ana / they + them / 26 / gay af 
““hollow crown is an upcoming premium jcink, midwestern gothic site set in the fictional town of seven devils, missouri. our buzz begins this week so follow us for updates!
” ”
  • hollowcrownsrp

    hollow crown is an upcoming premium jcink, midwestern gothic site set in the fictional town of seven devils, missouri. our buzz begins this week so follow us for updates!

  • [ tw: parental illness, stalking, general creepiness, munchausens ]
howie jason burke / 30 / hermit reversed
“howie is that guy you hear about around seven devils, the guy you see walking around random neighborhoods, hands in his pockets and head...
  • [ tw: parental illness, stalking, general creepiness, munchausens  ]

    howie jason burke / 30 / hermit reversed

    howie is that guy you hear about around seven devils, the guy you see walking around random neighborhoods, hands in his pockets and head down, making everyone in the well to do neighborhoods uncomfortable. he’s always been a seven devils native and from a young age was labeled a weirdo. he was that kid who ate glue in the back of class and would get caught frequently sniffing girls hair. he was a socially awkward boy who never got the proper socializing and kept to himself about 99% of the time.

    he never knew his father and his mom has been sick for the majority of her life with something that he still has no idea what it is. unbeknownst to him, his mother suffers from munchausen’s and willingly makes herself sick for the attention her son gives her and it just seems to worsen when she suspects that he’s pulling away from her. 

    howie still lives at home taking care of his mother and spends his day shifts working at the diner. he’s know to stare at girls he thinks are pretty quite frequently over the hot window and has been complained about several times but howie is a fantastic line cook and also a white man in america but we don’t talk about that, woops. anyways - he was caught stalking a patron awhile back, duckie, mainly because he wanted to talk to her but had no idea how. i wish i could say he learned his lesson but he has not. he’s just a creepy guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly and largely just makes people uncomfortable.

    needs: everything? i mean even weirdos need friends and shit / but seriously, other coworkers, a friend or two / an ex-girlfriend mayhaps / anything and everything, please! feel free to hit me up on discord: baby monster.#0589

  • [ tw: death mention, blood mention, codependency issues, just a lot of Pain & Suffering ]
[[MORE]]jesse custer / 24 or 25 / open
• raised in a house of god / prayed for his father to die and was taken aback when his father actually did die,...
  • [ tw: death mention, blood mention, codependency issues, just a lot of Pain & Suffering ]

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  • [ tw: parental death, dead body mention, parental abandonment, odd fascination with death ]
“effy nola sawyer / 24 / reversed star
not a seven devils native in the slightest, effy sawyer was seemingly set up for failure ever since the beginning....
  • [ tw: parental death, dead body mention, parental abandonment,  odd fascination with death ]

    effy nola sawyer / 24 / reversed star

    not a seven devils native in the slightest, effy sawyer was seemingly set up for failure ever since the beginning. she was born to mom who was constantly sick all the time and a father who was as absent as normal is in seven devils. at the time of her birth to about thirteen, effy lived in shreveport, louisana until her father decided to just straight up danny phantom and her mother died while she was at school. growing up, effy’s mother meant everything to her and when she died, a piece of effy died with her and even though it’s been eleven years, she can still remember her mom’s dead body at the kitchen table. after that child, services found her next of kin in seven devils and soon after, effy’s fascination with death began.

    she ended up moving in with her grandmother and her grandfather, locking herself away in her bedroom. effy was that dark and brooding girl who sat by herself at the lunch table in school and would just give whoever came her way, a mean sneer. she wasn’t a very nice girl in high school and was pretty much vilified as an outcast. however, she managed to make friends with another student after their own family member passed away, finding a common bond in death.

    after she graduated high school, she headed off to college to study mortuary sciences, deciding that she wanted to be an embalmer. it was the perfect job for her, dealing with the dead rather than the living was just easier. she eventually graduated college and started an embalming apprenticeship a year ago at the bloom funeral home.

    needs: that one friend who she knew in high school or middle school that they’re still really close to to this day / other Depressed and Stressed folks / maybe give her a little support group of online friends / ex boyfriends or girlfriends who wanted a big tiddy goth gf and ended up getting effy / anything and everything please, love my sad girl. my discord is baby monster.#0589

  • [ tw: abusive parents, alcoholism, murder, drug addiction, cheating ]
“minnie lauren crowley / 23 / upright devil
born and raised in seven devils, the crowley family isn’t a family that you love to declare you’re from. minnie is the second youngest...
  • [ tw: abusive parents, alcoholism, murder, drug addiction, cheating ]

    minnie lauren crowley / 23 / upright devil

    born and raised in seven devils, the crowley family isn’t a family that you love to declare you’re from. minnie is the second youngest in the crowley family and while some of her siblings have escaped their namesake, this little blonde has not. her life has been a series of huge mistakes and addictions, minnie never learning from any of them. she would love to say that she has escaped the cycle of abuse but has really just perpetuated the cycle even more. she’s hopped from relationship to relationship, trying to find someone to fill the void that her parents neglected to fill. it doesn’t matter if it’s a friendship or a romantic relationship, minnie will seek out anyone who will supply her with what she thinks she needs at the time. 

    there have only been two constant things or people in minnie’s life and that’s her best friend and unspoken everything, will and her friend group who they’ve affectionately dubbed themselves the powderhuff girls, minnie being the bubbles of the group. the gals themselves have their own addictions, minnie finding herself tied within the group after being offered cocaine several times and well, mistaking that as affection. what bonds them together however is the fact that they just left their drug dealer to die and minnie is now convinced she’s being haunted by him, getting more and more paranoid every day. 

    as of right now, she’s still actively using and living with her best friend will who she sleeps with quite frequently and is way too attached to him to even think about letting him go. minnie is also seeing someone who i’ve named peter and he stays over once a week and maybe he’s older, maybe he’s not, he sort of fills this father figure in her life because who doesn’t love a gal with daddy issues.

    needs: any childhood friends who would put up with her bullshit and antics, friends now, party people, people she’s gotten into fights with, this guy peter (he can be renamed of course) that she’s seeing, and honestly, just anything and everything! i’m down for lots of things. feel free to hit me up on discord: baby monster.#0589

  • i need to type up an actual request for it but if anyone wants a preacher inspired group, feel free to hit me up on discord! baby monster.#0589

  • hollowcrownsrp:
““hollow crown is an upcoming premium jcink, midwestern gothic site set in the fictional town of seven devils, missouri. our buzz begins this week so follow us for updates!
” ”
  • hollowcrownsrp

    hollow crown is an upcoming premium jcink, midwestern gothic site set in the fictional town of seven devils, missouri. our buzz begins this week so follow us for updates!

  • alias: ana
    age: 26
    pronouns: they / them
    discord: baby monster.#0589
    fave gothic show/movie/book: oh my god, uh … i really like preacher!!!!
    preview you’re most looking forward to: skin, skin, skin and codes and membergroups! 
    things you want to see on the site: creepy and kooky characters!
    a fun pic to share:

  • hollowcrownsrp:
““hollow crown is an upcoming premium jcink, midwestern gothic site set in the fictional town of seven devils, missouri. our buzz begins this week so follow us for updates!
” ”
  • hollowcrownsrp

    hollow crown is an upcoming premium jcink, midwestern gothic site set in the fictional town of seven devils, missouri. our buzz begins this week so follow us for updates!