Monday, October 11, 2021

The Pig and the Dog



Christine, resting her haunches on the red painted part of a curb which signifies ‘NO,’ curls her body curled into an awkward defensive position. She is yelling at Blanco, a white chihuahua who is relentlessly pawing at her leg. He hops forward, head craned back, nose up, plants his front feet on her calf and pushes off as she shakes him away. The momentum sets him vertical, a gremlin near dancing on his hinds, with his little black pads and itsy pink ding-a-ling wiggling at her. He is desperately trying for a glimpse and a taste of what is on her paper plate.

What is on her plate is baked beans, stewed okra, and a buttery charred cob of corn. Each offence by the little dog sends the meal upward, Christine elevating it parallel to her forehead, then downward again upon each retreat, aligning the plate’s rim just below her chin. Her body is partially twisted away from the animal, uncomfortably balanced on only one half of her ass. A mutual frustration is mounting between the two of them. What Blanco wants Christine will not give. The cob of corn rolls zenlike back and forth between the bank of okra and the tide of beans, a capsized vessel adrift on its flat earth.

 A loud and sharp yipyap from Blanco as he addresses the uroboros.


Sure handed Christine is a waitress in a busy brunch spot called Busy Brunch. Able to navigate a kaleidoscope of scooting chairs and waving patrons failing to tip for artisanal portions, there is little chance she will even accidentally lose this meal to the dog. Blanco’s victory must be dependent on outside circumstance, or a vicious attack that he is not physically capable of. Hypothetically though, say he was powerful enough with a running start to flip her head over heels like Charlie Brown at kickoff and scatter her vegetarian meal across the asphalt; how disappointing for a little carnivore! He’d snort and sneeze at that okra and trot away and Christine would be dead or something.

Nearby, James. He is sitting in a slumpy style on the tailgate of a pickup truck, dangling his legs and staring vacuously through Christine, Blanco, and the BIG LOTS! beyond. His bare thighs are kind of burning some against the metal. He has already been satiated by his meal and its unfinished remains sit on a paper plate in his lap, which he is fiddling around with. He pulls apart stray bits of pork with his fingers, wordlessly aware of some textural pleasure in this, occasionally sniffing them through dust and exhaust in the air, seeking notes of liquid smoke sauce and fatty grease. 


Testosterone inducing pheromones waft about James’ head, and with all the meat he is plucking and dropping while playing, his satisfaction hangs from his sleeve. He is no help at all with the struggle below him. If only Blanco would turn and see the tiny cooked pig parts falling, bouncing from the paper plate, tumbling down from the truck. James’ face displays an idiotic absence of expression that opposes the screwed up frustration on Christine’s, or the greedy longing on the little chihuahua’s.

See the animal bits snowing. Squandered pork, once a whole pig, but not long. Nursed for a few weeks, raised in a farrowing cage for six months, hung topsy-turvy and slaughtered, wasting its squeals on a butcher wearing earbuds. See the littered shreds of swine beyond the paper plate, settling below the tailgate of the truck as James’ sizzling legs dangle above. See this meat rest beside a dollop of sour cream abandoned to the asphalt around it. There is a small bee struggling to escape it like a fly in an ointment reversed, since only the former really had a use anymore. The sun is sinking behind the shopping center. In the stadium across town a crowd is cheering and the sound drifts like a muffled hum and ambiently hangs overhead.





Saturday, February 20, 2021

No Body

Supposedly, in a small apartment complex in the city of Kumamoto, on the island of Kyushu, and more specifically across the street from a supermarket (a ValuMax?—we're not sure—but across from a supermarket nevertheless), lives Hiroyasu Koga, though Koga is not his chosen moniker any longer. He is now rumored now to be a Shinto priest. Untrue. What's certain however, and is the impetus for such a rumor, is that in a past life he played the role of the man who removed the head of the conservative author Yukio Mishima following the latter's failed coup, serving time in prison for his part. 

Yorick, the deceased court jester in The Tragedy of Hamlet, is exhumed by the gravediggers following a conversation wherein one laments to another that the freedom to commit suicide is a privilege of wealth. Quipping the grave is theirs since they are the one digging it, they remove a skull from a corpse and toss it to the prince who examines it through his grief. Alas, poor Yorick. He knew him well. Act V, scene i.

AndrĂ© Tchaikowsky displayed a natural talent behind a piano at just four years old. Following a youth of flight and hiding from Nazi powers, his enjoyed a successful career as a pianist in his brief adult life, however his true passion lay in composition for opera. Though he penned one, an adaptation of The Merchant of Venice, it was never performed in his lifetime. In 1982 he willed his own skull to The Royal Shakespeare company, in the hopes that it would be held on stage in a production of Hamlet. This would finally occur in 2008 with the part of Hamlet being played by Scottish actor David Tennant.

Scrooge McDuck (voiced by David Tennant 2017-present) is a fictional, Scottish, anthropomorphic duck that resides in the equally fictional city of Duckburg. Possessing immeasurable wealth and impossible longevity, he often recounts memories of life experiences long past. Artist Don Rosa chronicled this past in his collected works, The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. Chapter eight of this collection, The King of Klondike, plants Scrooge firmly amidst the Klondike Gold Rush and tells the origin story of his rise to affluence. Upon discovering a gold rock the size of his head Scrooge asks himself if he really wants to be rich, speculating that the cash in will change him, though he quickly answers with a resounding "Yes."

Delirious and dying of dehydration at nighttime, riding out to assist the slaughter of countless buffalo in Colorado (another historic scheme for fast capital in The Americas), the protagonist of John Williams' acclaimed novel Butcher's Crossing wearily slumps backwards in his saddle. As he does this his head lolls back seemingly detached from his body, his eyes rolling in his skull momentarily until they finally focus on the great bowl of the sky. The stars are scattered, glistening across and beyond it, apparently plunging into an unknown infinity through which all matter drifts severed of terrestrial significance. 

The Pig and the Dog

NO BLANCO! BLANCO NO! Christine, resting her haunches on the red painted part of a curb which signifies ‘NO,’ curls her body curled into an ...