アプリの説明:85円 ⇒ 0円 (85円 OFF)
This game can play at any time. The theme is simple, each player according to giving picture and guess the left or right hand quickly, the shorter time you spent the higher scores you get. Picture will rotate gradually ,the much time you spent the faster it will turn, and it will not only increase the difficulty, your score is still not high.Game has 40 points, after customs clearance and scores high enough, you can get the title reward.Operation of the game is very simple,just click on the screen,the method is easy to know.This game is fit you for leisure time to relax.
アプリの説明:22000円 ⇒ 0円 (22000円 OFF)
***** OPCULATO ranked No.1 in Mathematics on Amazon.
OPCULATO encourages mental arithmetic.
OPCULATO is compeditive and challenging.
OPCULATO encourages fast arithmetic,logic,deduction and memory.
OPCULATO is the name for the enjoyable arithmetic operator calculation puzzle game that helps improve arithmetic, memory, logic and deduction.
The puzzles have been created specifically to tap into all these life skills. Opculato puzzles involve mental arithmetic to solve which arithmetic operator +,-,/ or x that should be placed in the blank squares to solve a given equation. You can also use a calculator to play at first but the game is far more enjoyable playing without a calculator and the benefits and satisfaction are far greater.
アプリの説明:250円 ⇒ 85円 (165円 OFF)
e-ENGineer provides solutions to a number of commonly used calculations used in electrical engineering....(Universal iPhone/iPad version)Including: Volt Drop / Star Delta & Delta Star Transformations / Calculations to resolve V, A, VA, kW, VAr and power factor/ Ohm's LawNote : This update requires iOS 4.1 or newer do not update this app before updating to the latest iOS version- Volt Drop- Star Delta Transformation- Delta Star Transformation- Calculations to resolve V, A, VA, kW, VAr and power factor- Ohm's Law- Resistance (parallel and series) - Capacitance (parallel and series)The intended use is to provide a quick method for Engineers and Students to obtain answers to various problems that employ these calculations. All results calculated using this application require confirmation by other methods before applying to any end solution.Price reduced until end of 2011
アプリの説明:170円 ⇒ 85円 (85円 OFF)
《佛经梵音完整版》现限时降价促销中,原价$2.99元~现价$0.99元,仅此几天,绝对超值,感谢大家支持!★上线半个月即荣登生活类免费榜top1★★用户好评如潮的佛教类应用★★Appstore最好的佛教类应用之一★★传播佛经的智慧,散发佛音的空灵——尽在【佛经梵音】★每天我们都忙着,烦恼像发丝那样,剪不断,理还乱。面对人世间冷暖,迫切的生活,静下心来聆听【佛经梵音】,能让我们都能拥有慈悲,并从中得到健康,更能体会清静。放松神经,聆听内心。佛经梵音特点:1:38部佛经带给你莫大的智慧,让你的人生不再迷茫!2:106首佛音,净化心灵,静心修心,功德无量!3:独具特色的佛像功能,庄严神圣的佛像让你心更沉稳!4:支持后台多任务播放,让您可以同时进行多种工作!5:佛陀菩萨常在身边,保佑您幸福安康!【佛经梵音】通过《般若波罗蜜多心经》、《佛说阿弥陀佛》、《佛说法灭尽经》等多首佛经音乐,以短偈形式赞颂佛与菩萨,其形式有独唱、齐唱或合唱,亦有乐器伴奏,旋律非常优美,不但能感受各地的佛教音乐风格,还能颐养身心。【佛经梵音】是一种打开心灵智慧的声音,也是一种万方佛法护佑的声音,更是一种带来宏大智慧和无尽福运的声音。让我们一起散播佛法,散播爱,佛经梵音与诸位大德广结善缘。徐健淇老师:活跃在中国原创乐坛的实力歌手,集词\曲\唱\编曲\制作于一身的全能音乐人,他将以真挚的情感和独特的声线让音符进入你的灵魂,情感是人的全部,情歌能让情感自然宣泄,在他的歌声中能听见自己心情的颜色。“地藏王菩萨大愿赞”是2011年金秋最新专辑《瞬间》中的佳作,抒发地藏王菩萨的忘我精神-地狱未空势不成佛。灵机妙算专家团队:拥有各领域专家数十位,致力于推动中国身心灵健康理念的传播和发展,让我们用自性的光明照亮自己,使我们的身体、心智、灵魂处于最佳功能的状态,达到身心合一,共同探索生命的实相。诚意邀请各玄学大师专家加盟合作,联系QQ 241062290
アプリの説明:170円 ⇒ 85円 (85円 OFF)
すべての図鑑は、iPhone / iPod Touch用に最適化されます。このアプリケーションは、次の機能があります:•ウィークリーは、新しい壁紙を更新•"Favorite Album"に壁紙を追加•壁紙を保存することができます•ズームイン
アプリの説明:350円 ⇒ 170円 (180円 OFF)
