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* Ihre Aktion  verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen 
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 1.  Humanity : Texts and Contexts:Christian and Muslim Perspectives
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - Washington : Georgetown University Press, 2011Zusammenfassung
Bücher 2.  Humanity: texts and contexts : Christian and Muslim perspectives ; a record of the sixth Building Bridges seminar, convened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, National University of Singapore, december 2007
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - Washington D.c. : Georgetown University Press, 2011
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 3.  Humanity: Texts and Contexts : Christian and Muslim Perspectives
/ Marshall, David. - Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, 2010
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 4.  Justice and Rights : Christian and Muslim Perspectives
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, 2009
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 5.  Justice and rights : Christian and Muslim perspectives : a record of the fifth "Building bridges" seminar held in Washington, D.C., March 27-30, 2006
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, 2009Zusammenfassung
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 6.  Justice and Rights : Christian and Muslim Perspectives
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - Washington : Georgetown University Press, 2009Zusammenfassung
Bücher 7.  Justice and rights : Christian and Muslim perspectives ; a record of the fifth "Building Bridges" seminar held in Washington, D.C., march 27-30, 2006
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - Washington Dc : Georgetown University Press, 2009
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 8.  Building a better bridge : Muslims, Christians, and the common good : a record of the fourth Building bridges seminar held in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, May 15-18, 2005
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, 2008
Bücher 9.  Building a better bridge : Muslims, Christians and the common good ; a record of the fourth Building Bridges Seminar held in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, May 15 - 18, 2005
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - 1. print. - Washington, DC : Georgetown Univ. Press, 2008
Bücher 10.  Scriptures in dialogue : christians and muslims studying the bible and the Qurʾān together ; a record of the seminar "Building bridges" held at Doha, Qatar, 7 - 9 april 2003
/ Ipgrave, Michael. - 2. impr. - London : Church House Publ., 2007
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