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User Journal

Journal Journal: Time to grow up and put slashdot behind me 2

I am tired of the trolls here and I have made quite some enemies over the years. I feel like this is now a 35 year old version of highschool where it is popular to say certain things complete with squeaky cheerleaders girls rather than a place of intellectual thought. serves this much better.

I got modded down 0 troll for putting IOS in development requirements because it wasn't an official real language by self righteous asshats who feel threatened by their own unique C/unix way regardless of market demand which was my point. I do not belong here anymore. I am not a linux fanboy anymore as I feel it is not longer keeping up with the times and I refuse to be brainwashed into an idea and never change and grow old and set in my ways. I change with the times and adjust accordingly. I want a place where I can do this. Most importantly spend less time here and go better myself like a good middle aged person is supposed to do.

So goodbye!

User Journal

Journal Journal: A clarification 2

I am not a Windows troll.

I have read my older entries and realized I have aged and become less crazy about principles like I once was. I guess I view machines as tools now to get work done. In addition, from day one I hate people who choose to become zealots, and wear rose colored glasses with their heads in the sand to appear cool. This is true with GNU and Linux zealots as well. Dumb people or ill informed are one thing. No one but God knows everything about anything. However, ignorance with a smile is something totally different that does a great diservice to yourself and everyone around you. People need to learn and adapt to better themselves.

My views on Windows and Microsoft has shifted because they do good work in attacking bugs and being part of the security community. Also, I have given up on Linux for good as of March of last year when Gnome 3 and unity was coming out. IE 9 and Firefox 4 also came out with full hardware acceleration for Windows only. Windows 7 is MUCH MORE secure than its previous versions. I stand by my earlier principles. XP and IE 6 and 7 SUCK. But we should commend people or organizations that change and rightfully condemn those who do the opposite.

Instead of evangalizing people on Linux I choose to tell them to upgrade or get a Mac. My exwife was correct in wondering why I spend so much time reconfiguring computers with weird operating systems when her Vista box just works. I can't argue and I can't think of any non server related thing Windows can't do anymore. 1999 is over folks. Its time to move on.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I love Ubuntu Linux

I just tried upgrading to Ubuntu Linux 7.4 Fiesty Fawn beta 1 last night. I started the update-manager -c to chose to upgrade online. I had one little problem ....

Anne turned off the lightswitch where teh laptop was plugged in during the upgrade. :-( So my laptop is half 6.10 and half 7.4.

Nervously, I turned on the laptop expecting it to not even boot up. Ubuntu booted up and I got a message saying I have 1022 updates available. I clicked on it and I got a message saying my version of Ubuntu linux is downgrading back to 6.10 and is fixing itself! Sweet!

In Windows if you had a partial upgrade the whole system would have blue screened. Ubuntu Linux will heal itself back to the original.

Anyway I think Ubuntu Linux is the best operating system ever made and I think average Joes can already use it. Its so easy to use and Linux should have been this easy years ago.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why does everyone want me to run Windows

People find it odd that I run ubuntu Linux on this laptop but my argument is why run Windows?

Why do I need to use what everyone else uses from a convicted monopolist? I don't want to be different. When I run Windows I feel its Microsofts computer and not mine. Its that simple. I just want to run something that does not suck goatballs and is expensive. Sure Windows is no ok I guess but some of microsofts products such as MS Word I can not stand. For programming Linux suites my need and I dont have to wrestle with restore disks that no longer work.

However I am going to have to switch back to Windows again on my notebook.

The cell phone developer kit software for Java requires windows and its odd that Sun Microsystems would bother with a win32 only port of their mobility toolkit. Sun hates Microsoft with a passion and java supposed to run on many different platforms.

Well I suppose it may not be too bad. I heard postgresql and mysql now have native windows support where Linux is no longer needed.

Oh and I just applied for a new entry level web designer position in a windows only shop where frontpage and IIS skills are admired. Hmmm

Well compaq was cheap and did not give me the restore cd so I will have to see what I can do to order another one in the meantime.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I need less time to play around with Linux based oss'

I am now using my slashdot journal to mirror my livejournal one here . If anyone wants geek only stuff let me know and I will keep more personal related entried in my livejournal instead.

Last time I am configuring with Linux and operating sytems
I have things I need to get done and probably better things to do then this. For one I still do not have a job and depression about this is beggening to set it. Also I want to do things with my laptop like learning and doing something to better myself and my profession.

I wonder about certain forms of procrastination or is it just I get a high on having hte latest and greatest thing?

Anyway I found a workaround with the bugs I found in Ubuntu Linux 6.10 in my last post and I am giving it one more try. Its a real release as of this morning so that means it will stabilizie as hackers work on it.

