






 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●Adobe pondering own iTunes(Macworld UK)
●The Macintosh 1984 ad and gender(Claudine Chionh)
●Creating Custom Brushes for Illustrator, Part 2(Creative Mac)
●Odds and Ends: llustrator CS only works properly in 'Applications' folder; Mac OS X disaster screens(MacFixIt)
●IBM、PowerPCプロセッサの90nmプロセス生産を開始--2.5GHz版から(CNET Japan)


 ●東京電力、電力線インターネットの実証実験について総務省に認可申請 (Internet Watch)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●A great 1987 Macintosh SE six-page Dealer Spec Sheet has been added to page four of the Advertising and Brochure Gallery!(The Mothership)
●Headless iMac: When Pigs Fly(Core Dump)
●MallMall Sells Pieces Of Virginia Tech G5 Supercomputer(MacCentral)
●Apple, IBM New G5 'Best Desktop Processor' (Macworld UK)
●DTP・印刷はどのように変容するべきか? PAGE2004に見る(ITmedia)
●NTT、切手サイズで容量1GBの光メモリの試作に成功 - 2005年の製品化へ(MYCOM PC WEB)


 ●Macomedia Ships Director MX 2004(MacCentral)
●優れたフリーウェアでコンピューターを護ろう(WIRED NEWS)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●Cider Press : Imposer Page Imposition Software for QuarkXPress and Adobe Indesign(MacReviewZone)
●Learning Adobe Photoshop CS for the Web(lynda.com)
●AppleScript Helps You Take A Load Off (USA Today)
●Five Ways To Make Your Maicntosh Existence A Happier One (Bill Palmer)
●Apple 20-inch iMac (ZDNet)
●IBook's qualities impress quickly(Washington Times)
●CorelDraw update released(CNET News.com)
●スマッシュヒットとなった、アップル社の『GarageBand』(WIRED NEWS)


 ●Why Mozilla Changed its Standalone Browser Name from Firebird to Firefox(Macs Only!)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●Illustrator CS(MacAddict)
●Poser 5 (MacAddict)
●ScanFont 4 (MacAddict)
●Carrara Studio 3(MacAddict)
●Building A Digital Magic Kingdom: As Technology And Entertainment Industries Converge, Jobs Finds Himself In A Favorable Position(San Francisco Chronicle)
●1.25GHz iMac(MacAddict)


 ●GoLive CS(MacAddict)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


●A computer love affair turns 20: Twenty years ago, Apple Computer heaved a sledgehammer into the face of the establishment with its revolutionary Macintosh.(Knight Ridder Tribune)
●The Return Of 'The Best Keyboard Apple Ever Made?' (Applelinks)
●Latest episode of NBC's 'Friends' mentions the Mac...and the Helvetica font (Mac Mischief)
●Some 'modern' technology is a lot older than you think(USA Today)
●This Blazing iMac Beauty Has Brawn To Spare(Houston Chronicle)
●Grid Computing Puts Licensing In Limbo(InfoWorld)


 ●Digital Hub: Animate Your World(Macworld)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●Panther Improves Classic (Low End Mac)
●Mac On The Go (PC Magazine)
●Apple's 20 years of revolution: The Apple Macintosh celebrated its 20th anniversary last week. It has been one of the most important machines of the computer revolution.(New Zealand InfoTech)
●The great communicator: The Macintosh is 20, much changed by its journey through time and tribulation, stronger now than it has been for years and, two decades on, still acknowledged as the great innovator.(The Age)
●Apple planning entrance into home-appliance market?(AppleInsider)


 ●Building A Better Browser: We've been using Firebird on both Windows XP and Apple Computer's ... Mac OS X for a couple of weeks now. The more we use it, the more we like it, and the less we feel the need to launch Explorer.(Forbes.com)
●The Fax Of Business Life(Forbes.com)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●Photoshop CS for the Web - three free video tutorials available (lynda.com)
●Illustrator CS How-to: Design a Business Card in 15 Minutes(creativepro.com))
●Apple's 20 years of revolution(Sydney Morning Herald)


 ●The Safari Report: Let's Do it Again(The Mac Night Owl)
●View PDFs directly in Apple's Safari with free 'PDF Browser Plugin'(MacDailyNews)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●Supercomputer in the works...'Apple Computer Inc. is again teaming with Virginia Tech'(Associated Press)
●Mac turns 20(Computerworld New Zealand)
●Adobe InDesign CS PageMaker Edition Now Available(creativepro)


 ●What Dean's demise tells me about the Internet(MacNETv2)
●クローン携帯の可能性 (1/2)(ITmedia)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)


 ●event & seminar

 ●「新聞広告デジタル制作・送稿ガイド Ver1.0」PDF(日本広告業協会)
●ヒラギノOpenType情報 Webサイトで公表(大日本スクリーン)


 ●The Ad Lineup: It has been 20 years since Apple Computer turned the Super Bowl of football into the Super Bowl of advertising.(Silicon Valley)
●Adobe lends an ear(The Advertiser)
●Quick Tips in Design/Part 7: Type as Shape(ATPM)
●Turning a Photograph Into a Piece of Art Using Photoshop(billpalmer.net)
●Color Replacement in Photoshop CS(Creative Mac)
●"If it Ain't Broke...": Why Users Hang on to OS 9(Insanely Great Mac)
●OS X Without Tears(PC World)
●Heavy Metal Madness: Macintosh, Mackintosh, or McIntosh?(creativepro)


 ●Mozilla Extensions: indispensible utilities for web designers(Web Page Design for Designers)
●CSS From the Ground Up: a very good place to start!(Web Page Design for Designers)

 ●soft ware

 ●Trial Version of Adobe Photoshop CS / ImageReady CS available(Adobe) PC: 152MB | Mac: 249MB
●Trial Version of Adobe GoLive CS available(Adobe)PC: 104MB | Mac: 121MB
●イラレの鬼MX 1.0.3新らし物好きのダウンロード
●Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 日本語版 ●SVG Viewer 3J ●AdobePS 8.8J(Adobe)

 ●cool site

 ●PhotoBox YAS(印刷可能なサイズ(解像度350dpi)の写真素材を無料で提供)
 ●コムネット(Illustrator Plug-In


 ●Book Review - Adobe Photoshop 7 Web Design with GoLive 6(MyMac)
