name:   bru
age:   26
pronouns:  she/he/they
location:   brasil
sexuality:  lesbian
tracked tag:  #userbru
watching:  (rewatching) pll s4, glee s4, legacies s2, riverdale s3, abbott elementary s3

listening:  mbmbam from the beggining (re-listen), bru's radio 2.0, estação do brasil, year playlists

reading:  gone girl by gillian flynn


literally kys if: transphobe, terf, racist, lesbophobic, zionist, any kind of piece of shit really just go to hell.

close this.
in heaven
@youngthug: I hate when GIRLS die
Pinned Post

bru, 26, she/he/they, +carrd (my carrd has the byf/dni criteria)
i track #userbru
audhd, nonbinary, dyke, bipoc, brazilian ← bingo card
tarot reader × gemini sun, aries moon, sagittarius rising × witchcraft
gifs, themes, resources, creations in general
spotify, letterboxd, serializd, pinterest, storygraph, airbudz, instagram im bad w apps that track stuff btw
i take commissionsbuy me a coffee?
@brusradio, @archieandrews, @lizzies, @natalia-dyer, @brasileirada, @geminicodes, @userbru-archive, @userjensoo, @lottie-nat, @dykebobbybriggs ← sideblogs
palestine, sudan, congo, lebanon tags with resources/news/updates


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I wish people would understand that not everything is for everyone to get. you will be left out of some conversations, a lot of art will not apply to you, you will not like things that people you like enjoy, and just because you cannot add to the topic of discussion or relate does not mean that it is not valued or worthwhile. the internet has coddled people to such a concerning extent that everyone feels like they need to vocally disagree with something just because they don’t get it. Knowing something, and genuinely getting it are not the same. NOT EVERYTHING IS FOR YOUUUUU

Griffin McElroy I don’t know if you’re in Vancouver right now but if you’re not then I just watched your doppelgänger get stuck in an automatic door

For the record this is the order things went down

  1. See a guy
  2. Think, “That dude looks just like known podcaster Griffin McElroy”
  3. Watch dude walk into automatic door, get hooked on it somehow, ragdoll sideways as it opens, shake himself loose, look around as if searching for witnesses, and then continue walking
  4. Realize that this doesn’t confirm or eliminate suspicion either way
  5. Consider approaching
  6. Decide against it
  7. Post on blog