but is it even poetry if it doesn’t haunt you a little?
“But it was always the Red Room.”
✧ all about hedonism and decadence ✧
“But it was always the Red Room.”
haunting of hill house has been one of the best tv shows i’ve watched in a while. i love when horror is the vehicle and not the destination. these writers carry characters to full term and with such care, it’s so beautiful that it is so terrifying.
“Milton’s division of universal space.” Chaos, chaos, chaos. Hell. Milton’s astronomy, the astronomy of Paradise lost. 1913.
Brave New World: I’ll keep all my emotions right here and then one day I’ll die.
Little Women: Which is funny because I’m probably gay based on the way I’ve walked and talked for 28 years
The Great Gatsby: I had to stop drinking because I would black out and ruin parties
Frankenstein: I also don’t want me to be doing what I’m doing
Lord of the Flies: Thirteen year olds are the meanest people in the world
To Kill a Mockingbird: I’ve never talked to my dad about that, but I figured I would tell all of you
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Was there ever a ghost mother? Or was the dead victorian girl me all along?
Animal Farm: He’s allowed to do that? It feels like he shouldn’t be allowed to do that.
don’t let anyone dehumanize you
dehumanize yourself
be the creeping eldrich horror you have always longed to be; rain furious vengeance down upon those who would unmake you
“At the trial of God, we will ask: why did you allow all this? / And the answer will be an echo: why did you allow all this?”
— Ilya Kaminsky, from “A City Like a Guillotine Shivers on Its Way to the Neck,” Deaf Republic