I used to watch this cartoon religiously and only recently remembered that I did so. Everyone has their favorite that they remember of course, mine was Bogey the Orangutan that always did the Humphrey Bogart impressions (shweethaaaht!!!) A group of helpful little animals that lived in a tree/secret hideout in a park. They would help kids in trouble, rescue when necessary and all on the down lo as to not give away their secret identities as the Shirt T-T-Tales. They all had different colored t-shirts that would all be identically colored when on a mission. But the shirts would always blink with an emotion for what they were talking about. Like if Pammy the panda was scared she would gasp and her shirt would blink OH-NO!!! or something like that. Mr Dinkle was the grounds keeper, park ranger or something that was always suspected there was something odd about the little critters in that tree but could never prove anything. It was a great show. I wish it was still on for my kids to watch now, much more appropriate than some other cartoons that are on these days.