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* Ihre Aktion  verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen 
Bücher 1.  The Speos Artemidos inscription of Hatshepsut and related discussions
/ Goedicke, Hans. - Baltimore, Md. : Halgo, 2004
Bücher 2.  The battle of Megiddo
/ Goedicke, Hans. - Baltimore, Md. : Halgo, 2000
Bücher 3.  Pi(ankh)y in Egypt : a study of the Pi(ankh)y stela
/ Goedicke, Hans. - Baltimore, Md. : Halgo, 1998
Bücher 4.  Studies about Kamose and Ahmose
/ Goedicke, Hans. - Baltimore, Md. : Halgo, 1995
Bücher 5.  Essays in egyptology : in honor of Hans Goedicke
/ Bryan, Betsy Morrell. - San Antonio, Tex. : Van Siclen Books, 1994
Bücher 6.  Problems concerning Amenophis III.
/ Goedicke, Hans. - Baltimore, Mass. : HALGO, 1992
Bücher 7.  Old hieratic paleography
/ Goedicke, Hans. - Baltimore, Md. : Halgo, 1988
Bücher 8.  Studies in "The instructions of king Amenemhet I for his son" ; Plates
/ Goedicke, Hans. - San Antonio, Tex. : Van Siclen Books, 1988
Bücher 9.  Studies in "The instructions of king Amenemhet I for his son" ; Text
/ Goedicke, Hans. - San Antonio, Tex. : Van Siclen Books, 1988
Bücher 10.  The quarrel of Apophis and Seqenenre
/ Goedicke, Hans. - San Antonio, Tex. : Van Siclen, 1986
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