtic term ley "rock". The translation of the name would therefore be: 'murmur rock' or 'murmuring rock'. [...] Other theories attribute the name to the many boating accidents on the rock, by combining the German verb lauern ('to lurk, lie in wait') with the same "ley" ending, with the translation "lurking rock".
  • Siren § Appearance
    The first-century Roman historian Pliny the Elder discounted Sirens as a pure fable, [...] In his notebooks, Leonardo da Vinci wrote, "The siren sings so sweetly that she lulls the mariners to sleep; then she climbs upon the ships and kills the sleeping mariners."
  • Siren § Christian belief and modern reception
    By the fourth century, when pagan beliefs were overtaken by Christianity, the belief in literal sirens was discouraged. [...]
    The early Christian euhemerist interpretation of mythologized human beings received a long-lasting boost from Isidore's Etymologiae:
    [The Greeks] imagine that "there were three Sirens, part virgins, part birds," with wings and claws. "One of them sang, another played the flute, the third the lyre. They drew sailors, decoyed by song, to shipwreck. According to the truth, however, they were prostitutes who led travelers down to poverty and were said to impose shipwreck on them." They had wings and claws because Love flies and wounds. [...]
  • Mermaid § Origins
    The sirens of Greek mythology (especially the Odyssey), conceived of as half-bird and half-woman, gradually shifted to the image of a fish-tailed woman. [...]
    Some attributes of Homer's sirens, such as the enticement of men and their beautiful song, also became attached to the mermaid.
  • Angel § Interaction
    • In Luke 22:43 an angel comforts Jesus Christ during the Agony in the Garden.
    • Pope John Paul II emphasized the role of angels in Catholic teachings in his 1986 address titled "Angels Participate In History Of Salvation", in which he suggested that modern mentality should come to see the importance of angels.
    • According to the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, "The practice of assigning names to the Holy Angels should be discouraged, except in the cases of Gabriel, Raphael and Michael whose names are contained in Holy Scripture."
  • Angel § Islam
    In Islam, just like in Judaism and Christianity, angels are often represented in anthropomorphic forms combined with supernatural images, such as wings, being of great size or wearing heavenly articles. The Quran describes them as "messengers with wings -- two, or three, or four (pairs): He [God] adds to Creation as He pleases..." Common characteristics for angels are their missing needs for bodily desires, such as eating and drinking. Their lack of affinity to material desires is also expressed by their creation from light: Angels of mercy are created from nur (cold light) in opposition to the angels of punishment created from nar (hot light). [48]



Nuns [49] [50]
Roman: nuna
Alias: 누님 (nunim)
Noun [51] [52]
  1. 같은 부모에게서 태어난 사이거나 일가친척 가운데 항렬이 같은 사이에서, 남자가 손위 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말. 때로는 남남끼리 나이가 적은 남자가 손위 여자를 정답게 이르거나 부르는 말. 예: 옆집 누나.
    older sister of a male (by extension applied to close, friendly older females)
  • 누이 (nui, "younger sister of a male")
  • 언니 (eonni, "older sister of a female")
Germanic Norse Others
Chinese Seal script for 덕 (德, deog, "virtue")
Chinese Seal script for 득 (得, deug, "usefulness, utility")
Roman: deog
Hanja: 德
  1. 도덕적ㆍ윤리적 이상을 실현해 나가는 인격적 능력. 공정하고 남을 넓게 이해하고 받아들이는 마음이나 행동. 베풀어 준 은혜나 도움. 착한 일을 하여 쌓은 업적과 어진 덕. [57]
    virtue [58]
Germanic Norse