Do you know your ABC's? With 2 fun and educational activities, Kumon Uppercase ABC's is designed to help your child learn to write uppercase letters and recognize the sound of each letter.From Kumon, the world's largest supplemental learning provider and parent to Kumon Math & Reading Centers, the Uppercase ABC's app includes a Letter Tracing Activity (with our unique and simple method of tracing letters) and a Letter Sounds Game (match the written letter with its sound read aloud).LEARNING TO WRITE LETTERSThe letter tracing activity helps your child master the uppercase alphabet. The Uppercase ABC's app features an innovative 3-step approach with interactive sights, sounds, and touch:Stage 1: Inside an outline of the letter, your child traces each numbered stroke in the order shown, starting with the circle, along the dotted line, and ending at the starStage 2: The circle and star disappear, but the dotted line remains for your child to traceStage 3: The dotted line is removed, and your child writes the letter on their own within the outlineChoose from 3 modes: alphabetical, random, or Kumon. Using the unique Kumon method will show letters to your child in order of complexity. This innovative approach helps your child master the easier letters such as L and T first before moving on to more challenging letters with diagonal or curved lines.REINFORCEMENT AND REWARDSIn Kumon Uppercase ABC's, each letter is paired with a delightful interactive illustration of a familiar word so children learn the basic phonics that lay the foundation for reading.When the letter "D" is correctly traced, for example, the app will show a dog. The movable image is fun for your child to play with, but also reinforces the sound and use of the letter.When your child successfully completes all of the letters, they will receive a special Certificate of Achievement. You can customize the certificate with their name and email it for printing.MATCHING LETTERS WITH SOUNDSIn this activity, your child can practice matching the sound of each letter with its written symbol. The app asks aloud, "Touch the letter that makes the sound R" and your child chooses from 3 on-screen letters.If the incorrect letter is tapped, the letter sound will repeat until the correct letter is chosen. When your child chooses the correct letter, its sound and name will be repeated to reinforce the knowledge before the next letter is shown.FUN AND EDUCATIONALFeatures of the Kumon Uppercase ABC's app include:* Learn Uppercase ABC's - The letter tracing activity helps your child master writing the alphabet.* Kumon's Exclusive Training Method - This innovative approach helps your child learn the easier letters before moving on to advanced letters.* 3-Stage Tracing Method - Practice makes perfect with the helpful 3 step approach to writing letters.* Letter Sound Game - Match the sound with the written letter in this fun activity.* Personalized Certificate - After successfully tracing all letters, your child will receive a Certificate of Achievement with their name.Help your child learn to write the alphabet in a fun and easy way - download Kumon Uppercase ABC's today.ABOUT KUMON PUBLISHINGKumon Publishing creates workbooks based on the Kumon Method for children aged 2 to 12 to help each individual child realize his or her full academic potential.Toru Kumon created the Kumon Method in Japan in the early 1950s to help his son do better in math. His method has grown into one of the world's largest providers of supplemental learning, with Kumon centers in over 44 countries worldwide.
