“Not everyone has to be literate, there are some great reasons for resisting language, and one of them is love.”
― No One Belongs Here More Than You
― No One Belongs Here More Than You

“Morning or evening, Friday or Sunday - it didn't matter, it was all the same - grinding, agonizing pain, never for a moment relenting; an awareness of life hopelessly slipping away but not yet gone; the same terrible, relentless approach of hateful death, the only reality; and still all that lying. With all of this, what did the days, weeks and hours matter?”
― The Death of Ivan Ilych
― The Death of Ivan Ilych

“You cannot engrave on water
nor wound it with a knife,
which is why
the river
has no fear
of memories.”
― Hayavadana
nor wound it with a knife,
which is why
the river
has no fear
of memories.”
― Hayavadana

“The place for literature is built by writers and readers. It’s a fragile place in some ways, but an indestructible one. When it’s broken, we rebuild it. Because we need shelter. I very much like the idea of literature that is needed. Literature that provides shelter. Shelter of all kinds.”
― Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction.
― Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction.

“Books come to stand for various episodes in our lives, for certain idealisms, follies of belief, moments of love. Along the way they accumulate our marks, our stains, our innocent abuses—they come to wear our experience of them on their covers and bindings like wrinkles on our skin.”
― The Clothing of Books: An Essay
― The Clothing of Books: An Essay
Sinch’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Sinch’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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