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Logging Application
Behavior to MongoDB	

       Robert Stewart	



•  Why Log to MongoDB?	

•  Logging Library Basics	

•  Logging by Language	

•  Other Ways to Distribute Your Logging
Why Log to MongoDB?	

•  Centralized application logging	

•  Easy remote access, compared to files	

•  Log events good fit for document model	

•  Flexible schema	

•  Indexes for frequent queries	

•  Capped collections are very efficient	

•  Analyze data in-place with JavaScript MapReduce
Event Storage	

•  Create a database for your app	

•  Create a capped collection to store log events	

  •  Time-based eviction more natural, but less efficient	

  •  Capped collection reduces chance of filling up disk
Log Analysis	

•  Compared to files, easier to analyze app behavior
  across servers and days	

•  Log values to custom keys where possible	

•  JavaScript MapReduce
Miscellaneous Free Advice	

     •  Take advantage of separating storage
       from presentation	

     •  Be aware of which classes your
       Mongo driver knows how to BSONify	

     •  If logging from multiple languages,
       sticking to Log4Lang family can help
Logging Library Basics	

•  Some provide API with pluggable implementation	

•  Configuration	

  •  Programmatic	

  •  Declarative	

  •  Dynamic
Logging Concepts	

•  Named, Hierarchical Logger Objects	

  •  Identify a class or an area of an app	

•  Log Level, e.g., error, warn, info, debug	

  •  Thresholds determine if event is logged	

•  Logging Event	

  •  The message	

  •  Metadata, e.g., time, level, class, method, line
Logging Concepts	

•  Handler - determines event destination	

  •  File, console, socket, email, syslog, MongoDB, etc.	

  •  Handler level threshold	

  •  Async vs. sync	

•  Filter - for logger and/or handler	

•  Formatter - event and message	

  •  Pattern with placeholder tokens
Common Flow for Logging	

        App calls	

             For each handler: freak out )	

                                       Is handler

         Is logger                      enabled?	






                                        filter, if
         Passes                          any?	

         filter, if      Yes	



                                   Format and store event	


•  Good news - lots of client language bindings
  and logging libraries for MongoDB	

•  Mostly good news - Log4J very influential	

•  Sort of bad news - default log event formats
  can be very different
Logging by Language	

•  Java	

•  Python	

•  Ruby	

•  PHP	

•  C#

•  APIs	

  •  Apache Commons Logging	

  •  SLF4J 	

•  java.util.logging, a.k.a., JUL	

  •  Limited feature set 	

  •  Destinations - console, file, socket, memory	

  •  JVM-level config

•  Apache Log4J is dominant logging library	

•  Logback is potential successor	

•  Logger - usually, represents class logging the event	

•  LoggingEvent - message and metadata	

•  Appender - sends LoggingEvent to destination	

•  Layout - formats the event	

  •  Converter - convert placeholder to value

•  Set of Log4J Appenders for MongoDB	


•  Open source project on GitHub	

•  I m a committer with Peter Monks and Jozef Šev ík 	

•  I used it at Voxify with speech reco applications and
  infrastructure services	

•  Peter has used it at Alfresco

•  Stores a Log4J LoggingEvent object as a
  document in a collection	

•  Format is very similar to structure of
  LoggingEvent Java class	

•  Where possible, data is stored as appropriate
  BSON objects, rather than just strings

 •  Stores log event based on user-specified pattern	

 •  Standard Log4J pattern layout, parser and
   converter functionality	

 •  Very flexible formatting at cost of additional config	

 •  Values stored as strings or arrays 	

 •  Custom values determined at time event is logged

•  Custom log format by extending BsonAppender	

•  Can use it to log BSON objects to other data

•  Includes code for BSONifying Java exceptions
Enabling log4mongo-java	

• Associate a name with an appender implementation	

log4j.appender.MongoDB = org.log4mongo.MongoDbAppender!