The two players of Go (game), Black and White, take turns placing stones of their colour on the intersections of the board, one stone at a time.
Roman: du-da
  1. 일정한 곳에 놓다. [60] [61]
    to lay, put, place something somewhere, say, on the table.
  • 놓다 (noh-da, "to lay down, put down")
  • 놓아두다 (noh-a-, "to get something laid down")
  • 쌓아두다 (ssah-a-, "to get something piled")
  • 바둑을 두다 (badug-eul-, "to play go game," lit. "to place one after another stone in the vital position on the board.") [62]
A dale, cf. dell [64]
A vale, or valley
Дала (dala, "steppe")
A wadi in Egypt
Roman: deul
Older: 듫 (deulh), 드릏 (deureuh), 드르 (deureu)
Noun [65] [66]
(Dually comparative definition)
  1. ( cf. dale) 매우 넓게 트인 또는 드러난 펀펀한 땅. 들판.
  2. ( cf. vale) 조금 넓게 트인 또는 벌어진 판판한 땅. 벌판.
(Related to the wide wilderness, or dale rather than vale)
  • 들꽃 (-kkoch, "wild flower")
  • 들국화 (-gughwa, "wild chrysanthemum")
  • 들장미 (jangmi, "wild rose")
  • 들쥐 (-jwi, "wild rat")
  • 들짐승 (deul-jimseung, "wild, feral animal" like a deer [67])

¶ Wide steppe vs. narrow wadi

steppe #Translations wadi #Translations
Bashkir: дала (dala)
Kazakh: дала (dala)
Kyrgyz: талаа (talaa)
Mongolian: тал (tal)
Tatar: дала (dala) 
Georgian: ველი (veli)
Catalan: uadi
Czech: vádí 
Dutch: wadi 
English: wadi
<!-- German: Wadi -->
Finnish: vadi 
French: oued 
Hungarian: vádi
Italian: uadi
Polish: ued 

valley meaning "an elongated depression between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it."

Azerbaijani: dərə / vadi
Belarusian: далі́на (dalína)
Bulgarian: доли́на (dolína)
Czech: dolina 
Danish: dal 
Dutch: dal / vallei
English: dale / valley, vale
Faroese: dalur 
German: Tal 
* Pennsylvania German: Daal / Waelli
Gothic: 𐌳𐌰𐌻 (dal)
Hunsrik: Daal 
Icelandic: dalur 
Kurdish: دۆڵ‎ (doll)
* Northern Kurdish: dehl 
Luxembourgish: Dall 
Macedonian: долина (dolina)
Mongolian: тал (tal) 
Norwegian: dal 
Old Church Slavonic: долъ (dolŭ)
Old Norse: dalr
Pashto: دره‎ (dará)
Persian: دره‎ (darre) / وادی‎ (vâdi)
Polish: dolina 
Russian: доли́на (dolína)
Serbo-Croatian: долина (dolina) 
Slovak: dolina 
Slovene: dolína 
Upper Sorbian: doł 
Swedish: dal 
Tajik: дара (dara) / водӣ (vodī) 
Turkmen: dere
Ukrainian: доли́на (dolýna)
West Frisian: dal 
Yiddish: טאָל‎ (tol)
Aromanian: vale 
Asturian: valle 
Azerbaijani: vadi / dərə 
Catalan: vall 
Dutch: vallei / dal
English: valley, vale / dale 
French: vallée, val
Friulian: val 
Galician: val 
Hindi: वादी (vādī)
Hungarian: völgy
Italian: valle 
Latin: valles, vallis 
Norman: vallée 
Novial: vale
Occitan: val 
Old French: valee 
Pennsylvania German: Waelli / Daal 
Persian: وادی‎ (vâdi) / دره‎ (darre)
Portuguese: vale 
Romanian: vale 
Romansch: val 
Sardinian: badde, baddi, vadde
Sicilian: vaddi, valli
Spanish: valle
Tajik: водӣ (vodī) / дара (dara)
Turkish: vadi 
Urdu: وادی‎ (vādī)
Uyghur: ۋادى‎ (wadi)
Uzbek: vodiy 
Venetian: val, vałe
An image of a tinker [69] by Ignacy Krieger, 19th century
Roman: ttaem
Noun [70]
  1. 금이 가거나 뚫어진 데를 때우는 일. [또 이처럼] 잘못된 일을 그때그때 필요에 따라 임시변통으로 고치는 일.
    doing with the tinker's dam, (which has implausibly degenerated into) tinker's damn, tinker's curse
  • 땜질 (-jil, "dealing with tinkering, soldering")
  • 땜장이 (-jang-i, "tinker, solderer") [71] [72]
  • 때우다 (ttae-uda, "to tinker, solder, blaze") [73]
See also


A hand-held electric drill.
Roman: ttulh-da
Verb [74] [75]
  1. 구멍을 내다.
    to make, bore, peirce a hole through.
  2. 막힌 것을 통하게 하다.
    to unblock something blocked.


