@document-start Example: hijack page scripts

By dindog Last update Oct 8, 2012 — Installed 770 times.

Script Summary: This snippet show how to use GM's new metadata @run-at document-start

Version: 0.0.2

The implement of @run-at document-start greatly extent what userscript capable range.

This snippet is one of the example show how to interfere the original script before they run, instead of stay away until the DOM is ready ( DOMContentloaded event fired ).

Intro & Usage

Why using @run-at document-start?

In the past, GM script was run after DOMContentloaded event was fired, the give us impression userscript is kind of slow and delay.

But after the implement of @run-at document-start, enables us to run the script anytime we want and do jobs used to be impossible.

This guide will focuse on how to edit some page original script before it is run.

Using //@run-at doucment-start metablock, here are some of most important events you would like to know: DOMNodeInserted, beforescriptexecute, afterscriptexecute.

How to use it?

In the following example, we would stop and change the original scripts with our custom script.

Say there is a site, with code like:

  <!-- Evil Block 1 --> 
         while(true){ alert('I am bad'); }
  <!-- Innocent Block --> 
         function innocent(){/*good stuff*/}
  <!-- Evil Block 2 --> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

and the /bad2.js is like this:'');//bad again...
     function load_good_stuff(){/* we want it !! */ }

This site is really evil, we need to fix it before its scripts run. There are two kind of script block: inline and external with src, we need to deal with them differently. Below is the snippet to do the trick.

There are two parts in the snippet:

    1) Detect the targets.
    2) Substitute with new code block.
// ==UserScript==
// @name           editscript
// @version        0.0.1
// @namespace      [email protected]
// @include        http://*
// @run-at         document-start
// ==/UserScript==

var changed = 0; // script need to be edited with

window.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', function(e) {

    ///for external script:
	src =;
	if (\.js/) != -1) {

    ///for inline script:
        //tips: you could also run a regex search for the
        //if the position of the inline script is not fixed.

    ///when done, remove the listener:
	if(changed == 2) window.removeEventListener(e.type, arguments.callee, true);

}, true);

////// append with new block function:
function append(s) {	 
             .innerHTML = s.toString().replace(/^function.*{|}$/g, '');

function NewScript1(){
    /* insert new block here, like:  */
    function load_good_stuff(){
            /* we still got it!! 
             * only without the evil thing. 

This user script will run right at the document beginning, as for Scriptish, it even runs before getting any HTTP response ( which is excellent for redirecting ).

Then we add an listener, before script execute, namely, which will be fired any

When open the evil site above, we will stop at first before the infinite loop alert(), which match the pattern:if("script")[0])
It will be stopped by e.preventDefault(); , we just leave it that way.

Then, the 'beforescriptexecute' event will be fired again at the 'innocent script', and run as usual, because the user script do nothign about it.

And again when the third script of the page above to run, namely the "/bad2.js", it match our pattern, so we stop it, and this time, we like to add some flavor -- we put it back with another script block.

With "append(s)" function, you can append with complicated code block. Ideal for downloading the original script then tweak it a bit, appending it back to the page. As the demo shows.

tip: you could use @require to get the the original \bad.js then modified it if only minor changed needed, rather than completely rewritten the script.

Last words

Though the title is said hijack scripts, other sources can deal with that way too, achieving better solution than trandition userscript.