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Andre Agassi
“Andre, I won't ever try to change you, because I've never tried to change anybody. If I could change somebody, I'd change myself. But I know I can give you structure and a blueprint to achieve what you want. There's a difference between a plow horse and a racehorse. You don;t treat them the same. You hear all this talk about treating people equally, and I'm not sure equal means the same. As far as I'm concerned, you're a racehorse, and I'll always treat you accordingly. I'll be firm, but fair. I'll lead, never push. I'm not one of those people who expresses or articulates feelings very well, but from now on, just know this: It's on, man. It is on. You know what I'm saying? We're in a fight, and you can count on me until the last man is standing. Somewhere up there is a star with your name on it. I might not be able to help you find it, but I've got pretty strong shoulders, and you can stand on my shoulders while you're looking for that star. You hear? For as long as you want. Stand on my shoulders and reach, man. Reach.”
Andre Agassi, Open

Dan    Brown
“Vittoria slipped off her robe. 'You've never been to bed with a yoga master, have you?”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

year in books
Elga Ar...
111 books | 8 friends

Nanda R...
58 books | 3 friends

Moya Fa...
189 books | 19 friends

Kirana N
395 books | 97 friends

Farhan ...
51 books | 3 friends

293 books | 43 friends

jey fad...
230 books | 24 friends

M. S. S...
45 books | 2 friends

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