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by Richard Stain

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Flux Realm 02:37
Bad Hat 04:15
Transit 04:33


PNW local Richard Stain's debut is a double-refined reaction to the lowercase sound movement. Richard's goal was to amplify the less heard sounds like micro-noise, field recordings, ultrasonic frequencies, and electromagnetic fields into audible ranges.

"I hate silence, and yet we must live in it."

Initially it was made with aim to antagonize the listener, but after a tragic kickboxing incident left him monaural hearing, he decided to soften the tracks to be gentler, as he had grown.

"I realized there was no more room for hatred."

To improve the spacial presentation of the album, it was played in his bathroom with strategically placed speakers and mics to pick up the reverberations. When mixed back in with the dry signal, you get exactly what it would have sounded like if you listened to this in a bathroom.


released February 2, 2025

Richard Stain - Performer, composer, conceptualist
Thomas Agora - Vibes
Keenan Ketzner - Mastering


all rights reserved



Thomas Agora Bellingham, Washington

My focus is the mood and emotions hidden in the infinite textures of sound. This music might not make you dance, but it will make you ponder.

Thomas Agora is also a side project of Keenan Ketzner, who makes more normal music.

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