The Interconnected World of Tech Companies [INFOGRAPHIC]

By Sarah Kessler  on 
The Interconnected World of Tech Companies [INFOGRAPHIC]

The "tech world" is really more of a "tech family." Between digital giants' appetites for acquisitions and the tendency of their ex-employees to start new companies, it's easy to see how nearly every blip in the ecosystem is closely related.

We've mapped just a few of these family ties between "Xooglers," the "PayPal Mafia", "Softies" and the many other tech connectors who have yet to be nicknamed.

Our guess is that if you gathered a handful of tech veterans in a room, you could keep the tech connection game going forever. So while this graphic is hardly exhaustive, we'll keep it going in the comments -- feel free to add connections to the list!

Mashable Image

Infographic design by Nick Sigler

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