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[Theater programs and related ephemera in the John Davis Batchelder Collection]: [Sarah Bernhardt]
Theater programs--Specimens (LCSH)
Bernhardt, Sarah, 1844-1923
Illustrative Content
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Table Of Contents
[1] Catalogue de diamants, colliers et bracelets en perles ... le tout appartenant a Mme. Sarah Bernhardt-Damala et dont la vente aura lieu Hotel Drouot ... (1883)
[2] Farewell American tour Sarah Bernhardt season 1905-1906 ... souvenir
[3] Globe Theatre programme ("Hernani", 1880)
[4] Last visit to America (season of 1916-17), Madame Sarah Bernhardt
[5] Matinee au profit des blesses militaires de hopitaux du Professeur Denuce, de Bordeaux (1915)
[6] Matinee litteraire de gala au profit du Monument Alfred de Vigny (1909)
[7] Matinee representation de retraite e Mlle. Adeline Dudlay (1909?)
[8-9] Programme of the "Good Samaritan" performance promoted by Madame Sarah Bernhardt in aid of the French hospitals ... October 11th, 1913 ... (hardbound and softbound copies)
[10] Representation de gala a la gloire de Catulle Mendes (1909)
[11] Representation de retraite de M. Le Bargy apres 31 ans de service (1912)
[12] Shylock ... as presented by Mme. Sarah Bernhardt (with her signed photo, dated 1907)
[13] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("L'Aiglon", ca. 1906, wrappers wanting)
[14] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("L'Aiglon", 1912?)
[15] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Dame aux camélias", ca. 1906)
[16] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Dame aux camélias", 1911)
[17] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Esther", 1911 or 1912)
[18] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Fédora", ca. 1906)
[19] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Lorenzaccio", ca. 1911)
[20] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Lorenzaccio", ca. 1912)
[21] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Lucrece Borgia", ca. 1911)
[22] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Lucrece Borgia", ca. 1912)
[23] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Phèdre", 1911 or 1912)
[24] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Procès de Jeanne dA̓rc", 1911)
[25] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Reine Elisabeth", 1912?)
[26] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Samaritaine", ca. 1911)
[27] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Tartuffe", 1911 or 1912)
[28] Theatre Sarah-Bernhardt ("Tosca", 1908)
Authorized Access Point
[Theater programs and related ephemera in the John Davis Batchelder Collection]. 1. [Sarah Bernhardt]