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ClickHeat | Clicks heatmap

clickheatClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones.


- on the browser's client: Javascript (tested on Firefox 2.0, Internet Explorer 6 and 7, Konqueror...)
- on the server: either Linux or Windows (since ClickHeat 1.3 release), Apache or Lighttpd (other may work fine), PHP, the graphic library GD2 (PNG support needed). Please post on the bug tracker or contact us (link on the right) if you have problem running ClickHeat.


- Low logging activity: a very few function calls to log a click, no server load rise should be noticed (have a look at Performance & optimization)
- A keyword is used to define the page upon Javascript code load, allowing you to group same pages.
- Screen sizes and browsers are logged, making possible the tracking of liquid CSS layouts (100% used width).

Latest version

The latest stable version is 1.7. You can also test the latest bĂȘta, with some improvements: 1.8-beta
(Changelog on

Development roadmap

Here are some developments to come in the next releases:
- add database (MySQL) support?
- improve speed rendering using virtual squares (avoid looking at empty zones)
- correct truncated dots in heatmaps (between 2 images of the heatmap)

ClickHeat : track clicks