ROR - Structured Feeds 

"So Search Engines Can Understand Your Content!"

ROR format


What is ROR?

Sample ROR feeds   ROR Blog
ROR Websites   ROR Submission
ROR Providers (updated)   ROR Generator
ROR Terms (updated)   Sitemap Generator

Meaningfuel project

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ROR Articles:

- Help search engines get smarter!
- How to Create a ROR feed
    - in RDF format
    - in RSS format

Sample ROR feeds
Here are some sample ROR feeds. ROR feeds currently come in two formats RDF and RSS 2.0:

ROR feeds Format
- Main feed (ror.xml) RDF RSS
- Products feed RDF RSS
- Articles feed RDF RSS
- Events feed RDF RSS
- Reviews feed RDF RSS
- Sitemap feed RDF RSS
- Feeds feed RDF RSS
- Jobs feed RDF RSS
- Classifieds feed RDF RSS
- Properties feed RDF RSS
- People feed RDF RSS
- Songs feed RDF RSS
- more types    

What is ROR?

ROR (Resources of a Resource) is a rapidly growing independant XML format for describing any object of your content in a generic fashion, so any search engine can better understand that content. RORweb.com is the official ROR website.

ROR promotes the concept of structured feeds (which is related to the concept of structured blogging) enabling search engines to complement text search with structured information to better understand meaning. ROR information is typically stored in a ROR feed called ror.xml placed in your website's main directory. Unlike Google Base, ROR feeds can be easily accessed by all search engines: at http://www.your-website-name.com/ror.xml

You can think of your ROR feed as a powerful structured feed for describing all your objects to the search engines: products, services, reviews, discounts, images, events, schedule, podcasts, anything you want.

The current object types and attributes of the ROR format can be found here. We are working with several companies and individuals in defining new object types and attributes for everyone to use. If you want to participate in this effort (i.e. submit a schema, suggest new types and attributes), please contact us at the email address above.

As we expand the ROR format, our goal is to re-use exisisting data structures and formats as much as possible.

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Feed Generator
Sitemap Generator


May 8th
Xtreeme.com Supports ROR Sitemaps

March 7th
Convert a Froogle feed into a ROR product feed

January 20th
Introducing the Meaningfuel.org

January 2nd
ROR Feed Generator enhanced

December 21st
ROR Sitemaps readable by ALL search engines

December 21st
xFX JumpStart's DHTML Menu Builder supports ROR

December 2nd
ROR Suggest - add your own object types

November 28th
Trellian.com's new SEO Toolkit 2.0 supports ROR

November 23rd
here is also a big philosophical difference between Google Base and ROR...
November 17th
Google Base is now live. We are shocked to see how similar it is to ROR.

November 1st
ROR Sitemap Generator can be co-branded

October 26th
Google is acknow-ledging the need for structured indexing with Google Base
, a concept similar to ROR


Monetize your content

Indexing structured content

Stylish Javascript menu / DHTML menu solutions

Dynamic menus and sitemaps for your site

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