Number of lattices on n unlabeled nodes.
(Formerly M1486)
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 53, 222, 1078, 5994, 37622, 262776, 2018305, 16873364, 152233518, 1471613387, 15150569446, 165269824761, 1901910625578, 23003059864006
Also commutative idempotent monoids. Also commutative idempotent semigroups of order n-1.
Commutative idempotent semigroups are also called semilattices, so A(n) counts semilattices of order n-1. - Dennis Sweeney, July 19 2024
J. Heitzig and J. Reinhold, Counting finite lattices, Algebra Universalis, 48 (2002), 43-53.
P. D. Lincoln, personal communication.
N. J. A. Sloane and Simon Plouffe, The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Academic Press, 1995 (includes this sequence).
J. R. Stembridge, personal communication.
David Wasserman and Nathan Lawless, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..20 (a(20) from Volker Gebhardt)
R. Belohlavek and V. Vychodil, Residuated lattices of size <=12, Order 27 (2010) 147-161 doi:10.1007/s11083-010-9143-7, Table 2.
V. Gebhardt and S. Tawn, Constructing unlabelled lattices, arXiv:1609.08255 [math.CO], 2016.
J. Heitzig and J. Reinhold, Counting finite lattices, preprint no. 298, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Hannover, Germany, 1999.
J. Heitzig and J. Reinhold, Counting finite lattices, CiteSeer 1999.
D. J. Kleitman and K. J. Winston, The asymptotic number of lattices, in: Combinatorial mathematics, optimal designs and their applications (Proc. Sympos. Combin. Math. and Optimal Design, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Colo., 1978), Ann. Discrete Math. 6 (1980), 243-249.
S. Kyuno, An inductive algorithm to construct finite lattices, Math. Comp. 33 (1979), no. 145, 409-421.
N. Lawless, Generating all modular lattices of a given size, Slides, ADAM 2013.
Arman Shamsgovara, Enumerating, Cataloguing and Classifying All Quantales on up to Nine Elements, In: Glück, R., Santocanale, L., and Winter, M. (eds), Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science (RAMiCS 2023) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, Vol. 13896.
Wikipedia, Semilattice.
Cf. A006981, A006982, A055512. Main diagonal of A058142. a(n+1) is main diagonal of A058116.
Sequence in context: A022493 A348580 A284729 * A336020 A277175 A056841
More terms from Jobst Heitzig (heitzig(AT)math.uni-hannover.de), Jul 03 2000
a(19) from Nathan Lawless, Sep 15 2013
a(20) from Volker Gebhardt, Sep 28 2016