Robin Sloan,
a fiction writer

I’m the author of Moonbound, Sourdough, and Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, pub­lished by MCD×FSG in the United States, Tokyo Sogensha in Japan, and many others around the world. I am also … 

Here are today’s counts of e-book holds for my novels at public libraries across the U.S.:

Moonbound:... Sourdough:... Penumbra:...

My newsletter goes out every 29 ½ days. It ranges widely, across books and media and modern life, and I always try to make it feel like a note from a friend.

I’ve pub­lished a lot of mate­rial across a few dif­ferent internet eras. Here’s a direc­tory of what’s avail­able on this web­site and elsewhere.


Newsletter archives



Special projects

Short stories

Notable essays

The waybacklist

This web­site was most recently updated on January 16, 2025.

If you’re here because you are curious about my writing and/or thinking, I encourage you to start with my novels. They’re avail­able wher­ever books can be pur­chased or borrowed. The audio­book edi­tions are great, too.

Thanks for stopping by!