アプリの説明:850円 ⇒ 85円 (765円 OFF)
『30分で完成! これであなたもスマートデキリーマン』定価1,000円
今日からぐっと差がつく! 社会人の極意。
●第1章 社会人の基本、さわやかに挨拶をしよう
1-1 面接のときと同じように挨拶をしているか?
1-2 挨拶は人間関係を築く第一歩でもある
1-3 自分を高めることの意義を知っておく
●第2章 学びは、自分を高めるための第一歩
2-1 自分をたかめることに老を惜しまない
2-2 会社に入って私が最初に考えるようになったこと
2-3 自分で考え、自分で行動すれば、先輩は評価してくれる
2-4 何を学ぶかをはっきりさせておく
●第3章 仕事、人、書物の「学びの3原則」
3-1 仕事時間内に職場で学ぶことを心がける
3-2 先輩をよく見て学ぶ、そしてメンターを探す、父親や母親は身近にいる良いお手本である
3-3 できるだけわかりやすく書いた本を探す
●第4章 信頼される電話のとり方
4-1 電話は会社の顔である ワンランク上の「さわやか」な電話の一言
4-2 電話の重要性と限界──「言いにくいことは電話で」
4-3 クレーム電話の対応の仕方
4-4 自分を名乗り、責任をもって応対する
●第5章 「できる人」は例外なく報告上手
5-1 報告がちゃんとできない人は、「できる人」にはなれない
5-2 報告の基礎はまず結論から
5-3 報告は意見を述べる場所でもある
5-4 報告は自分のやりたいことを表現しておく好機である
●第6章 上司は、報告しない部下を嫌がる
6-1 報告の頻度は高いに越したことはない 途中経過もきちんと報告する
6-2 仕事を任せてもらうことと報告の関係
6-3 報告をすれば自分のスキルも上がり、アドバイスももらえる
●第7章 社内メールの基本とマナー
7-1 社内用に最も短いメールですべてを言う
7-2 受け取り手のことを考えてメールを作成する
7-3 ちょっとした気配りが大切
7-4 メールと社内コミュニケーション
●第8章 客先へのメールの工夫と注意点
8-1 メールの限界を知っておく
8-2 客先へのメール
8-3 CCとBCCの活用。メールの文章では、句読点とスペースをうまく使う
●第9章 「聞くこと」の大切さ、3種類の「きく」。
9-1 学生時代の頭がいい人と社会人の頭がいい人の違い
9-2 聞くのと話すのはどちらが難しいか
9-3 聞くということは、理解するということ
9-4 ワンランク上を目指す人にあと二つの「きく」
●第10章 理解してわかりやすく「話す」。
●第11章 仕事を任せてもらうにはどうすべきか
●第12章 大きな器の社員になれ
著者 古川裕倫
アプリの説明:850円 ⇒ 500円 (350円 OFF)
Pass you citizenship test easily & effortlessly!This fantastic app assist you prepare for the US Citizenship Test (also known as Civics Test, Citizenship Knowledge Test, Naturalization Knowledge Test). This app includes Videos and Audios related to the process, history, and each question. This app is a very good tool to help you memorize the test knowledge and get ready for the citizenship interview. Also this app provides useful information and a variety of different exercises including extensive practice speaking English clearly using the proven listen-imitate-compare method. And, all the text is spoken so you can hear as well as read it. As bonus, at the end of your study you can receive a certificate of completion that you can print and display proudly. (You need to check “TAP on the icons on the right of each item” all the items in Table of the Content, in order to enable the certificate option)Comprehensive in its content, easy to navigate and with added PRINT, Advanced Multimedia, Printing, TOC, ZOOM and OFFLINE viewing functionality (yes, we heard you!), this unique executive guide walks you through the process from A to Z. As always we appreciate your feedback so we can make a better product for you.The cost of this application is subsidized substantially in order to become affordable for every user. (compare to $120). For your convenience, there are no restrictions on printing for your own personal use. This application is tested and optimized to work with all versions of iOS including new features of iOS 4.3.