Roman: ryong [79]
Alias: 용 (yong) [80]
Hanja: 龍
Noun [81] [82]
  1. 상상의 동물 가운데 하나. 몸은 거대한 뱀과 비슷한데 비늘과 네 개의 발을 가지며 뿔은 사슴에, 귀는 소에 가깝다고 한다. 깊은 못이나 늪, 호수, 바다 등 물속에서 사는데 때로는 하늘로 올라가 풍운을 일으킨다고 한다. [...]
  1. (used for ) insect, bug
  2. (originally) venomous snake, viper
  1. () insect, bug, earthworm
  2. () snake, wiper, wyvern, dragon

Germanic Norse Latinic Others
See also


"A fisherboy dived into the water and brought up a pearl from beneath the chin of a black dragon." From Chinese Fairy Book (Richard Wilhelm)/45
Artist: George W. Hood
Saint George killing the dragon, 1430-1435, painted by Bernat Martorell
(Art Institute of Chicago).
Roman: mireu
Alias: 미리 (miri)
Noun [84] [85]
  1. ‘용’의 옛말.
    (obsolete) The oriental dragon with a very long body.[86]
  • (, yong, North Korean ryong, Chinese long cf. English long) [87]
  • (mul, "water, body of water, esp. river")
(The mysterious Eurasian uses)
From Wikipedia
  • Amir al-Mu'minin (...) is an Arabic title that is usually translated "Commander of the Faithful" or "Leader of the Faithful".
  • The Gur-e-Amīr or Guri Amir (...‎) is a mausoleum of the Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur (also known as Tamerlane) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. [...] Gur-e Amir is Persian for "Tomb of the King".
  • Mir Osman Ali Khan, ..., was the last Nizam (ruler) of the Princely State of Hyderabad, the largest princely state in British India.
  • Kashmir would be derived from either kashyapa-mir (Kashyapa's Lake) or kashyapa-meru (Kashyapa's Mountain).


Etymology illustrated by pussy willow catkins from a children's book
Roman: beodeul-gangAji [94]
Older: 버들개야지 (beodeul-gaeyaji)
Noun [95]
  1. 버드나무의 꽃. [96]
See also


Strokes of cloud-to-ground lightning during a thunderstorm
Sound of a thunderstorm [97]
Jael shows the slain Sisera to Barak, by James Tissot.
Barack Obama
Roman: byeorag
Noun [98] [99]
  1. 공중의 전기와 땅 위의 물체에 흐르는 전기 사이에 방전 작용으로 일어나는 자연 현상.
Korean Sino-Korean
  • 돈벼락 (don-, "blessing with money") [106]
  • 벼락부자 (-buja, "an overnight millionaire")
Adapted from
lightning #Translations
Adapted from
thunder #Translations
  • Akkadian: 𒉏𒄈 (birqu)
  • Arabic: بَرْق‎ (barq)
  • Aramaic: ܒܪܩܐ‎ (barqā)
  • Ge'ez: በረቀ (bäräḳä)
    • Tigre: በርቅ (bärḳ)
  • Hebrew: בָּרָק‎ (barák) [107]
  • Korean: 벼락 (byeorak)
  • Persian: برق‎ (barq)
  • Somali: biriq
  • Tajik: барқ (barq)
  • Ugaritic: 𐎁𐎗𐎖 (brq)
  • Uyghur: بەرق‎ (berq)
  • Indonesian: guruh
  • Malay: guruh
  • Kazakh: күркіреу (kürkirew)
  • Kyrgyz: күркүрөө (kürküröö)
  • Belarusian: гром (hrom)
  • Bulgarian: гръм (grǎm)
  • Czech: hrom
  • Polish: grom
  • Russian: гром (grom)
  • Serbo-Croatian: гром (grom)
  • Slovak: hrom
  • Slovene: grom
See also
  • 구름 (gureum, "cloud") as the phenomenal source of 벼락 "thunderbolt"
  • 구르다 (gureuda, "to roll") as the onomatopoeic source of 구름 "cloud"