• Specify host (optional port, username and
  password). For replica set, specify all active hosts.	

log4j.appender.MongoDB.hostname = localhost	

• Specify database and collection	

log4j.appender.MongoDB.databaseName = app_name	

log4j.appender.MongoDB.collectionName = log  	

• Add named appender to rootLogger list	

log4j.rootLogger = INFO, file, MongoDB
Using Pattern Layout

• Specify pattern layout appender	

log4j.appender.MongoDB = org.log4mongo.MongoDbPatternLayoutAppender	

• Specify	

log4j.appender.MongoDB.layout = com.voxify.log.log4j.MongoDBPatternLayout

• Specify a conversion pattern	

   •  Must be a valid JSON document	

   •  Can have sub-documents	

   •  Values can be strings or arrays	

log4j.appender.MongoDB.layout.ConversionPattern = {"ts":"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}",
Shell and Tail
In the Shell	

> use app_name
switched to db app_name

> db.log.findOne()
    "_id" : ObjectId("4c200c4d28cf037460e82363"),
    "ts" : "2010-10-21 18:05:17,237",
    "level" : "INFO",
    "class" : "NodeFlagGenerator",
    "message" : "Generating me some node flags”
Recent Log Events	

If using mongo 1.9.1+, put useful functions like this in .mongorc.js

> function last(count) {

       if (count==null) count = 1;

       return db.log.find({}, {_id:0}).sort({ts:-1}).limit(count);


> last(2)

{ "ts" : "2010-10-28 23:49:14,567", "level" : "INFO", "session" :
"122", "class" : "Site", "message" : "uninformative message" }

{ "ts" : "2010-10-28 23:49:14,566", "level" : "INFO", "session" :
"122", "class" : "Site", "message" : "some info kind of message" }
Tailing Logs	

•  You’ll really miss ability to tail logfiles	

•  Or, ... will you?	

•  MongoDB offers tailable cursors	

•  Specify cursor, e.g., from find, as tailable	

•  While cursor alive, print new docs then sleep
Python Tailing Example 	

from pymongo import Connection
import time

db = Connection().my_db
coll = db.my_collection
cursor = coll.find(tailable=True)
while cursor.alive:
         doc =
         print doc
    except StopIteration:

•  Feature-rich logging module in Python 2.3	

•  Influenced by Log4J

•  Logger - represents area of library or project	

•  LogRecord	

•  Handler	

•  Filter	

•  Formatter	

•  LoggerAdapter (2.6) - add contextual info

•  Python logging handler to log to MongoDB	

•  Stores dictionary directly as BSON doc	


• Similar design to log4mongo PHP and .NET

• Example programmatic handler config and usage:	

import logging
from log4mongo.handlers import MongoHandler

logger = logging.getLogger('test')



•  Built-in Logger library	

•  Limited feature set	

•  Console and file outputs	

•  Message format is fixed	

•  Datetime format is configurable

•  Influenced by Log4J	

  •  Logger	

  •  Outputter	

  •  Formatter	

  •  Configurator	


•  Code for using Log4r with MongoMapper	


•  Similar to Log4r with a few enhancements	

•  Supports JSON as output format	


•  Rails plugin which uses Rails Logger, which can use
  Ruby Logger, Log4r, etc.	

•  Logs a single document per request	

  •  IP address, time, etc.	

  •  All messages logged during request	

  •  Custom request data	

•  Configure via database.yml	

Central Logger	

•  Forked from mongo_db_logger	

•  Added Rails 3 support and gemified	

•  Web UI for searching, filtering and analyzing logs	

•  Configure via database.yml                        (or mongoid.yml or central_logger.yml)	




•  Based on central_logger	

•  Different web UI for searching, filtering and
  analyzing logs	

•  Configure via database.yml

                              (or mongoid.yml or


•  error_log() logs to file, email address or
  system logger (e.g., syslog or NT EventLog)	