アプリの説明:170円 ⇒ 85円 (85円 OFF)
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★50% Promotional Sales! Limited Time Only!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Mountain Bike Wallpaper is collection of over 240+ cool HD (High-Density 640 x 960) wallpaper for iPhone 4, iPhone 3G/3GS & iPod Touch. All wallpaper are optimized for iPhone 4 with fine details and superb resolution. iPhone 3G/3GS and iPod touch users can also use this application. All wallpaper will automatically shrink to fit the screen of your devices.★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★FEATURESThis application has the following features:★ Over 240+ HD Wallpaper★ Ability to add selected wallpaper to a "Favorite Album" for easy browsing later on★ Save any wallpaper into the Camera Roll★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★HOW TO USETo set an image as your iPhone wallpaper, follow 3 simple steps:1 - Choose your favorite wallpaper (hint: single tapping on a wallpaper will give you a full-screen view)2 - Press the "Save" button on the lower right corner3 - Go to your Camera Roll, find the wallpaper, press the icon on the lower left corner and select "Set as Wallpaper"★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Check out our other Apps on App Store by searching for "appfreeday.com" on the search box
アプリの説明:85円 ⇒ 0円 (85円 OFF)
Kakuro Puzzle is adductive board game. Raise your brain power with this puzzle game.
アプリの説明:170円 ⇒ 85円 (85円 OFF)
Free The Bee is an educational game to help your child spell 3 letter words and have fun in the process. Your child will have to insert the first and last letter of the given word by dragging from a list of possible answers to the correct slots to correctly spell the word. There is a picture of the object they need to spell on each screen and your child can tap on the object to hear an audio recording of the word.There is a game wrapped around our spelling bee and the object of the game is to free our friend Blossom’s bee kingdom. You see Paris the Parasite has trapped 10 of Blossom’s leaders and to free them you must continue to spell words correctly.Note to Parents: We take you and your child’s privacy very seriously and want to let you know up front what our apps include and don’t include.Privacy Disclosure -Does not include analytics.-Does not include ads.-Does not include in-app purchases.-Does not include social network features.-Does not include any tracking.-Includes email link for feedback or questions about app. (Note: We do not share these emails with anyone. They are only stored on our server to keep track of the type of questions we are getting.)-Includes a link to our site (www.smartapps4kids.com) and a link to our other apps in the App Store.If you have any questions, please visit our site at http://www.smartapps4kids.com and submit an email to us.
アプリの説明:85円 ⇒ 0円 (85円 OFF)
### Game Center global multiplayer with VoiceChat ###
Multiplayer requirements
- Multiplayer requires iOS 4.1+ and Game Center.
- Multiplayer is supported 3G and WI-FI and Bluetooth.
YouTube : http://youtu.be/ZN06XLTvooM
"I found it engaging and just fun to play." - AppAdvice.com
Army Wars Defense 2
Trailer Movie : http://youtu.be/w8BNGp3ZHg8
Play Movie : http://youtu.be/AdlbqLMaRks
Monster Zombie 2: Undead Hunter Survival Defense Game for the iPhone and iPod Touch and iPad. This game is episode 2 of Monster Zombie Game Series.
1.forest -> 2.downtown -> 3.uptown -> 4.graveyard -> 5.army base
24 normal levels + 1 boss level each stage
Let's become the best undead hunter
26 normal types of units and 16 sub boss and 5 boss
24 normal types of weapon and 10 special weapon and 3 types of accessories
Enjoy the endless mode and integrated game center
Let's make the best character, through optimal distribution of status
アプリの説明:85円 ⇒ 0円 (85円 OFF)
On sale and free. Get it while it last.Look no further, here are the thousands bird image gallery, the ten of thousands of all types of bird and family and the ten of thousands easy access to linking and bookmarking. It come with easy and fast to search the whole collection of Bird. Not only that, it also categories and indexes it which make it easy to browse and skim through all categories. For every types of Bird, it has a direct link to popular search engine and popular photo and video sites. Then it have even more,it give you feature to bookmark every types of Bird and all interlinking site.Our others appsAmphibiahttp://itunes.apple.com/us/app/amphibia/id373737388?mt=8Mammalhttp://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mammal/id373737187?mt=8Elasmobranchii (ocean fish)http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/elasmobranchii/id373737156?mt=8Reptilehttp://itunes.apple.com/us/app/reptile/id373737172?mt=8Our thanks for some of the content/images/Info under cc-sa license for: Andrew Kraker,Snowmanradio
アプリの説明:350円 ⇒ 0円 (350円 OFF)
Treasure Navi navigates you to the most traditional stuffs in Japan.