Fire ants
Roman: bul-gaemi
  1. 붉은색의 작은 개미를 통틀어 이르는 말. [108] 단것을 좋아하는 습성이 있다. 개밋과의 곤충. 일개미의 몸의 길이는 5~8mm이며, 어두운 붉은 황색에 더듬이와 배는 갈색이고 온몸에 누런색 여린 털이 빽빽이 나 있다. 암컷의 몸의 길이는 0.9~1.1cm이며, 머리와 가슴은 붉은 황색이다. 일본잎갈나무의 잎으로 높은 집을 짓고 그 밑 땅속에서 사는데 한국, 일본 등지에 분포한다.[109]
    fire ant [110]
  • 불 (bul, "fire")
  • 개미 (ant, "ant")
See also


Korean salon, ie, 사랑방
Roman: sarang
Hanja: 舍廊 [111]
Noun [112] [113]
  1. 집의 안채와 떨어져 있는, 바깥주인이 거처하며 손님을 접대하는 곳. [114]
    salon, hall ("meeting room"), guestroom, guesthouse.
  • 사랑방 (sarang-bang, "guest room")
  • 사랑채 (sarang-chae, "guest house")
Germanic Latinic Slavic
  • Dutch: zaal
  • English: sale #Etymology 1
  • German: Saal
  • Swedish: sal
  • French: salle
  • Italian: sala
  • Portuguese: salão
  • Spanish: sala
  • Belarusian: за́ла (zála)
  • Polish: sala
  • Russian: зал (zal), за́ла (zála)
  • Ukrainian: зал (zal)
See also
  • 살다 (sal-da) to live, reside, dwell


The sea [115] is so powerful, probably hence the name. [116]
Roman: se-da
  1. 힘이 많다. 물, 불, 바람 따위의 기세가 크거나 빠르다. 행동하거나 밀고 나가는 기세 따위가 강하다. [117]
    to be powerful, strong [118]
  • 거세다 (geo-, "to be rough, wild") [119]
  • 굳세다 {gud-, "to be tough, willful") [120]
  • Dutch: zee
  • English: sea [122]
  • German: See, etc.
  • Middle English: see [123]
  • Old English: sǣ
  • Old Saxon: sēo
  • Danish: sø, etc.
  • Icelandic: sjór, etc.
  • Norwegian: sjø, etc.
  • Swedish: sjö, etc.
See also
Various eggs. [124]
The hen's is among them.
Roman: al
Noun [125] [126]
  1. 조류, 파충류, 어류, 곤충 따위의 암컷이 낳는, 둥근 모양의 물질. 일정한 시간이 지나면 새끼나 애벌레로 부화한다.
See also


Sets of reference: Inclusive form (left) and exclusive form (right)
Roman: uri
Alias: 울 (ul)
Pronoun [127] [128]
  1. 말하는 이가 자기와 듣는 이, 또는 자기와 듣는 이를 포함한 여러 사람을 가리키는 일인칭 대명사.
    • 우리가 나아갈 길.
  2. 말하는 이가 자기보다 높지 아니한 사람을 상대하여 자기를 포함한 여러 사람을 가리키는 일인칭 대명사.
    • 우리 먼저 나간다. 수고해라.
  3. (일부 명사 앞에 쓰여) 말하는 이가 자기보다 높지 아니한 사람을 상대하여 어떤 대상이 자기와 친밀한 관계임을 나타낼 때 쓰는 말.
    • 우리 엄마.
    (royal we)
See also


A bookworm / beetle grub found inside a paperback book, showing some of the damage it has wrought
  1. 지나치게 책을 읽거나 공부하는 데만 열중하는 사람을 놀림조로 이르는 말. [132]
    bookworm [133]
    cf. Bookworm (insect)
    The term is also used idiomatically to describe an avid or voracious reader, or a bibliophile. In its earliest iterations, it had a negative connotation, referring to someone who would rather read than participate in the world around them. Over the years its meaning has drifted in a more positive direction.
  • 공붓벌레 (gonbu-s-beolle, lit. "study worm")
  • (chaeg, "book")
  • 벌레 (beolle, "worm")
    • 딱정벌레 (ttagjeong-, "beetle")
    • 좀벌레 (jom-, "moth")
From bookworm #Translations
  • Danish: bogorm
  • Dutch: boekenwurm
  • English: bookworm
  • German: Bücherwurm
  • Korean: 책벌레 (chaekbeolle)
  • Norwegian: bokorm
  • Swedish: bokmal [134]


