they sure will attempt to control the narrative.
Inside And Out
A carefully collaged box to store my poems and photographs.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Thursday, December 19, 2024
comforting videos for troubled times
1. guy looks for best croissant in paris while people riot around him:
2. this last few minutes of this lesbian vlog where they show a bunch of cute clips to them playing "sailor song" together:
3. "how-to-process-trauma" guide from my fave: Savannah Brown:
healed my shame! became an orb
4. for if you want to have a crisis for 45 min and then feel at peace:
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Benadryl Dreams (I didn't see the hatman)
I'm trying to imagine a place that I glimpsed in a flash when looking in the mirror in half darkness. Some place with well lit buildings and hope. And a forest on the border of everything. Rooftops full of artists. A million things incomplete but ongoing. It was beautiful.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
A moment, captured
- So many photos unprinted but ready to be born
- A rosemary chocolate bar between pages of a book
- A rainbow scarf, curled in a pile on the floor like a snake
- The deep blue night's sky bag full of clothes to be donated
- A room full of light
- A small crochet dragon pinned to a hat
- A mood ring knocked to the floor by a cat
- Laundry piled up
- Warm mushroom pasta in the kitchen
- Finals impending
- Winter impending
- Stories impending
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Preparation Poem
Grinding to a hilt
the knife is sharp
again you cleanse
with yarrow
from your hip
you bite willow bark
into thirds and brush
your skin with bottle
liquid absent of all
but brave spirits
and you feel watched
over by the so-called
yenta aunts who
whispered you to sleep
when you were small
and you hope
your sallow body
will not vibrate to the sound
of the funeral dirge.
No more stalling.
Let us begin.
they say she met a good end
--after the
dress floating
mermaid like,
finger ready
at the pin,
on the edge,
towards stillness--
but after--