•  Log4PHP - heavily influenced by Log4J 	

•  PEAR Log - PHP-specific logging library	

•  Zend_Log - Logging for Zend Framework

•  Log4PHP appender	

•  Programmatic & declarative config	

•  Timestamp stored as Mongo Date	

•  Exception stored as array - msg, code, stacktrace	

•  Inner exception stored if available	


•  PEAR Log class - lots of handlers (Firebug!), but
  none yet for MongoDB	

•  Programmatic config	

•  Specify handler when creating logger object	

•  Composite handler for multiple destinations	

Log Writer for Zend

•  Project - Recordshelf_Log_Writer_MongoDb	

•  Described as a prototypesque implementation 	

•  Standard Zend tools to config and init	

•  Zend log event is associative array	

•  Project has code for accessing  filtering events	


•  Log4net	

•  Heavily influenced by Log4J	


•  Uses community developed C# driver, but may
  move to official driver	

•  Tested with .NET 3.5+ and Mono 2.8	

•  Standard App.config/Web.config or programmatic	

Other Options	

•  Destinations include MongoDB	

  •  Flume, logstash, Fluentd	

•  Primary Destination is HDFS	

  •  Chukwa and Scribe	

•  Commercial Hosted	

  •  Loggly 	

•  Commercial On-Premise	

  •  Splunk

•  If you can t change the source of logs ...	

•  Can aggregate files, syslog, etc.	

•  Agent -- Collector -- Storage	

•  Storage plugins for HDFS, MongoDB, etc.	

•  Decorators transform data  extract metadata	



•  Chukwa, Honu and Scribe more HDFS-centric

•  Log event storage, search and graphing	

•  Read from file, syslog, AMQP, tcp, etc.	

•  Store to ElasticSearch, AMQP queue,
  websockets, MongoDB, etc.	



•  Ruby-based open source log collector	

•  Input, output and buffer plug-ins	

•  For example, plug-ins for tailing Apache log files
     and storing log events to MongoDB	