I want to learn some html, more java, and perl to do some simple scripting and web based things like letting me know when someone replies to a friends journal via wget. Maybe I can work on my lj space as well.

With more time I plan to use Livejournal more and slashdot less.

Other than that I plan to get a non skilled job starting tomorrow if the geeksquads wont call me back or use a temp agency. I had it! I need money and a purpose and I feel some folks might be making fun of me and judging me on this. But I guess not everyone deserves as much as 12/hr. I just want it too but no one wants to pay me that. Maybe my skills are not all that? I dunno and I will worry about that tomorrow and this weekend

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ubuntu edgy is not ready for prime time 2

Fedora 6 has come out and Ubuntu Linux 6.10 "Edgy" is coming out within 3 days. I downloaded Ubuntu Linux "Edgy" release candidate. Let me tell you its not ready. Ubuntu has been historically easy for newbies and very stable. So far I found 4 bugs since I installed it last night mentioned here,
here, and here. Last the installation froze when I repartitioned my Windows drive. Scary stuff but miraciously I did not lose data. So or my other unix nerds on here my advice is to not upgrade.

I am getting my old ubuntu 6.4 cd's as I write this and plan to wipe my disk and put last June's version of Ubuntu. The fonts are ugly but I found out how to backport Edgy's fonts to 6.4. I think by Thanksgiving I may upgrade back. What a shame as the new linux is pure eye candy but I want my computer to just work. Ubuntu needs to focus more on quality and that is its strength. I hope they fix more of the 600+ bugs in it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: May my computer, the cray-MPIII RIP 1

May the cray-MPIII rest in peace.

I put in the new ram last night and as soon as I turned on the machine I smelled burned silicon and the machine never booted. I swear I inserted the dimm memory module properly. The AGP video card was mostly in the way but both ends of the bank clipped on the ram module. ... or so I thought??

Maybe the ram chip fried since it was underclocked? But underclocking it wont destroy it or my memory controller in my computer.

I put the old ram chip back in and zip... nada. Then since I toggled the video card I decided to swap the video card again. still no luck.

Its dead jim.

My monitor has been going out on occasion due to a damaged video cord. I wonder if the monitor is the culprit? If I had a brain I would not have been lazy and not put a pc speaker in my system. Without the beeps I dont know what the computer is doing at all.

THere is a computer guy I know at work and according to him, he thinks my whole system is fried. Likely the memory controller is out. But that doesn't make sense at all. I will try to recover my system again tomorrow morning with an older monitor to see what the culprit is.

This is really bad since I have critical files like my Itunes music collection on the system and its encrypted and DRMed galore to prevent me from transfering the music to another system. Damn hollywood always loves to accuse its users as pirates. My Ipod still has the music but refuses to play it since it thinks I am a different user. To fix it I need to sync to my now dead computer. What can I do? For one I am thinking of throwing my Ipod away and refusing to ever download music online again. I hate buying crappy waayyy overpriced cd's but I do have consumer rights like uh, backing up my music... WOW what a novel concept! You mean I can listen to my own music without my own equipment denying me fair use? Who would of that of that? When it comes to MP3 players I would have to say stay far away from Ipods. This Ipod is becoming a real nightmare.

I have another memory module for this notebook and I now have a fear of installing it on it. I dont want 2 dead computers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Whats wrong with Opensource developers 2

Is anyone reading this sick and tired of the ".. well it works on my system... shrugs shoulders" attitude of developers who run the same packages with different hardware/software combinations as yourself?

I made the mistake of using -03 in Gentoo and everything is a mess and buggy. I had the infamous virtual terminal bug re-emerge. Its rare and it only affects my motherboard... I think? Virtual terminals ceast to work and alt backspace doesn't work either. This leaves me hitting the reset button on my computer when X acts up. Yes my files are correct.

The bug was fixed recently but it has now re-emerged. I tried posting about it a million times only to be insulted about how not to setup /etc/xorg.conf. I mentioned exactly what is in the file that appears correct only to hear next, well it works on my system. Problem must be you.

Funny how these opensource zealots attack proprietary software companies for not clearing bugs or not listening to their users? Well commercial software in my opinion is becoming better quality well opensource is going downhill.

It was never this bad back in the redhat 5.x days? Things used to just work and bugs were fixed. Then the windoze developers came in and changed things.

