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by Watson Park

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written by evan joseph ringle


the sound of pleading,
i've heard the cadence once or twice,
a lonesome breathing,
past the point of compromise,
no redeeming of anything to make it right
even the thought of a better time can lose its charm.

i see it in pictures,
smiling faces take the stage,
and lonesome people,
rarely ever give their names,
what's the use in doing anything these days,
knowing you're not gonna get it back,
whatever it was you lost,

these empty boxes came around one day.

i used to be here,
but that was such a long time ago,
and i still live here,
the person gone that they had known,
with all these boxes,
nothing here can feel like home,
the life from another life hasn't left quite yet.


released October 18, 2024
vocals, guitar & bass: ejr
drums: ryan sinclair

mixed by ryan sinclair
mastered by benjamin leBeau
artwork by ejr


all rights reserved



Watson Park Somerville, Massachusetts

indie rock, folk, etc.

evan joseph ringle: lead vocals, rhythm guitar
troy hartmann: vocals, lead guitar
ryan sinclair: percussion
mik jeromineck: bass

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