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The Unexpected Results of One Year of Books in Data

Every year, when I get started on my reading goal, I never know what books I will end up choosing to read. Sure, I can have a general sense of my interests at the time and maybe there are a select few books that I have a strong intention of reading, but every year I end up being surprised by my choices. As a result, I decided to collect data about the 31 books that I completed in 2024. Let's see what patterns we can find!  After creating this infographic, I have more insight into what books I tend to reach for off of my shelf. For 2025, I plan on being more intentional when selecting books to make sure that I have a wide diversity when it comes to authors and perspectives. Maybe I will read a book written by a Gen Z . 😜 But in all seriousness, the media that we consume shapes our worldview and influences our values. It's important to reflect upon whose biases and ideas may be shaping your own.  My Top 10 Recommended Reads of 2024 Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Chi...

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