Sun tanning or simply tanning is the process whereby skin color is darkened or tanned.
Leather craft for sale in Atyrá, Paraguay
Roman: tada
Verb [135] [136]
  1. 불씨나 높은 열로 불이 붙어 번지거나 불꽃이 일어나다.
    to burn
  2. 피부가 햇볕을 오래 쬐어 검은색으로 변하다.
    to tan [137]
Attributive form
  • 탄 (tan)
tan #Translations
  • Danish: blive brun
  • Dutch: bruinen
  • English: tan
  • German: bräunen
  • Norwegian: sole, brune
  • Swedish: sola
  • French: bronzer
  • Portuguese: bronzear
  • Spanish: broncearse
  • Japanese: 日焼けする (hiyake-suru)
  • Korean: 타다 (tada)


The flag of the United Nations is flagging or flapping in the wind.
Birds of a feather flock together. For example, gulls do in a feeding frenzy.
Roman: peolleog
Adverb [138] [139]
  1. 깃발 따위가 바람에 이리저리 나부끼는 소리든 꼴이든 둘다든.
    (imitative) In such a way that something like a flag is flapping or fluttering in (or as blown by) the wind.
    This serves as the stem of the following frequentatives:
    • 펄럭펄럭 (-peoleok) adv. (reduplication)
    • 펄럭이다 (-ida) v.
    • 펄럭대다 (-daeda) v.
    • 펄럭거리다 (-georida) v.
  • flag #English and Germanic and Slavic translations
  • Danish: flag
  • Dutch: vlag
  • English: flag
  • German: Flagge
  • Icelandic: flagg
  • Norwegian: flagg
  • Swedish: flagga
  • Belarusian: флаг (flah)
  • Bulgarian: флаг (flag)
  • Czech: vlajka
  • Polish: flaga
  • Russian: флаг (flag)
  • fly #English and Germanic translations
  • Danish: flyve
  • Icelandic: fljúga
  • Norwegian: flyge
  • Swedish: flyga
  • Dutch: vliegen
  • German: fliegen
  • Low German: flegen
  • West Frisian: fleane
  • Old English: flēogan
  • English: fly
  • bird #English, and Germanic translations
  • Danish: fugl
  • Icelandic: fugl
  • Norwegian: fugl
  • Swedish: fågel
  • Dutch: vogel
  • German: Vogel
  • Low German: Vagel
  • West Frisian: fûgel
See also


The bellows inhale and exhale as the lungs do.
The lungs inhale and exhale as the bellows do.
Roman: pulmu
Older: 불무 (bulmu), 불모 (bulmo)
Noun [144] [145]
  1. 불을 피울 때에 바람을 일으키는 기구. [146]
  • (bul, "fire")
  • 바람 (baram, "wind" ie air flow)
  • 부레 (bure, "bladder")
  • 부아 (bua, "lung")
  • (bol, "cheek; ball (of thumb, feet, shoes, etc.)"
  • 볼기 (bolgi, "buttocks")
  • 볼록 (bollok, "convex") (mild, weak imitative) [148]
  • 불룩 (bollok, "convex") (wild, strong imitative) [149]
  • 불다 (bulda, "to blow")
  • 부르다 (bureuda, "to swell, bulge" adj. "to be full, bulging")
  • 부풀다 (bupulda, "to swell, bulge")
  • 불리다 (bullida, "to make (something) swell; to make (iron) hardened")
  • 불거지다 (bulgeojida, "to bulge")
The accordion is a musical bellows, as it were. [150]
Roman: hae
Older: (hvi) [151]
Noun [152] [153]
  1. sun
  2. year [154]
  • 햇귀 (haet-gwi) from 귀 (hvit-gwi) radiant sunbeam, lit., sun's ear [155]
  • 햇귀엣골 (haet-gwiet-gol) from 귀엣골 (hvit-gwiet-gol) sun's halo, lit., sun's earring
  • 햇무리 (haet-muri) from 모로 (hvit-moro) sun's halo [156]
  • 햇바퀴 (haet-bakwi) from 바회 (hvit-bahoe) sun, lit., sun's wheel
  • 햇빛 (haet-bit) from 빛 (hvit-bit) sunlight


