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* Ihre Aktion  verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen 
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 1.  Prologue to Revolution : Sources and Documents on the Stamp Act Crisis, 1764-1766
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2012
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 2.  The Stamp Act Crisis : Prologue to Revolution
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2011
Bücher 3.  American heroes : profiles of men and women who shaped early America
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Norton, 2009
Bücher 4.  The Puritan family : religion & domestic relations in seventeenth-century New England
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - New ed., revised and enlarged, [Nachdr.] - New York, NY [u.a.] : HarperPerennial, [20]07
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 5.  Not your usual founding father : selected readings from Benjamin Franklin
/ Franklin, Benjamin. - New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2006Zusammenfassung
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 6.  Not your usual founding father : selected readings from Benjamin Franklin
/ Franklin, Benjamin. - New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2006
Bücher 7.  Benjamin Franklin : eine Biographie
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - München : Beck, 2006
Bücher 8.  The genuine article : a historian looks at early America
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - New York : Norton, 2004
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 9.  Benjamin Franklin
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2002Zusammenfassung
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 10.  Benjamin Franklin
/ Morgan, Edmund S.. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2002
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