アプリの説明:170円 ⇒ 85円 (85円 OFF)
ふわふわバニーかわいいバニーちゃんと遊ぶましょう!ここで彼らは!かわいい!かわいい!ふわふわバニー!今ジグソーパズルとして!あなたはこのパズルを解くことができますか?究極のジグソーパズルのエンターテイメント!すべての年齢のための楽しい!美しいふわふわバニーはiPad用ジグソーパズルのようにレンダリングされます。素晴らしい音楽。組み立てが簡単。オプションは、簡単に解決するようにします。iPad用1×81ピースふわふわバニーのジグソーパズル- ジグソーパズルの行を表示するには、グリッドオプション- パズルの画像を表示するには、イメージのオプション- 作品は、場所にスナップ- 素晴らしいオーディオと伴奏ふわふわバニーをお楽しみください!
アプリの説明:250円 ⇒ 170円 (80円 OFF)
Timesheet(er) time sheet is for you if➤ you are self employed, employed on a regular basis or just want to keep track of your time and projects➤ AND you want intuitive, fast and configurable user interface, have daily, weekly, monthly and overall overview, see statistics in pie chart, track your expenses, log time with time clock, export your data to Excel or PDF and do lot more★★★★★ average rating: 4.7 / 5.0 stars➤ over 70000 customers and growing➤ continuous development - 12 updates in last 12 monthsTime sheet / time tracking features: ★ Fast, flexible and configurable "NEW ENTRY", so you can easily put in the time sheet / timecard- Select your project, task, time start, time end, pause, details or just insert hours worked- or just select event from your iPhone Calendar as your time sheet entry - once inserted projects and tasks will be offered for selection - mark an entry as paid- hourly and daily rate- overtime★ configurable, daily, weekly, monthly and overall "OVERVIEW" of hours and earnings- OVERTIME (daily overtime, weekly overtime)- set the start day of the week- working time, amount earned and overtime will be calculated for day, week, month and for the whole project- you can navigate through months, delete or edit your time sheet entries. - you can configure overview look to meet your time keeping needs★ "STATISTICS" - Pie Chart for your time sheet projects and tasks - pie chart for your projects- pie chart for tasks in a project - detailed hours and earning statistics of your time sheet entries★ "EXPENSES" with day, week and month overview - to keep track your project expenses like milage, food, fuel, etc.- track your expanses by inserting a name, price, quantity, project, date and description- templates for expenses for fast insertion★ Battery saving "TIME CLOCK" as time tracker for your time sheet entries- time clock your entries with clock time in, clock time out, pause time clock, resume time clock and save your time sheet entry- battery saving (time clock is not working all the time, the time will be calculated, in that way time clock uses no iPhone resources)- simplest time logging user interface★ "EXPORT" of your time sheet entries and expenses as CSV (Excel), PDF and TXT file- Flexible and detailed E-Mail, Dropbox or iTunes export of your time sheet entries and expenses ★ Intelligent "IMPORT" from CSV File- use Excel to edit your data and import the edited CSV file- import CSV file from E-Mail attachment or from Dropbox- import predefined projects and tasks★ Backup / Restore your database - backup to E-Mail, Dropbox and iTunes - restore from E-Mail, Dropbox and iTunes ★ 8 Languages- english, german, french, italian, spanish, norwegian, swedish, danish★ lot of "SETTINGS" to configure the app for your needs- Project configurations (hour rate, overtime settings - weekly overtime, daily overtime)- default values for projects, task, start time, end time, pause, mail from, mail to- specify currency and time format (minutes:seconds or decimal time)- set week start day- sorting of time sheet entries and expenses in overview - etc.★ Constant support- Send E-Mail Button to report a problem or suggest new time sheet feature--------------------------------------------- If you have problems, need help or want to suggest new features we will be pleased to support you and implement new features.---------------------------------------------- Timesheet(er) time sheet / time track - probably the best time and project tracking app!
