hmm turns out going on an accidental hiatus is more likely than you think
anyways… hi 👋
hmm turns out going on an accidental hiatus is more likely than you think
anyways… hi 👋
The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it. It began with the forging of the Great Rings. Three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who, above all else, desire power. But they were, all of them, deceived, for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring, to control all others. And into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One Ring to rule them all!
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) dir. Peter Jackson
FRODO and SAM walk together. Suddenly, the voices of MERRY and
PIPPIN can be heard as they bound up to FRODO and throw their
arms around him.
okay, but when is it my turn to sleep out under the stars nestled along the foreleg of a dragon, sheltered from the winds by its mighty wings
ohlurr asked: boromir + red
↳ The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King — by pri (@darwinsfinchesx)
Where there’s life there’s hope.