  1. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=갈다
  2. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/갈다
  3. Etymology
    Cognates include Ancient Greek ... κύκλος (kúklos), Sanskrit चरति (cárati), English wheel.
  4. See also: colo #Usage notes
  5. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=갈래
  6. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/갈래
  7. Compare:
  8. Compare:
  9. 손톱이나 날카로운 물건으로 긁어 상처를 내다.
    A set of fingernails may well serve as a rake.
  10. Illustration from Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (1890—1907)
    • English: Gypsy Airs
    • Spanish: Aires gitanos
  11. performed by Jean-Claude Féret (violin) and Christine Féret (piano)
    • Brynner felt a strong personal connection to the Romani people; in 1977, Brynner was named honorary president of the International Romani Union, a title that he kept until his death.
    • He claimed that he was born "Taidje Khan" of a Mongol father and Roma mother, on the Russian island of Sakhalin. He occasionally referred to himself as Julius Briner,Jules Bryner or Youl Bryner.
  12. Elements
    • 契 (부족이름 글, "tribal name")
    • 丹 (정성스러울 란, “devotion”).
    The standard 거란 may be a corruption of the original 글란.
  13. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=거란
  14. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/거란
  15. 고려 시대에, 거란인 포로나 투항한 사람들을 집단으로 수용하던 곳. 각 도의 주, 현에 나누어 보내 땅을 주고 농사를 지으며 모여 살게 하였는데, 고려 백성으로서의 이들에 대한 대우는 천민에 가까웠다.
    However, this may be untrue. Regardless of the name, Koreans would have done good to Balhae people as defeated by Khitans.
  16. Abaoji (872 – 926), posthumously known as Emperor Taizu of Liao, was a Khitan leader and founder of the Liao dynasty (907–926).
  17. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=고프다
  18. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/고프다
  19. 배 속이 비어서 음식이 먹고 싶다.
  20. 먹는 것이 적어서 배가 차지 아니하다.
  21. 끼니를 거르다.
  22. 먹을 것이 없어서 배를 곯다.
  23. The vowel /u/ is quite exceptional.
    gulf (n.)
    late 14c., "profound depth," from Old French golf "a gulf, whirlpool," from Italian golfo "a gulf, a bay," from Late Latin colfos, from Greek kolpos "bay, gulf of the sea," earlier "trough between waves, fold of a loose garment," originally "bosom," the common notion being "curved shape."
  24. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=골개
  25. (geography) A deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides, particularly one with a stream running through it; a ravine.
  26. You miss a thundercrack here.
  27. performed by the U.S. Navy Band
  28. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=구름
  29. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/구름
  30. Onomatopoeia
  31. Onomatopoeia reduplicative
  32. roll (v.)
    "Of sounds (such as thunder) somehow suggestive of a rolling ball, 1590s; of a drum from 1680s."
  33. frequentative
  34. The "roll" is what 구르다 is in itself.
  35. Cognates include Dutch rollen, English roll, etc.
  36. Der Donner rollt, oder, grollt.
  37. Cognates include Dutch grollen, English growl, etc.
  38. Cognates include Dutch gromelen, French grommeler, English grumble, etc.
  39. which may literally mean "singing rock" rather than "murmuring rock".
  40. In 1824, Heinrich Heine wrote one of his most famous poems, "Die Lorelei". It describes the eponymous female as a sort of siren who, sitting on the cliff above the Rhine and combing her golden hair, unwittingly distracted shipmen with her beauty and song, causing them to crash on the rocks. In 1837, Friedrich Silcher set this lyrics to music, when the Nazy Germany was rising and Jewish Heine was falling.
  41. The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane was an event in the life of Jesus from the New Testament, between the Farewell Discourse at the conclusion of the Last Supper and Jesus' arrest.
  42. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=노래
  43. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/노래
  44. Yet there is no wikt: Lorelei #German since 2016!
  45. This etymology would not see Lorelei as a compound of lore "murmuring" and lei "rock" but as a German equivalent or Rhenish kind of Siren, hence no sense of either "murmuring" or "singing".
  46. cf. Korean 노을 (no-eul, "evening light") and (nal, "daylight")
