Emerald (color)

color shade of green
This box shows the color emerald.

Emerald is a color that is a shade of green. It is light and bright, with a faint bluish cast. The name comes from the color of emerald.

The first written use of emerald as a color name in English was in 1598.[1]

Emerald is a highly transparent color. This color is evenly distributed, with no eye-visible color zoning.

Meaning of emerald

  • The color emerald may be used to represent Ireland. Ireland is often called the emerald isle.

Tones of emerald color comparison chart

Name Color HEX Code Red Green Blue Hue Sat Lum Source
Emerald #50C878 80 200 120 140° 52% 55% Maerz & Paul
Emerald green (Emeraldgreen) #00C957 0 201 120 146° 100 39% Web color
Medium Emerald, Emerald (crayola) #14A989 20 169 137 167° 79% 37% Emerald (Crayola Gem Tones)
Paolo Veronese Green #009B7D 0 155 125 168° 100% 30% Verde Verones (Gallego & Sanz)
Spanish Emerald #009975 0 153 117 166° 100% 30% Esmeralda (Gallego & Sanz)
Vivid Emerald #009874 0 152 116 166° 100% 30% Emerald (Pantone TPX 17-5641)
Illuminating Emerald #319177 49 145 119 164° 49% 38% Crayola Metallic FX
Teknikk x9700 #1CE678 28 230 120 147° 80% 50% Roblox


  1. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 194; Color Sample of Emerald: Page 75 Plate 26 Color Sample J10