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ana. 19. she / her. seasian. muslim.BYF i tweet a lot (eng / idn). may not active too often due to college. sometimes tweet about other things. selective following.DNF if fits basic dnf criteria. queer/lgbtqia+ phobic. you're rude and mean.PLEASE DO educate me through private message when i'm wrong or clueless.
i haven't read many books so might add some later.all-time-favorite : six of crows duology. the inheritance games. heaven official's blessing.
kaz brekker. inej ghafa. grayson hawthorne. wenzhi. hua cheng. xie lian. feng xin. mu qing. sherlock holmes. poirot.
hualian - heaven official's blessing.
hua cheng - heaven official's blessing.
six of crows
overlapping fantasy - classical.
movie/anime/tv show
sherlock holmes BBC series. moriarty the patriot. attack on titan. shadow & bone. MCU.