hey my name is mads and i am soo normal about stuff (i am not) || 🇭🇹 |she/they| lesbian | follow me at your own risk i am very annoying | @eauxvide for poetry

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new blog update guys <3

ok new pinned post too ♥️ i forgot to copy the other info ♥️ so retyping it ♥️

general info: my name is mads but feel free to call me literally anything else. pronouns are she(her)/they(them). feel free to use them interchangeably. feel free to dm or inbox me about anything else u wanna know about me bc i can’t think of anything rn. women covered in blood enjoyer. also my blog is a black hole but i tag very freely so if u need to search for something there’s a 90% chance you’re gonna find it if tumblrs search systems work.

also i tag content/triggers warnings as #(x) tw. i also talk a lot and all of that is filtered under the #my text tag if u need to block it or whatever. feel free. also i’m not a fandom blog and my interests change sporadically. i post whatever whenever. so i’d advise not following me for a certain thing if you only want that thing constantly.

Cave through which rays of light pass.

urgent help!

as you guys know my grandparents got scammed almost a month ago, some man told them he was going to send them medical equipment they needed for $500 dollars, we were desperate, not only they lost all the money they had, my grandpa has gotten significantly worse, he's starting to lose vision in his good eye and my grandma is losing mobility as well (evidence), I know I sound annoying always coming here and begging for money for my grandparents and for my college, I don't know how to anticipate the grief, losing my grandpa everyday to his illness, losing my college education cause I can't afford it, in México the situation it's just getting worse and even though I feel lonely I have found a community here and I'm forever grateful for that, even a dollar goes a long way and all the money will go to their medical needs since I'm very sure I won't be able to cover college expenses, please share and donate if you can, you can help via p*ypal or any way you want through ko-fi, here's the link! 💕 thank you sm

46% of the goal achieved as of march 2nd 2025, thank u sm


Night, the Church at Røros. Sketch for Night 1904, Harald Sohlberg, 1903

iof shut down the gaza border again, cutting it off from aid, again. the cost of daily living will likely rise again. please donate to the people working to make things a little more equitable in the face of death:

the sameer project

workshops4gaza (workshops/bookstore, proceeds go to the sameer project)

Important! Your pet's RFID chip number might have been disconnected this week.

Is your pet chipped? They should be. Do you know who made the chip?

Pet RFID chips are so small that there's really only room on them for a serial number. When your lost pet is brought to a shelter or a vet's office, they can scan the chip, read that number, and then type it into a program that draws from a series of linked databases to find your name and phone number. That's how they find you, and tell you that Silly Lilly von Wigglesbottom has gone wandering, and she's safe and sound, and would you come get her, please?

Texas-based Save This Life, which provided chips to vets and shelters all across the US, has all at once and abruptly gone dark; their database is just gone. Their customers were not given warning and so did not know to change their registration to another company. A lot of animals have basically become anonymous now.

If you don't know what company you've been using, call your vet's office and ask what pet chip number they have on file. If the chip number starts with 991 or 900164, it's probably a Save This Life chip.

If it turns out yours is one of the affected cases, the chip itself will still be fine! There's no need to add another, or anything like that. You'll just need to transfer the number to another company, and your vet should be able to recommend the one that they like the best.

Reblogging this info to add that my local rescue org recommended this free registry, which is connected to the AAHA Universal Pet Microchip Lookup Tool:

I mean the whole damn point of the Nativity story is that the supposed son of God (interpret Jesus how you fucking want, of course) was born to a couple of poor, exhausted peasants in the stable for the inn, and his first bed was a feeding trough for animals. That would nowadays be like a poor couple where the mother gives birth in a parking garage behind the motel because they couldn’t find a better place and nobody else would take them in. It’s a pretty gritty setting, and the idea is that God was reborn in some of the rock-bottom lowest circumstances. The only thing majestic was all the angels and shit, and of course motherly love

I get that a lot of the art portraying Madonna and Child as fabulously wealthy europeans in splendid robes and golden light was meant to glorify God + whichever nobility was sponsoring the artist, and while of course it’s genuinely beautiful art, it just always struck me as horribly missing the point, which is that the supposed son of God started in incredibly humble circumstances, among the kind of people that everyone else looks down on

My new favorite mordern interpretation is this work, José y Maria by Everett Patterson (http://www.everettpatterson.com)



‘Massacre des Innocents’ by Leon Cogniét, 1824. Although the Feast of the Holy Innocents is in a couple of days time, this painting is still really relevant in that it portrays Mary as how She really was: a scared refugee mum, so fearful that Her son was going to be one of the Innocents killed by King Herod.

Ezekiel 34 15-16 on the phone

Good news sticker above José

Maria sitting on a donkey

Shepherd Watches advertisement in the newspaper

Gloria sticker on the payphone

The tragic/hilarious thing is how all the hardcore Bible thumpers I know would look at that image and feel nothing but contempt for Jose and Maria.

In 2023, iconographer Kelly Latimore created “Christ in the Rubble” in collaboration with Red Letter Christians and Rev. Munther Isaac.


To quote Rev. Isaac earlier this month, “Christ is still under the rubble.”


to begin with, the sweet grass by mary oliver, from “devotions”

okay okay i can close some tabs i don't need this google image search of "pear trees"....well you never know actually

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