•  Photo/Image Credits	

  •    Log analysis - 	

  •    Don’t Stop Believing -	

  •    Homeland Security Advisory System -,1258/	

  •    Advice -	

  •    Shell -	

  •    Tail -	

  •    Log flume -	

  •    Cufflinks -

More Related Content

Logging Application Behavior to MongoDB

  • 1. Logging Application Behavior to MongoDB Robert Stewart @wombatnation 1/1/2012
  • 2. TOC •  Why Log to MongoDB? •  Logging Library Basics •  Logging by Language •  Other Ways to Distribute Your Logging
  • 3. Why Log to MongoDB? •  Centralized application logging •  Easy remote access, compared to files •  Log events good fit for document model •  Flexible schema •  Indexes for frequent queries •  Capped collections are very efficient •  Analyze data in-place with JavaScript MapReduce
  • 4. Event Storage •  Create a database for your app •  Create a capped collection to store log events •  Time-based eviction more natural, but less efficient •  Capped collection reduces chance of filling up disk
  • 5. Log Analysis •  Compared to files, easier to analyze app behavior across servers and days •  Log values to custom keys where possible •  JavaScript MapReduce
  • 6. Miscellaneous Free Advice •  Take advantage of separating storage from presentation •  Be aware of which classes your Mongo driver knows how to BSONify •  If logging from multiple languages, sticking to Log4Lang family can help
  • 7. Logging Library Basics •  Some provide API with pluggable implementation •  Configuration •  Programmatic •  Declarative •  Dynamic
  • 8. Logging Concepts •  Named, Hierarchical Logger Objects •  Identify a class or an area of an app •  Log Level, e.g., error, warn, info, debug •  Thresholds determine if event is logged •  Logging Event •  The message •  Metadata, e.g., time, level, class, method, line
  • 9. Logging Concepts •  Handler - determines event destination •  File, console, socket, email, syslog, MongoDB, etc. •  Handler level threshold •  Async vs. sync •  Filter - for logger and/or handler •  Formatter - event and message •  Pattern with placeholder tokens
  • 10. Common Flow for Logging App calls For each handler: freak out ) Is handler info No Is logger enabled? info No enabled? Yes Passes Yes No filter, if Passes any? filter, if Yes Yes any? Format and store event No
  • 11. Polyglotism •  Good news - lots of client language bindings and logging libraries for MongoDB •  Mostly good news - Log4J very influential •  Sort of bad news - default log event formats can be very different
  • 12. Logging by Language •  Java •  Python •  Ruby •  PHP •  C#
  • 13. Java •  APIs •  Apache Commons Logging •  SLF4J •  java.util.logging, a.k.a., JUL •  Limited feature set •  Destinations - console, file, socket, memory •  JVM-level config
  • 14. Log4J •  Apache Log4J is dominant logging library •  Logback is potential successor •  Logger - usually, represents class logging the event •  LoggingEvent - message and metadata •  Appender - sends LoggingEvent to destination •  Layout - formats the event •  Converter - convert placeholder to value
  • 15. Log4mongo-java •  Set of Log4J Appenders for MongoDB • •  Open source project on GitHub •  I m a committer with Peter Monks and Jozef Šev ík •  I used it at Voxify with speech reco applications and infrastructure services •  Peter has used it at Alfresco
  • 16. MongoDbAppender •  Stores a Log4J LoggingEvent object as a document in a collection •  Format is very similar to structure of LoggingEvent Java class •  Where possible, data is stored as appropriate BSON objects, rather than just strings
  • 17. MongoDbPatternLayoutAppender •  Stores log event based on user-specified pattern •  Standard Log4J pattern layout, parser and converter functionality •  Very flexible formatting at cost of additional config •  Values stored as strings or arrays •  Custom values determined at time event is logged
  • 18. BsonAppender •  Custom log format by extending BsonAppender •  Can use it to log BSON objects to other data stores •  Includes code for BSONifying Java exceptions
  • 19. Enabling log4mongo-java • Associate a name with an appender implementation log4j.appender.MongoDB = org.log4mongo.MongoDbAppender! • Specify host (optional port, username and password). For replica set, specify all active hosts. log4j.appender.MongoDB.hostname = localhost • Specify database and collection log4j.appender.MongoDB.databaseName = app_name log4j.appender.MongoDB.collectionName = log • Add named appender to rootLogger list log4j.rootLogger = INFO, file, MongoDB
  • 20. Using Pattern Layout Appender • Specify pattern layout appender log4j.appender.MongoDB = org.log4mongo.MongoDbPatternLayoutAppender • Specify  your  custom  Pa2ernLayout  class   log4j.appender.MongoDB.layout = com.voxify.log.log4j.MongoDBPatternLayout • Specify a conversion pattern •  Must be a valid JSON document •  Can have sub-documents •  Values can be strings or arrays log4j.appender.MongoDB.layout.ConversionPattern = {"ts":"%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS}", "level":"%p","class":"%c{1}","message":"%m"}
