Random Ordering through Solr with Sunspot

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Tom Cocca

Jan 29, 2010, 12:36:07 AM1/29/10
to ruby-sunspot
Has anybody tried to do random ordering through sunspot / sunspot rails?

It would also be great if that random sort would work with pagination.

Let me know if anybody has any ideas.

~ Tom

Mat Brown

Jan 29, 2010, 6:27:03 AM1/29/10
to ruby-s...@googlegroups.com
Hi Tom,

Sunspot does do random(ish) ordering, using order_by(:random) -
however, because it's random(ish), pagination isn't meaningful.

That said, Solr does allow for a consistent "random" ordering across
searches by way of specifying the same random field name. I'd be open
to a way to express that in the Sunspot API.


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Tom Cocca

Feb 5, 2010, 1:07:58 AM2/5/10
to ruby-s...@googlegroups.com
Mat, sorry for the late response.

The order_by(:random) works fine for now.  I's not a huge issue that it doesn't work with pagination although that would be an awesome feature.  What would it take to implement that?  Generating a random number say 423 and do an order_by(:random_423) ?

Does that random_# field have to be an existing field in your index or can it just be made up on the fly?

Thanks again,
~ Tom
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