-水野 貴明 著 / 詳解RSS RSSを利用したサービスの理論と実践
--一通り載っていて手元に置いておきたい資料。英語の仕様書が読める人なら要らないのかもしれないけど (でも、周辺技術とかもまとまっていて助かる!)。
-RSS(RDF Site Summary)によるサイト情報の要約と公開
-The Atom Project - Atomとは何か: RSSやXML-RPCとの比較、そしてAtomAPIの使い方まで
-RSS 2.0 Specification
-RSS 2.0 Specification 日本語訳 - futomi's CGI Cafe
-RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0
-RSS 0.92
-RSS 0.91 Spec, revision 3
-My Netscape Network - RSS 0.90 Specification
-RFC4287: The Atom Syndication Format
-The Atom Syndication Format 0.3 (PRE-DRAFT)
-Atom - RSS改訂の試み
-Web / Authoring / Languages / XML / RSS - WebReference.com
--パッケージ名が com.sun ではじまるので標準ライブラリに近い扱いになるかも。
-Apache Jakarta FeedParser
-Feed Parser
-JMdRdf(Java Midori Rdf)
--->ノンプログラミングで HTMLからRDF/RSSを自動生成&HTMLにRDF/RSSを貼り付け
-Apache Abdera
--->AliBaba is a RESTful subject-oriented client/server library for distributed persistence of files and data using RDF metadata. AliBaba is the beta version of the next generation of the Elmo codebase. It is a collection of modules that provide simplified RDF store abstractions to accelerate development and facilitate application maintenance.
-YARFRAW - Yet Another RSS Feed Reader Appender Writer API - About
-oroboro > about
--->Oroboro is a lightweight Java RDF processing framework. Its design focuses on rule-based data extraction and integration tasks involving moderate datasets, targeting common use cases while striving to remain as simple and flexible as possible.
-feed4j - a Java feed parsing library (supporting both RSS and Atom)
--->feed4j is a feed parser library for the Java 2 platform. With feed4j you can parse XML feeds in several formats and handle them within your Java application through the feed object representation given by the library. Supported XML feed formats are: RSS 1.0 (plus Dublin Core extensions), RSS 2.0 (which includes also RSS 0.91 and RSS 0.92), Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0 (IETF standard).
-RSS Parser
-Ruby RSS
-Universal Feed Parser
-Ultra-liberal RSS parser (rssparser.py)
--Ultra-liberal RSS parser [dive into mark]: http://diveintomark.org/archives/2002/08/13/ultraliberal_rss_parser
-Zope.org - RDFSummary - display RSS files
-W3C Feed Validation Service, for Atom and RSS