I may not be actively engaged on here much these days – Been working on political stuff / working! So, please share. #TONEDOWNFORWHAT?! #FEELTHEBERN.

I may not be actively engaged on here much these days – Been working on political stuff / working! So, please share. #TONEDOWNFORWHAT?! #FEELTHEBERN.
why cant i make a poll yet. makin gifs this week soooo tell me
sex /bdsm
random shit
ohter (specify)
hm? ill make 50 by tmrw night if this gets (75 notes)
Yep, I did! Haha so random!
Hello GIF Peanut Butter.
Just want to share with you my work. I’m a gif artist, i’m making endless looped gif only. http://spyrogif.tumblr.com/Hope you like it.
Thanks for your time, have a great day.