ok new pinned post too ♥️ i forgot to copy the other info ♥️ so retyping it ♥️
general info: my name is mads but feel free to call me literally anything else. pronouns are she(her)/they(them). feel free to use them interchangeably. feel free to dm or inbox me about anything else u wanna know about me bc i can’t think of anything rn. women covered in blood enjoyer. also my blog is a black hole but i tag very freely so if u need to search for something there’s a 90% chance you’re gonna find it if tumblrs search systems work.
also i tag content/triggers warnings as #(x) tw. i also talk a lot and all of that is filtered under the #my text tag if u need to block it or whatever. feel free. also i’m not a fandom blog and my interests change sporadically. i post whatever whenever. so i’d advise not following me for a certain thing if you only want that thing constantly.
new blog update guys <3