Standards and best practices for the Multilingual Web



    W3C Workshop
    Data, content and services for the Multilingual Web

    29 April 2015, Riga, Latvia

    New! Report published

    2015 Riga Workshop

    Workshop Report with slides, video, IRC notes

    See reports, slides, video clips, blogs, photos, CFP, etc. for past workshops

    i18n Checker Tool

    Get information about your web pages and check them for internationalization issues using the i18n Checker.


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    i18n Activity Find out about the W3C Internationalization Activity.

    Icons from Komodo Media and Paul Robert Lloyd

    Project funding

    The LIDER project is funded by the European Commission through the FP7 Grant Agreement No. 610782.

    The MultilingualWeb-LT project is funded by the European Commission through the FP7 Grant Agreement No. 287815 (project name LT-Web).

    The MultilingualWeb project, April 2010-March 2012, was funded by the European Commission through the ICT PSP Grant Agreement No. 250500, and as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme.

    European Commission