More about me
After earning my degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley, I've specialized in developing backend systems in software roles.
Growing up in Illinois, I've had the privilege of nurturing my passion for math and science through multiple software roles, collaboratively tackling intricate challenges with my colleagues.
Stuff I've Done
University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA
Coursework: CS 188: Artificial Intelligence, CS 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, CS 168: Internet: Architecture and Protocols, CS 186: Database Systems, STAT C100: Principles of Data Science, IEOR 165: Engineering Statistics, Quality Control and Forecasting
University of California, Berkeley | Berkeley, CA
Deloitte StartUp UC Berkeley Case Competition: 3rd place, Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET) Certificate
Glenbrook North High School | Northbrook, IL
Berkeley Early Admit, National AP Scholar (2017), Illinois State Scholar (2017), Chicago Tribune Athlete of the Year (2016)
Spotify | Denver, CO
Carta | San Francisco, CA
Amazon | Seattle, WA
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