Backside Of The Tv
its alive!
nick | he/its | trans + bi | white | 18

hi im nick. he/it (do not use they/them for me). im 19 + white + usamerican + tme

my letterboxd

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  • iphigeniacomplex

    it's very disheartening to see people posting men they like from whatever stories they're into and being like he's like a woman to me BUT theyre not headcanoning this character as a trans woman theyre saying this character is similar to a woman in that he is bad at stuff maybe or isn't really where he wants to be in life but not in a gender sense like specifically in the sense of being pathetic and bad at things. like maybe he's in between jobs right now or maybe one time he cried. and this is womanesque behavior for a man to exhibit. and the people who say this? pronouns. sometimes even several. it really does boggle the mind.

  • imagine the riddler being dragged, bound, humbled and gasping for breath in the fiery chains of hell (gets so hard i lose consciousness

  • Anonymous asked:

    not actually suggesting to read Trinity '08 rn because it's long and like, a lot. but I am suggesting to just look at wizard au Eddie's first appearance in it , in the backup of issue 1, because his first line of dialogue being what it is seems relevant to your interests and also he's a huge snarky asshole in it (also seems relevant to your interests)

    help meee i knew about this version but nobodys shown me this specific line. please eddie… show some decorum

  • Anonymous asked:

    thoughts on the ultimates (2024) issue #5?

    is this about my captain america post. i dont read marvel comics that post was specifically about a common mentality i see in shared comic spaces lol

  • bombusbombus

    Terrifying to share any opinions about comics as a person with memory issues. Sorry I forgot that thing he said in volume 6 issue 87. I'll forget again tomorrow.

  • people misunderstanding the transgender beam attack is going to be my villain origin. its an egg tournament WE’RE CRACKING EGGS

  • i need to finish my girl riddler art before this week is up so i can covet votes on that poll

  • Anonymous asked:

    erm how come all of your polyamorous couples always have two men and only one woman? doesn’t sound very feminist 🧐

    NOT TRUE. i think selina, ivy, and harley can be a throuple as well. my actual requirement is that selina needs to be there

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    flashback to that time selina actually did commit massive stock market fraud

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    harvey and selina kissing? bruce in front of them, right off screen? i can turn anything into a polyamourous throuple