  47. Benedictine nuns of the Mariendonk Abbey, Grefath, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  48. What a coincidence it is that all wear glasses!
  49. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=누나
  50. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/누나
  51. Synonyms:
  52. Synonyms:
  53. https://www.websters1913.com/words/Nun
    Nun (?), n. [OE. nunne, AS. nunne, fr. L. nonna nun, nonnus monk; cf. Gr. ?, ?; of unknown origin. Cf. Nunnery.]
  54. Synonyms:
  55. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=덕
  56. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/덕
  57. (Scotland, Northern England, obsolete) might, strength
  58. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=두다
  59. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/두다
  60. One theory about the etymology of 바둑 (badug) is that it was known as 바독 (badog), a diminutive of 바닥 (badag, "base"), hence the go board. Another is that either 바둑 or 바독 or the dialect 바돌 (badol) means 바둑돌 (badug-dol, "go stone"), which fits the opening phrase well.
  61. https://www.websters1913.com/words/Do
    Do (d?), v. t. or auxiliary. [...]
    1. To place; to put. [Obs.] Tale of a Usurer (about 1330).
    2. To cause; to make; -- with an infinitive. [Obs.]
  62. "A valley, especially in the form of a natural hollow, small and deep."
  63. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=들
  64. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/들
  65. Indeed, the deer is representative of the feral rather than general animals.
  66. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=와디
    건조 지역에서, 평소에는 마른 골짜기이다가 큰비가 내리면 홍수가 되어 물이 흐르는 강.
  67. Having high and wide cheekbones, he looks like an East-Asian descendant.
  68. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=땜
  69. Tinker or tinkerer is an archaic term for an itinerant tinsmith who mends household utensils.
  70. Tinkers are associated with gypsies or Romani people.
  71. 표준국어대사전
    1. 뚫리거나 깨진 곳을 다른 조각으로 대어 막다.
    2. 간단한 음식으로 끼니를 대신하다.
    3. 다른 수단을 써서 어떤 일을 보충하거나 대충 해결하다.
  72. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=뚫다
  73. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/뚫다
  74. See: Metathesis
  75. See: Metathesis
  76. See: Metathesis
  77. Mandarin (Pinyin: lóng)
  78. 교학고어사전
    [명] 용(龍). &hand; 뇽 [...]
  79. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=룡
  80. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/룡
  81. Long creatures like (Chinese: long) used to crawl and drag on like Western dragons.
  82. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=미르
  83. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/미르
  84. Hence, suggestive of the river as a long body of water.
    1. 용(龍: 상상의 동물) dragon, the imaginary creature.
    2. 임금, 천자(天子) king, the son of the heaven
    3. ...
  85. late 14c. loan-translation of Latin Via lactea
  86. Etymology
    From Old French amirail, amiral, from Arabic أَمِير اَلْبَحْر‎ (ʾamīr al-baḥr, “commander of the fleet”).
  87. emir
    • a prince, commander or other leader or ruler in an Islamic nation.
    • a descendant of the prophet Muhammad.
    From Old French emir, from Arabic أَمِير‎ (ʾamīr, “commander, prince”). Akin to amir, Amir and admiral. Doublet of amira.
    Derived terms
    • emirate
  88. Etymology
    Borrowed from Persian میر‎ (mir), from Arabic أَمِير‎ (ʾamīr). Doublet of wikt: अमीर (amīr).
  89. Portrait attributed to Titian (circa 1530)
  90. The last ruler to hold the title of shah
  91. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=버들강아지
  92. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/버들강아지
  93. Literally, "willow puppy," contrasting with "willow catkin," explicating "willow flower," that is, catkin
  94. You miss a thundercrack here.
  95. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=벼락
  96. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/벼락
  97. The Korean order is also thunder followed by lightning as "천둥번개". But the natural order is lightening followed by thunder, of course.
  98. (mimic) cf. 번쩍
  99. (onomatopoeic) See also
    • 우르렁 (ureureong, "thundering sound") cf. 으르렁 (eureureong, "deep roaring sound as of the lion")
    • 구름 (gureum, "cloud" as the source of lightning and thunder) cf. 구르다 (gureuda, "to roll")
  100. 번개우레 is proposed to replace 천둥번개. However, 벼락 is everything anyway!