アプリの説明:350円 ⇒ 170円 (180円 OFF)
We are very proud to introduce the original FAA Aircraft Weight and Balance Handbook. This 98-page manual is designed in recognition of the importance of weight and balance technology in conducting safe and efficient flight. The objective of this handbook is twofold: to provide the Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic (A&P) with the method of determining the empty weight and empty-weight center of gravity (EWCG) of an aircraft, and to furnish the flight crew with information on loading and operating the aircraft to ensure its weight is within the allowable limit and the center of gravity (CG) is within the allowable range.This version offers multiple user-friendly features that make the reading experience very pleasant even in a small iPhone screen format. The presented features are:- Random Prayer Selection- Multi Level Zoom (+/_) for iPhone- Finger Swipe for Paging - Last Read Prayer Bookmark- User friendly help buttonThis application is designed natively for both iPad and iPhone therefore you experience superior quality regardless of the platform.
アプリの説明:85円 ⇒ 0円 (85円 OFF)
Simple and fun! Great adventure with a tap!
Tiny Jump, a simple and fun game. Player control a character jumping between planets, collect items to win high score. Jump angle is important to win high score, and Combo is the key too.
There is many characters in this game, each has a unique advantage, can help players to clear stage, and there is some more characters comming soon.
This game has a cute cartoon graphic, wondful sound effect and music, and Easy control. But, If you want get a high score, you need lots of practise.
Tiny Jump has joined Handfere. Through Handfere, players can compete others online. He also can watch Replays by other players or challenge them in arena.
If your score is high, you also can set a arena, waitting other player to challenge you.
★Easy gameplay, but interesting
★each character has a unique advantage, and more characters comming soon
★With Handfere, players can compete others online
★Challenge other players, watch their Replay, you will win a high score someday!
アプリの説明:170円 ⇒ 85円 (85円 OFF)
★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★50% Promotional Sales! Limited Time Only!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Oil & Gas Technical Terms is an application containing over 1400 oil & gas related glossary terms. It is an excellent educational and reference application for chemical engineers as well as professionals in the oil and gas industry.The application is optimized for iPad, iPhone4, iPhone 3G/3GS & iPod Touch.★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★FEATURESThis application has the following features:★ User friendly interface to preview all glossary terms in one view★ Ability to bookmark selected glossary for easier reference★ Cross-referencing links to other glossary★ A glossary search engine★ Offline browsing★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★138App.com is one of the leaders in developing iPhone applications. Check out our other Apps on App Store by searching for "138app.com" on the search box
アプリの説明:170円 ⇒ 85円 (85円 OFF)
一本关于健康的全方位实用指导读本,贴近广大人民群众的生活,具有很强的科学性和实用性。 书中内容涵盖了与人类健康息息相关的各个方面,具体分为了饮食与健康、睡眠与健康、运动与健康、保健与健廉、心理与健康、美容与健康、服饰与健康、疾病与健康、卫生与健康、两性与健康、用药与健康、急救与健康、家电与健康、环境与健康、旅游与健康等十五大章节,分类清晰简明,一目了然。每则健康细节的叙述都言简意赅、通俗易懂,让您在很短的时间内就能将健康细节的要点牢记在心。【目录说明】第1节:第一辑 饮食与健康(1)第2节:第一辑 饮食与健康(2)第3节:第一辑 饮食与健康(3)第4节:第一辑 饮食与健康(4)第5节:第一辑 饮食与健康(5)......第86节:第十五辑 旅游与健康(1)第87节:第十五辑 旅游与健康(2)第88节:第十五辑 旅游与健康(3)第89节:第十五辑 旅游与健康(4)第90节:第十五辑 旅游与健康(5)