Behind the scenes of Wong Kar Wai’s In The Mood For Love (2000).
Taken in Angkor Wat, Cambodia, by by Man Lim Chung (文念中), the film’s art director.
whenever I go out in public I feel like such an outsider like was I ever meant to be human? can I go back home?
it is funny when people act as though no transitional program for family abolition exists when cuba’s family code is right there
replacing the concept of parental custody with parental responsibility alone is like. unthinkable in most places on planet earth. it may seem contradictory that steps towards broadening and expanding what a family “is” is a step towards family abolition, but those steps both create division between strict bioessentialist definitions of the family and enshrines the dignity and personhood of (particularly structurally vulnerable) individuals within a family unit, giving children elderly and disabled persons the right to recourse when their rights are infringed upon by family members
moths are precious
Curling up, I was thankful for Dally’s jacket. It was too big, but it was warm. Not even the rattling of the train could keep me awake, and I went to sleep in a hoodlum’s jacket, with a gun lying next to my hand.
Isfahan, Iran (1975) Ph. Roland & Sabrina Michaud
In Gaza, we may escape death every day. But we have not escaped hunger until this moment.
Van Gogh in blue