  101. 천둥과 번개를 동반하는 대기 중의 방전 현상.
  102. 천둥과 번개를 동반한 비.
  103. 갑자기 한꺼번에 생긴 많은 돈을 비유적으로 이르는 말.
  104. Etymology
    Barak ברק means lightning in Hebrew. Barcas, the surname of the famous Hamilcar Barca, is the Punic equivalent of the name.
  105. This part of definition suggests that Korean "fire ant" is because of its red color rather than painful sting.
  106. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=불개미
  107. Fire ants sting painfully, hence the name, East and West.
  108. This Sino-Korean word may not be used elsewhere than in Korea.
  109. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=사랑
  110. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/사랑
  111. Away from the main, this is a special residence where the host used to stay and meet guests.
  112. sea (n.)
    [...] of unknown origin, outside connections "wholly doubtful" [Buck].
  113. La Rocco Tower with La Corbière lighthouse in the background.
  114. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=세다
  115. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/세다
  116. 사물의 기세 따위가 몹시 거칠고 세차다. 성격 따위가 거칠고 억세다.
  117. 힘차고 튼튼하다. 뜻한 바를 굽히지 않고 밀고 나아가는 힘이 있다.
  118. This is not only the stem of the adjective 세다 at hand, but also its indicative & interrogative, non-past, informal non-polite, sentence-final form, as it were!
  119. IPA: /siː/
  120. IPA: /sɛː/, /seː/
  121. Korean (al, "egg") is to come into wikt: egg #Translations.
  122. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=알
  123. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/알
  124. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=우리
  125. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/우리
  126. Probably metathesis of *wri
  127. Probably drop of r from *wri but for ure "our"
    • Dutch: we, wij
    • English: we
    • Old English: wit "we two"
      cf. Lithuanian: vedu "we two"
    • German: wir
    • Low German: wi
    • Danish: vi
    • Icelandic: við
    • Norwegian: vi
    • Swedish: vi
  128. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=책벌레
    1. Any of various insects that infest books.
    2. (figuratively) An avid book reader.
  129. Literally meaning "book moth," its sound is close to bokmål "Norwegian language".
  130. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=타다
  131. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/타다
  132. From Old English tannian (“to tan a hide”), from Latin tannare.
    1. To change to a tan colour due to exposure to the sun.
    2. To change an animal hide into leather by soaking it in tannic acid.
  133. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=펄럭
  134. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/펄럭
  135. Note: flock #Etymology 2 ("tufts of wool or cotton")
  136. Now fowl replaced by bird since 14th c.
  137. Compare with poultry, i.e., "domestic fowl (e.g. chickens, ducks, turkeys, and geese) raised for food (either meat or eggs)." Then what is the fowl in itself?
  138. bridd, brid "young bird, chick" > bird
  139. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=풀무
  140. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/풀무
  141. Instead of the bellows, you may use your cheek and mouth as well as lungs to blow the fire.
  142. (informal, archaic) the lungs
  143. Antonym: 오목 (omog, "concave")
  144. Antonym: 우묵 (umug, "concave")
  145. Accordion § Bellows
    The bellows is the most recognizable part of the instrument, and the primary means of articulation. The production of sound in an accordion is in direct proportion to the motion of the bellows by the player. In a sense, the role of the bellows can be compared to the role of moving a violin's bow on bowed strings. For a more direct analogy, the bellows can be compared to the role of breathing for a singer.
  146. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/entry/koko/6c8dfef4b08645a6951d64bb3328c168
  147. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=해
  148. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/해
  149. It would be only science that a word like this makes sense of both sun and year together.
  150. cf. 旭日旗 (kyoku-jitsu-ki, "The Rising Sun Flag")
  151. cf. 日の丸 (hi-no-maru, "the flag of Japan")
  152. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=희다
  153. https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=하얗다
  154. 日章旗