Well dont flame us if we switch back to windows or pick Solaris over linux in certain environments. Claiming by blind zealotry without reason that your better without offering an alternative will not help.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Merry christmas NIX

better !pout !cry
better watchout
lpr why
mv /etc/northpole/santaclaus ~/town
cat /etc/passwd >list
ncheck list
ncheck list
cat list | grep naughty >nogiftlist
cat list | grep nice >giftlist
mv /etc/northpole/santaclaus ~/town
who | grep sleeping
who | grep awake
who | egrep 'bad|good'
for (goodness sake) {
    be good

User Journal

Journal Journal: Merry Christmass Nix

better !pout !cry
better watchout
lpr why
mv /etc/northpole/santaclaus ~/town
cat /etc/passwd >list
ncheck list
ncheck list
cat list | grep naughty >nogiftlist
cat list | grep nice >giftlist
mv /etc/northpole/santaclaus ~/town
who | grep sleeping
who | grep awake
who | egrep 'bad|good'
for (goodness sake) {
    be good

User Journal

Journal Journal: Some funny as hell and weird ass stuff

The weirdest thing I have seen since but not inteded to be offensive and gross.

I was looking for a particular flash based on supermario last night and I found this one instead. (May not be worksafe in teh US/Canada due to the meaning of "twanger")

Twanger is british lingo for a musical instrument with strings like a Banjo. But it has lets say a different meaning as well. ;-)

Info how the unaired episode came into existance is mentioned here.

Yes, slashdotters this is a real children's show!

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is my last entry and I am done with billlly gates 2

I am sick and tired of making an ass out of myself with poor grammar and improper sentencing in addition to my drop in my gpa due to my internet addiction.

I am dyslexic yes and I poor speller with dexterity problems. Sometimes I hit the wrong letters in the keyboard. Sometimes my brain will read a "The" or "here" and other pronouns when they are not there. This may be due to the fact that dyslexic people do not read sentences the same way most of you here are reading this. I don't really speak or tempt to speak out sounds as I type and that is a core sign of dyslexia if you ask any psychologist.

But mainly I feel down about myself and suffer from what is now server depression. :-(

I don't know if anyone actually reads this, but I am imaging a few are wondering what kind of retard is posting such silly nonsense. Now you know! My posting on the sony drm was the last straw.

Its time I became responsible and leave. Good bye slashdot.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Switching to Solaris x86 as my destkop

I still consider myself one of the fallouts from FreeBSD 5.x searching for my os of choice.

As many of you know I am not exactly pro Linux (or gnu/linux according to the Stallmanists).

I like the BSD's and I also believe Windows has improved tremendously over the years, while Linux has gone downhill. Especially this is true in userspace applications. Many zealots refuse to see this trend and get all angry when more and more Windows2k3 installs replace Linux and Unix ones. Many in IT want standards and that is Microsoft.

Still Windows a nightmare to administer and I am not a pro-MS zealot. Windows is still desktop oriented to me compared to UNIX.

  As for Linux, I will say it was a great OS back in the days when Allen Cox was Linus's right-hand man and the kernel was 1/15th the size of 2.6. The number of applications that core dump is huge. Maybe no one has time to debug the apps? But I don't have this problem under other operating systems. This is what I mean by instability of Linux. Sure the kernel is still somewhat stable but what if Inet starts doing strange things? Your system might as well be down.

I discovered which contains thousands of ported apps to Solaris. I found out that solaris10 is fully supported on my system according to the HCL, and even has support for my ipod mini and my sans cruizer 512 Meg stick. Sweet!

I just downloaded solaris10 and plan to burn it to some cds in a few minutes and take the plunge. I am hoping Solaris is as good as FreeBSD with great documentation, simple rc scripts in /etc, and perhaps some sample files like FBSD had in /user/share/examples that I can use.

I am also excited that its Linux emulation is excellent. I have old Linux games that won't run under modern distro's that I hope will run under Solaris. Solaris has support for older versions and tools which would include (Solaris's Linux loader).

Finally I can have an os that wont core dump all my userspace apps. Yes I know it's not the OS's fault for third party applications, but I am hoping this won't be an issue because everyone runs the same distro of Solaris so to speak. Not solaris10 with a different version of libc for example.

I will update and include screenshots.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I am thinking of writing a payroll/scheduling app

I wrote a few anti gpl comments that hopefully wont appear too trollish. TO be honest I am quite ignorant about the GPL considering all the information I read on slashdot is biased.

I know modifying a GPL product and redistributing is bad. But what constitutes a GPL rewrite? If I include some functions and link to some libraries dynamically does that constitute a redistribution? Could I sell it to my employer?

I would like to view some gpl source code and perhaps link to some libraries for graphics dealing with timetables. I will be heading to MSDN to see if they have any .net libraries I can use.

I have never really wrote anything major before and this will be a special project for me this summer. I need to get into IT again. The only thing I wont be able to do is access teh SAP database for my program. I will use a text file for the access layer and just be honest. Then I could sell myself as someone who can show the prototype of the program and rewrite it with the SAP connections if they decide to hire me. :-)

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