  • 22. In the Shell > use app_name switched to db app_name > db.log.findOne() { "_id" : ObjectId("4c200c4d28cf037460e82363"), "ts" : "2010-10-21 18:05:17,237", "level" : "INFO", "class" : "NodeFlagGenerator", "message" : "Generating me some node flags” }
  • 23. Recent Log Events If using mongo 1.9.1+, put useful functions like this in .mongorc.js > function last(count) { if (count==null) count = 1; return db.log.find({}, {_id:0}).sort({ts:-1}).limit(count); } > last(2) { "ts" : "2010-10-28 23:49:14,567", "level" : "INFO", "session" : "122", "class" : "Site", "message" : "uninformative message" } { "ts" : "2010-10-28 23:49:14,566", "level" : "INFO", "session" : "122", "class" : "Site", "message" : "some info kind of message" }
  • 24. Tailing Logs •  You’ll really miss ability to tail logfiles •  Or, ... will you? •  MongoDB offers tailable cursors •  Specify cursor, e.g., from find, as tailable •  While cursor alive, print new docs then sleep
  • 25. Python Tailing Example from pymongo import Connection import time db = Connection().my_db coll = db.my_collection cursor = coll.find(tailable=True) while cursor.alive: try: doc = print doc except StopIteration: time.sleep(1)
  • 26. Python •  Feature-rich logging module in Python 2.3 •  Influenced by Log4J
  • 27. Components •  Logger - represents area of library or project •  LogRecord •  Handler •  Filter •  Formatter •  LoggerAdapter (2.6) - add contextual info
  • 28. mongodb-log •  Python logging handler to log to MongoDB •  Stores dictionary directly as BSON doc •
  • 29. log4mongo-python • Similar design to log4mongo PHP and .NET appenders • Example programmatic handler config and usage: import logging from log4mongo.handlers import MongoHandler logger = logging.getLogger('test') logger.addHandler(MongoHandler(host='localhost')) logger.warning('test') • •
  • 30. Ruby •  Built-in Logger library •  Limited feature set •  Console and file outputs •  Message format is fixed •  Datetime format is configurable
  • 31. Log4r •  Influenced by Log4J •  Logger •  Outputter •  Formatter •  Configurator • •  Code for using Log4r with MongoMapper •
  • 32. Logging •  Similar to Log4r with a few enhancements •  Supports JSON as output format •
  • 33. mongo_db_logger •  Rails plugin which uses Rails Logger, which can use Ruby Logger, Log4r, etc. •  Logs a single document per request •  IP address, time, etc. •  All messages logged during request •  Custom request data •  Configure via database.yml •
  • 34. Central Logger •  Forked from mongo_db_logger •  Added Rails 3 support and gemified •  Web UI for searching, filtering and analyzing logs •  Configure via database.yml (or mongoid.yml or central_logger.yml) • • •
  • 35. MongodbLogger •  Based on central_logger •  Different web UI for searching, filtering and analyzing logs •  Configure via database.yml mongodb_logger.yml) (or mongoid.yml or •
  • 36. PHP •  error_log() logs to file, email address or system logger (e.g., syslog or NT EventLog) •  Log4PHP - heavily influenced by Log4J •  PEAR Log - PHP-specific logging library •  Zend_Log - Logging for Zend Framework
  • 37. Log4mongo-php •  Log4PHP appender •  Programmatic & declarative config •  Timestamp stored as Mongo Date •  Exception stored as array - msg, code, stacktrace •  Inner exception stored if available •
  • 38. PEAR Log •  PEAR Log class - lots of handlers (Firebug!), but none yet for MongoDB •  Programmatic config •  Specify handler when creating logger object •  Composite handler for multiple destinations •
  • 39. Log Writer for Zend •  Project - Recordshelf_Log_Writer_MongoDb •  Described as a prototypesque implementation •  Standard Zend tools to config and init •  Zend log event is associative array •  Project has code for accessing filtering events •
  • 40. C#/.NET •  Log4net •  Heavily influenced by Log4J •
  • 41. Log4mongo-net •  Uses community developed C# driver, but may move to official driver •  Tested with .NET 3.5+ and Mono 2.8 •  Standard App.config/Web.config or programmatic •
  • 42. Other Options •  Destinations include MongoDB •  Flume, logstash, Fluentd •  Primary Destination is HDFS •  Chukwa and Scribe •  Commercial Hosted •  Loggly •  Commercial On-Premise •  Splunk
  • 43. Flume •  If you can t change the source of logs ... •  Can aggregate files, syslog, etc. •  Agent -- Collector -- Storage •  Storage plugins for HDFS, MongoDB, etc. •  Decorators transform data extract metadata • • •  Chukwa, Honu and Scribe more HDFS-centric
  • 44. logstash •  Log event storage, search and graphing •  Read from file, syslog, AMQP, tcp, etc. •  Store to ElasticSearch, AMQP queue, websockets, MongoDB, etc. • •
  • 45. Fluentd •  Ruby-based open source log collector •  Input, output and buffer plug-ins •  For example, plug-ins for tailing Apache log files and storing log events to MongoDB • fluentd-and-mongodb • •
  • 46. Questions? •  Photo/Image Credits •  Log analysis - •  Don’t Stop Believing - •  Homeland Security Advisory System -,1258/ •  Advice - •  Shell - •  Tail - •  Log flume - •  Cufflinks -