Ok you want gossip? My stepsibling came out as trans and it’s killing me that I can’t roll up and be like hey guess what dad you actually got two of us, not just one, and be her cool enby big sibling without revealing that I faked my death a few years ago and actually just moved away. So I just have to sit here six towns over and hope she figures it out eventually. Luckily she’s smarter than our dad so like. Totally possible. Our other sister already did. I didn’t do a very good job of it according to her.
God I love this website
NYC Data Stories: Allyship
For when people say they’re sick of seeing gay stuff everywhere. Suck it up. 4 years. 4 years. And that’s just on the books, it’s legal. It doesn’t stop shitty attitudes, actions, or straight up violence.
This is just the timeline for homosexuality. As of today (July 2019) you can still be fired for being transgender in 26 of the 50 states. You can be evicted for being transgender in 31 of the 50 states. The Stonewall Uprising was started to protect a transwoman being arrested, and more than 140 transwomen have been murdered since 2013.
Two men or two women being able to get married is not the only basis for LGBT+ rights.
[Image Description: Text reading:
‘H of H: I cannot rise. Too heavy with filth and sin.
Th: Give me your hand.
H of H: I’ll stain you.
Th: I’ll take it.’
End Description]
#op you can’t just drop this on us and not tell us where it’s from
SINCEREST APOLOGIES it’s from H of H by Anne Carson!! an adaptation of the play Herakles (which she’s also translated) (her translation of Orestes has the specific “not to me/not if it’s you” wording)
it’s kind of horrific how so many takes on here surrounding female beauty standards just helpfully forget that misogyny itself exists… this could have been a sophisticated point about how ramifications for nonconformity to beauty rituals or femininity can vary based on race and community, but instead it entirely denies that women are impacted by these standards on account of being female alone and even mocks them for resisting it. whilst women turn against each other and play a game of ‘who actually has it kinda good under patriarchy?’ male supremacy gets stronger and female class consciousness hits an all-time low lol
jensen ackles this jensen ackles that what about the ‘jacting joices’ made by jack dylan theyzer in it 2017?